Road safety is fun and rewarding in Sweden as well as a superb deterrent to dangerous driving. The speed cameras reward the law-abiding motorists by recording their speed limit and then automatically entering them into a lottery. The winner gets cash prizes pooled from the penalties imposed on motorists who were caught speeding. The Speed Camera Lottery system has reduced the average speed of vehicles in the country from 32 km/h to 25 km/h.
Kevin Richardson, a San Francisco resident who invented the camera lottery idea, won the Titanium award at Cannes International Festival of Creativity, 2011.
The driverless, autonomous cars being developed today by Google, Tesla, Mercedes-Benz are scaring the heck out of three groups that depend on the revenue from speeders.
1.) Speed camera manufactures
2.) ticket writing Police at speed traps
and most importantly
3.) local communities that live off on fines from speeders.