By Michaela Whitton at theantimedia.org
United Kingdom — John Lydon, also known by his former stage name, Johnny Rotten, has explained what happened when he tried to blow the whistle on Jimmy Savile — long before hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse against the DJ came to light. The former Sex Pistols frontman, currently on a tour through the U.K. with Public Image Ltd, said many young girls told him about the actions of Savile because they were too afraid to report it themselves.
Hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse against TV presenter and DJ Savile came to light after his death in 2011. The harrowing mass of evidence gathered against him included abuse at hospitals and care homes throughout the U.K. The warped crimes of the paedophile, which took place from 1959 to 2006, also included the abuse of72 victims in connection with his work at the BBC. His youngest rape victim was reportedly ten years old.
In 1978, when Savile was at the height of his fame, Lydon, the self-proclaimed king of punk, gave an interview toBBC radio. During that interview, he called Savile a hypocrite and accused him of being into “all sorts of seediness….that we’re not allowed to talk about.” Although the BBC decided not to broadcast his comments, anexcerpt of the interview with Vivienne Goldman was made available as part of the reissue of the first Public Image Ltd album in 2013.
“If you said anything you’d be off playlists, but that didn’t bother me as I was doing a good job of that independently,”the brutally honest former frontman told the Daily Mail last weekend.
Noting his own experience of what has been described as a “culture of secrecy” at the BBC, Lydon added:
“But first-hand experiences were reiterated to me by young girls who went to Top Of The Pops and said he was touchy, feely, creepy, urgh… Doctor Death. I told them to report it but it would have been seen as grassing then. I knew all about it and said so and got myself banned from the BBC. Family values, eh?
“Turns out I was the only one who had any.”
In September 2015, Lydon told Piers Morgan’s Life Stories that he did his bit and said what he had to. As a result, he found himself banned from BBC radio over his contentious behaviour. “They wouldn’t state this directly, there would be other excuses,” he said.
The institutionalised culture of secrecy at the BBC caused a number of employees to be ignored when they reported Savile’s sex crimes. Other, more senior employees failed to report suspicious behaviour. In a classic case of the establishment protecting its own — and despite an inquiry that cost millions — no one has been held accountable for the news outlets serious failings — and the fact that Savile could have been stopped in his tracks.
This article (Sex Pistols Frontman Banned From BBC for Blowing Whistle on Powerful Paedophile) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Michaela Whitton and theAntiMedia.org. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, email[email protected].
Thanks to John Lydon for telling the TRUTH for four decades, at great personal risk. You’re lucky to be alive to tell your story. God bless the Sex Pistols!
exactly look at what happened to gill dando when she tried to spill the beans on the paedophile club aka the bbc
Much as I like the Sex Pistols this is bollocks, how did saying Savile was seedy in one interview amount to whistle blowing ? If I’d known something like that I’d have been bringing it up in every interview and exposing it at every opportunity (His wife Nora is heir to a German magazine empire so no lack of funds or means there). And he wasn’t banned from the BBC as a quick look at youtube will show…PIL appearing on Top of the Pops well after this interview in 1978.
for someone that was banned he sure was on the bbc – tv and radio- an awful lot , so much in fact youd think he wasnt banned …. the interview when he mentioned saville was edited (probably because throwing accusations around without anything to back it up wasnt the done thing) and he cared so much he never mentioned it again until it all came out or went to the police at the time .