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Glenn Greenwald: Fighting Israeli Occupying Forces Is “Terrorism.” Boycotting Is “Anti-Semitism.”
"If fighting Israeli occupying forces is barred as “terrorism,” and nonviolent boycotts against Israel are barred as “anti-Semitism,” then what is considered a legitimate means...
Disturbing: Pentagon Cannot Account For $223 Million Meant For Fighting ISIS
An audit report published by the inspector general of the United States Department of Defense, has revealed that the military Central Command (Pentagon) cannot...
Former Bush Official Just Confirmed That Our Wars Are for Corporate Interests
By Claire Bernish at theantimedia.org United States — “I think Smedley Butler was onto something,” Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former George W. Bush administration heavyweight, told Salon in...
In Effort To End World’s Longest Standing Armed Conflict Colombian Rebels and Government Leaders...
Many people would be surprised to learn that the worlds longest standing conflict between armed rebel nationalists and government has not taken place in...
Clinton Emails Reveal Google’s Key Role in Syrian Civil War
Hillary Clinton's emails have revealed many things to us, from NATO's motivations to destabilize Libya to Bush's "pact of blood" with Tony Blair to invade...