In 2008 a ban was placed on fast-food restaurants in South Los Angeles in an attempt to cut down on obesity. It was a ban intended to prevent new fast food restaurants from opening, and the city did in fact implement the bans successfully. However, a study has found that during these years, obesity has not been greatly affected from the new laws, and can be argued that people in the area have possibly gained more weight, with a study reflecting an increase in fast-food consumption in that area during that time. [1]
It’s in light of this that placing a ban for the greater health of a person is questionable at best. Rather than making something illegal, a situation would be better examined to understand the deeper causes of the problem, and then provide solutions rather than a “one size fits all” answer. No pun intended.
People are slowly making the informed decision of eating healthy foods, but this does not come from turning a choice into an illegal act. Limiting a person’s freedom will always create more questions than answers.
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[1] Karlamangla, S. (2015, March 19). Ban on fast-food eateries in South L.A. hasn’t cut obesity, study says. Retrieved from http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-food-study-20150319-story.html?track=lat-pick
Question: Why are people not getting less obese?
Answer: Cause in EVERYTHING you eat and have as food in your stores or wherever, even in restaurants, is CORN SYRUP. Yes, thats true and i noticed that when i went to the USA for two weeks for a study tour. Everything i was eating, everywhere, tasted sweet, and thats because it is. You notice a large difference between food with and without corn syrup. Cut down on the sweeteners, then you will see a change, until then, please stop complaining. Thanks.