The American rapper and songwriter, Kanye West, has hit back strongly to his critics; who say he belongs to the aristocratic, secret society-the Illuminati group.
West used strong words to express his frustration and unhappiness about the messages that have been circulating, which has linked him and other artists to the Illuminati group. In recent years, people have speculated on the internet, suggesting that top pop stars such as Kanye West, Jay-Z, Beyonce and Katy Perry are hired by the Illuminati group to dumb down the population with their music.
An interview published by the http://www.papermag.com/2015/04/kanye_west.php, quoted the rapper as angrily saying “If there was actually Illuminati, it would be more like the energy companies. Not celebrities that gave their life to music and who are pinpointed as decoys for people who really run the world.”
Although there has been no verified links between these artists and the Illuminati group, some people strongly believe that their songs promote ideas that are detrimental to society; allegedly these are the aims and objectives which belong to the Illuminati group itself. It is also believed that their music appeals to the lowest common denominator, effectively dumbing down the quality of mainstream entertainment.
Based on these opinions, made by the public, the accusations against these artists have continued to grow over the years and some of them have even been forced to formally address these claims, in order to clear public perception about the truth of the speculation.
For West, these rumors about their involvement with the Illuminati has to be blamed on sensational journalism, which many sections of the media have adopted in order to appeal to a larger audience.
“I’m tired of people pinpointing musicians as the Illuminati. That’s ridiculous. We don’t run anything; we’re celebrities. We’re the face of brands. We have to compromise what we say in lyrics so we don’t lose money on a contract. Madonna is in her 50s and gave everything she had to go up on an award show and get choked by her cape. She’s judged for who she adopts. F**k all of this sensationalism. We gave you our lives. We gave you our hearts. We gave you our opinions,” he said.
He urged the public to suspend their cynicism and perceptions; he also added that his dream is to see a better world for every single individual living in it.
“Let’s just tap back into the real world for a second…we can have children. Let’s be thankful. We can raise our kids, let’s be thankful. But how about we raise our kids in a truthful world, not a world based on brands and concepts of perception? Perception is not reality. I know people want to talk about the American Dream, but my dream is a world dream. It’s a world in which everyone’s main goal would be to help each other,” West added.
Whatever the argument may be, in the analysis of this interview by West, we can deduce that he indirectly admitted that some artists are forced to censor themselves in order to not put their contracts at risk with some of the big companies, believed to be operated by the Illuminati group. It would therefore seem, that these artists may be controlled indirectly by the powers behind their contracts, without their explicit knowledge per say. That is what we can make out of this interview. But we will continue to follow this story and update you on the very latest activities and actions of the celebrities linked to the Illuminati conspiracy. Expect us.
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“cuz they’re cursed when they’re resverse motherf***er”.. Lyrics on one of Eminem’s songs “Evil twin”. This line implies for you to check out songs backwards. Go on do it, I dare you to check what’s behind your favorite song backwards 😛 (little heads up, its called subliminal messaging)
.sdrawkcab tihs dnatsrednu ylerus nac elpoep lamron su ,haeY
Consciously we don’t recognise it, but our subconscious brain can turn messages upside down, inside out, whatever, and then repeat it over and over and over. That’s what makes subliminal programming so powerful.
black scrolling text on grey background you expect anybody to read that !?
Not only that but he 1st says “we’re the face of brands”, then goes on to say “not a world based on brands”… what a hypocritical idiot. Someone didn’t rehearse and proofread their shit lol.
A world dream? A one world dream? A one world dream of a one world government?
He’s not Illuminati, he’s an idiot. Big difference.
Hes a fucking loser anyway. Fuck him
Hmmmm…almost sounds like a slight reference to the New World Order … “I know people want to talk about the American Dream, but my dream is a world dream. It’s a world in which everyone’s main goal would be to help each other,”… Sounds pretty condemning to me.
Music/life and its generation of feelings transcends any ideology/idiology.
Really though, did he even need to say this? I mean was there anyone among us who looked at the membership rolls of the Illuminati – DaVinci, Botticelli, Isaac Newton et. al, and thougt “Yeezer” belonged on that list? Whether you subscribe to the factual belief that the Illuminati was and remains as it began in Bavaria, a fraternal organization of the world’s most elite, enlightened and intelligent or the modern conspiracy theory that this group represents the secret ruling class that enslave the working man, does Kanye have the brains to be a part of either??
“perception is not reality”? seriously kanye? your perception is your reality. no one has yet to prove that anything beyond your consciousness is real. you have the audacity to speculate on perception when yours is so violently warped? what a dumbass, oh and news flash: you are not a musician! you are an entertainer. you dog on people who have musical potential and accuse them of destroying the “artistry” that is being an entertainer, a god damn mike jockey. what a douche bag
Perception is not reality, it may seem like reality, but the truth is, you believe Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, because your reality is a lie, it’s a fabrication by the world leaders with help of advanced technology , main stream media and more. Believing a lie is a fake reality. Add me and watch the videos I posted on my wall, exposing these lies, and telling you what’s to come. Now come on and wake up to the reality and stop perceiving all that deceit as truths.
Who ever said he was part of the illuminati? Same thing with what Rhianna said about people accusing her. No one said these people were part of the illuminati, just a puppet to them and their agenda.
It’s a false dilemma to a strawman. “Either I’m in the illuminati or I’m not. I’m not in the illuminati. So these people don’t know what they’re talking about.” What a fool.
Music has a profound effect on how people think. He’s a complete imbecile if he thinks that energy companies would be more influential than music.
What a dumb story? which Illuminati? Is there any person so dumb to believe in that stories about “Illuminati”. Does anybody knows what Illuminati Order was? Order of scientists in Bavaria who has idea that absolute authority in science must be in scientists hands not churches. And because of that all of them was captured and massacred by Bavarian savage king. And there is not Illuminati anymore. And science is today really in hand of scientists as it must be, end of story. And that guy Kanye is some Nobel prize winner? Nuclear scientist, astrophysicist?
@Mate Jebach
The illuminati wasn’t massacred. They were outlawed, along with all other secret societies. They fled Bavaria, and settled in other countries, but no word has been official yet of them since. There have been speculations and a lot of evidence supporting the notion that they’re still around, especially 20 years after the outlaw an author wrote that they were still alive and well. All we have is evidence, no proof. But just because we don’t have proof that they exist, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
And even IF they were massacred, doesn’t mean they couldn’t have resurfaced with the same philosophy.
Also, The Illuminati held fields in everything, not just science.
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