Mike Pence recently told a news station that some of the laws which he considers to be anti-Christian will be repealed as soon as possible.
Donald Trump might claim that he’s LGBT-friendly – especially after waving a “gay pride” flag at a rally in Colorado, but his actions suggest otherwise. Over the course of his campaign, Donald Trump has taken just about every anti-LGBT position possible. ThinkProgress points out that not only did he promise to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn marriage equality, he also backslid on protecting trans people from discrimination. Additionally, he announced that he would sign the First Amendment Defense Act, a federal bill that will legalize various forms of anti-LGBT discrimination. The only offering Donald Trump has offered to the diverse and often ridiculed community was the post-Orlando homo-nationalist promise to defeat “radical Islam.”
Knowing this, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that soon-to-be Vice President Mike Pence recently confirmed that the Trump campaign will be largely anti-LGBT. During an interview with Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family (a homophobic Christian radio station), Pence promised that some laws which he considers to be anti-Christian will be repealed as soon as possible.
In addition to restating his commitment to abolishing birth control mandates, he announced that the bathroom choice protection for Transgender people is likely to be repealed. In the past, the future Vice President said that he’d like to defund Planned Parenthood and overturn Roe vs Wade, the landmark decision legalizing abortion. It’s for this reason women’s rights activists are suggesting females invest in a form of birth control that will outlast Trump’s presidency, such as an IUD.
The Christian Post, an anti-LGBT publication, reported on the interview after receiving a copy of the audio file in advance. Reportedly, Pence says that before everything else, he’s a Christian, and that legislation allowing for abortions and LGBT rights is against his beliefs. He said,
“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican … in that order.”
Inquisitor reports that he then elaborated on what a Trump-Pence administration will mean to the American people:
“The Trump-Pence administration will be dedicated to preserving the liberties of our people, including the freedom of religion that’s enshrined in our Bill of Rights.”
Regarding transgender bathroom policies, Pence says that both he and Donald Trump believe that concerns about which bathrooms transgender students should use should be “resolved” at the local level. He mentioned that children’s “safety” and “privacy” should be priorities in these directions.
“Washington has no business intruding on the operation of our local schools,” he said.
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You want to post this now? After you helped him get elected?!!? You posted so many ridiculous and exaggerated stories about Hillary and her stupid fucking emails, this is the result of your ignorant actions. Fuck you guys. You’re no better than any other new outlet. Promote the drama for views and shares regardless of the truth, false equivalency or threat to society. Fuck you. You’ve done your part to destroy our country. Hope the sellout was worth the cost.
It will be ;), if you open your mind a little.
I don’t see how putting school issues back in the hands of the local taxpayers who fund them is anti anyone but big government. Anything that reduces the size and power of the federal government is OK with me. As for abortion….If abortion was legal in “63, I wouldn’t be here so my mother and the married guy she was screwing wouldn’t have to face what they did. Unless you can justify my murder to me, then STFU you have no right to an opinion. Only the aborted and those saved by it being illegal have enough information to form an intelligent opinion. Think about this. If abortion were legal in 1940 when so many women got pregnant by men not coming home…….Would YOU be here right now? How about your mate?Abortion should be an extreme solution, not birth control, and I believe in zero population growth, but not by abortion.
The ignorance in those statements is astounding
Proof? Recorded audio? Recorded video? Or is this just another anti Trump whiner feeling all butt hurt?
Donald Trump believes in a limited Federal Government. He believes that the Obama Administration has greatly overstepped the rule of law, particularly in the area of social issues. The truth is, the Federal government has no jurisdiction over social issues. These things should be decided by the states. He believes in religious liberty, and that the Christian’s rights have been trampled. He will allow for their free speech again, by repealing the Johnson Amendment. He has said so. He has said that he believes it is his job as POTUS to keep every American safe. He knows that it is the goal of radical Islam to murder homosexuals. He knows that Obama has brought thousands of them into this country, with no regard for the safety of homosexuals. In this sense, Trump is the best thing that could have happened to gays. He will not however, allow the homosexual agenda to be forced on Christians against their will. So there you have it gays…you might not be able to bully Christians into making a wedding cake, but at least you can keep your head.