by Amanda Froelich at trueactivist.com
Should religious institutions pay taxes? If they have entered the hospitality sector and are exploiting a legal loophole, says Pope Francis, then absolutely!
Should churches be tax exempt? There’s no easy – or clear – answer to this question, as not all religious institutions (or the people behind them), are the same.
Pope Francis’ opinion on the matter, however, might surprise you.
Right before his trip to America, Pope Francis spoke with a Portuguese Catholic broadcaster and discussed the need for Christians to fight the temptation of the ‘God of Money’.
According to the Catholic leader, too many institutions have opted to enter into the hospitality industry while exploiting a legal loophole in order to keep from paying taxes while they do “God’s work.”
He said:
“Some religious orders say ‘No, now that the convent is empty we are going to make a hotel and we can have guests, and support ourselves that way, or make money.’ Well, if that is what you want to do, then pay taxes! A religious school is tax-exempt because it is religious, but if it is functioning as a hotel, then it should pay taxes just like its neighbor. Otherwise it is not fair business.”
According to Crux, it’s quite common for religious orders in Europe to rent space to assist with operating expenses. For example, a pensione operated by an order of nuns in Rome offers a room, breakfast, and Mass at 7 a.m. each day for $90 a night. Their rooftop can also be rented to CBS during major paypal events.
Francis’ message applies to orders such as the one described above.
In the interview, the Pope then went on to reiterate the message that the Church must set an example and help reform what he deems a “bad and unjust economic system” which continues to maximize profits at the expense of the masses.
He also complained of corruption among public officials “at all levels,” saying he’s noticed frustration among a new generation of young politicians.
“People are disappointed, partly because of corruption, partly because of inefficiency,” he said.
Not all of the religious leader’s messages have been received kindly by Catholics around the world, and this, too, will undoubtedly spark controversy.
What are your thoughts? Should churches not practicing charity be taxed? Should all religious institutions be taxed? What about ‘mega-churches’ like the ones John Oliver talks about in the segment below?
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This article (Pope Francis Calls To End Tax-Exempt Status For Churches That Don’t Practice Charity) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
Of course long, like any other business , they have taken advantage of that loophole for far too long s!
Ummm… it should say “major papal events,” not “major paypal events” 🙂
Holy Crap!! U know once there were no religions. Only Adam and Eve. Anyway, Holy book of bible says use your 10% of what you earn to the work of god. Now what is work of god – Does it mean innumerable population handing money (labour) to one person claiming to be gods preacher? or Does it mean help god by improving his creation helping deprived unhappy, Because you know God too would be unhappy that his creation (in which he took his body part and created adam and we are biological descendants) is suffering terrible misery.
So its your duty to use atleast 10% or even more if you wish to use . For the education of deprived, orphans, Educate criminals (Criminal is a victim whom society failed to make living). Do the work of god. Dont worship humans who claim to be special to god. God never said as if gods work is meant to be to bring luxury to his preacher. One who does gods work is himself gods preacher and one who fails. it is ok he will understand some day.