Philadelphia University Industrial Design undergraduate, Jackson Gordon, has developed his own adaptation of the Batsuit. He raised money to make the suit on Kickstarter and has just recently finished the venture. The finished product is truly amazing!

After all, by what other means would you be able to withstand many punches, a knife to the midsection and walk away unscratched.
The bat helmet comes in at around three pounds, while the suit itself comes in at around twenty five pounds. He additionally says that one of his main focus points was guaranteeing that the suit was comfortable and simple to move around in, adding that if the suit was to hinder the user’s movement, it would be completely useless.
We hope to see this #batsuit in the market soon. #ArmatusDesigns pic.twitter.com/9SYRTyGSNr
— Anon.Dos (@anondos_) March 20, 2015
How much does the suit cost and does it stop bullets and knives?
the suit is fully functional, the creator has uploaded videos of him testing knifeslices on the kelvar suit.
prices are not to be made due to him making only one for his univercity studies.
So what? just some metal plating?
Someone jelly.
if i had the money and shop to put something together it would rock the new field armor they have been using and it would be practical! this would be a great airsoft paintball uniform. ROFL.
Great Idea For Protesters add a shield. Make it affordable and you will sell a ton. Scare the hell out of Police @ a riot. You get 100-1,000 folks dressed like then add 100-1,000 Anonymous citizens It would be a hell of a party!
Until they start shooting you down in the street, claiming the suit itsslf is a weapon
Tons of these suits + Guy Fawkes masks.
Well a good ninja makes his own tool and build things he need.
Does it glide, or is it just armor? Either way, it’s bad ass.
He didn’t publish any specs. He made an expensive costume, so what! Tell us what it can do and what it can withstand. Can he see in the dark? Can he listen in to police radio? Does it store ninja stars in the forearms? Does it help him climb? Does it come with a cord and grappling hook? Where are the batarangs?