The mainstream news outlet, the Washington Post has titled an article “Russian official wants to investigate whether U.S. moon landings actually happened.” However misleading the title of the article is, Russian’s have called for an investigation not to undermine if a landing on the moon has taken place, but for the “murky details” surrounding the landings between 1969 and 1972.
Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for the government’s Investigative Committee in Russia, has questioned why so much footage and physical evidence has reportedly disappeared form the moon landing in 1969. He says that “We are not contending that they did not fly (to the moon), and simply made a film about it. But all of these scientific – or perhaps cultural – artefacts are part of the legacy of humanity, and their disappearance without a trace is our common loss. An investigation will reveal what happened.”
A United Stats Army Command Sergeant Major who served as an intelligence analyst with NATO has also added credence to Markin’s investigations. According to Bob Dean, the evidence erased isn’t myth:
“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.”
For anybody who researches the moon landings, the topic always sparks debate about the events that really happened on our first days of space travel. As Markin suggests, it is a given right for all humanity to understand the events that have taken place, not just a right for the United States government.
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Great , Russia is pulling off the layers about possible life around us… , buildings and life on the Moon and Mars.Hope they show us also the Tall Whites…Hopefully they come with the facts in January
I have a pretty simple Question.
1969-1972, and here we are in 2015, trying to map Mars. Why anyone (USA or Russia or China or others) in the process of technological advancements, didn’t try to Land on Moon again and again, and release its footage? is it that impossible?
If it is impossible, how USA landed on moon, back in 1969?
To me, there must be some Hollywood movie shot on the surface of Moon in 21st century, if Human kind really landed on moon 45 years ago.
Many Big Question Marks……
Probably keen for Earth 2: We fucked the first one… Might be coming to planet near you soon.
Perhaps there is an alien base on the moon and they use it to watch us. When we got up there, they told us to never land there again…
On point
USA claimed it, it’s ours. Stay out of our country.
Really? I guess you guys have to print B.S. every once in a while to pay the bills. Any way if anyone believes that the U.S. didn’t land on the moon,contact me because I have a lot of water front property in Florida that I’m selling off at very affordable price.
I guess you belive everything your hear. No one has any proof of the landing. Think about it no one has ever done it since Why? With all the technological advancements since the landing no one not even the states has done it again. I love the footage of the landing it self the best. Did they send the camera crew up first so they can set up?
There is no more point in going to the moon.
It as a Geopolitical race that made the Moon/Space landing, and that ended the RUssian weak economy with the help of the Arms Race too. Dont worry the thruth is always gonna come to the top.
Armstrong deployed the Modularized Equipment Stowage from the lunar Module that housed a camera.
there were several landings – not just one. The last in 1973
U didn’t even read the article did you?
Let me guess, Dave. You also think 9/11 was that pesky Osama Bin Laden?! I always knew you were a cheap bastard that couldn’t afford a house in Florida.
I dont believe it, so now what Dave ? gonna cry
I’m sitting here, reading the other comments and can’t help but wonder if they actually read the article…
dont look like it but the question does need to be asked why did some idiot delete some very important historical footage that in itself needs investigating what a silly thing to do
evidently not !
nah the media told us what happened why question it? why would america ever lie about anything they were founded on honesty and freedom
Hahaha love the name your credential check out i now believe your official story.
how does one “erase” film? The writer seems confused about the difference between film and videotape
….you mean film and a media file, video tapes are also physical and can’t be “erased”
of course videotapes can be erased. they’re magnetic media. retard.
Lol that was funny . Some people are just dumb lol
Video tapes can easily be erased. I still have a bulk eraser.
Why would anyone erase such historic evidence unless they had something to hide? I remember being at school the day Neil supposedly landed. In New Zealand at the time we did not have the capability to download via satellite, so the film was flown in from Australia. I believed at that time wot we were told had happened. Only years later did I start to realize things may not have been as they seemed. Not long ago photos from a Moon circling satellite took pictures of footprints etc left there. Too easy to fake though. Capricorn One (1978) made a good case study of how it could have been done. The yanks either did do it, or did not. Shouldn’t be too hard to prove one way or another…
Yanks? What is a yanks?
The mission was a scouting mission, they deleted the film because what was found there. Makes everything that we believe in to be false. There is a so called extra dimensional beings on the surface of the moon base of operations we have been seeded for centuries. Project blue book the list goes on and on
We never went to the moon, it was all a hoax. It is so dangerous and THAT has been proven. Anyone wants to argue that’s fine. You don’t know the history nor enough research backing up the facts of space especially dealing with a moon landing.
There is ufos pictured in most of the backround shots and some with beings with our astronauts on the moons surface.
Some were never meant to be seen by anyone outside.
But others were later removed because our technology has improved and ufos and even a mothership is seen in the far backround this has to be covered up as we dont want people to know about alien/human co activity that has been going on for years because so much will change its a control thing.
I believe the US did go to the moon. I also believe the film was “erased” because of what was on those frames. What was on the frames one could only guess. Hazard the thought of non natural structures whatever or from whomever they may be. Duh duh dahhh.
I highly doubt this request to an investigation will go anywhere, but all this Russian activity is fun to watch at the least.
I guess the fairies left the beacons on the moon.The beacons you could spot with a home telescope. Idiots
There was already an investigation about that. It’s called “Myth Busters.” I’m pretty sure you can watch it on Youtube. 😉
what about the faces on the moon and the building under ash, and the roads. If they landed they would have investigated all that.
seems that a pretty simple solution might be in order. WE can see galaxies that are millions of light years away, so why doesnt someone point one of the strongest telescopes at the moon and find the lunar lander and various other things that were supposedly left on the surface? We must have several people willing to point their own powerful telescopes at the moon and try to do this. And if they actually do find it, then boom! we went to the moon with undeniable proof. After that, the only question remains: why erase any media at all?
they have – and the tracks, landing area, and footprints are all plain as day.
oh – and government agencies are good at a lot of things – employing historians, archivists, and artists… not among them. it is highly probable that the footage was erased for exactly the reasons given. the tapes were erased and overwritten as a result of bad administration, and government bureaucracy. things don’t happen as a result of logic or common sense, they happen because of peoples jobs and allocation of resources. is it really so hard to believe that these tapes were erased because an administrator needed tapes for footage, and someone whose job it was to come up with these materials recycled already used reels? this was common practice, and the easiest explanation. there is no conspiracy – just IDIOCY