This was a special car chase with a heroic ending, well quite literally. Cops in Los Angeles were chasing a suspected car thief who, after crashing the stolen BMW car in traffic, attempted to run away in his skateboard when he was blocked by a Good Samaritan in a red pickup truck. The truck driver was the famous reality TV personality Lou Pizarro, the star of Operation Repo in his famous red pickup truck he uses on the show! He made a hard right turn to pin the thief up against a fence until cops arrived to nab him.
The interesting part was that no one recognized him due to his extreme weight loss – he has lost about 150 pounds after undergoing lap band surgery. “I seen the guy running with a skateboard in his hand, and he’s running from the cops, they’re like right on him, there’s about six or seven cops, and he got on his skateboard and he started moving, and it was just instinct just to block the guy off, slow him down a little bit. That’s all I could do,” Pizarro told ABC7.
Watch the car chase with a filmy twist below:
What a good guy.
The world will see who we are. We do not kill the innocent, defenseless people of our society. The pigs of radical islam shall be expecting us soon. We Are Anonymous. Expect Us
Not everyone has time enough to waste watching television. Why is it news that he was not recognized? I have no idea who he is.