Syria’s war has killed at least 250,000 people and displaced 12 million. To understand how Syria got to this place, it helps to start at the beginning:
Syria's war: A 5-minute history
Syria's war has killed at least 250,000 people and displaced 12 million. To understand how Syria got to this place, it helps to start at the beginning:
Posted by Vox on Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Well your video is pretty accurate but you guys missed some important points or things that happened and are happening, but it’s absolutly normal since you guys don’t live there nor been affected by it as much as we (Iraqis) did.
Anyways, you guys missed that it’s not proven that its was Assads regime that used the cemical weapons or the rebels, or both. Secondly Russia doesn’t only bomb the rebels they also bomb ISIS and lastly and most importantly the U.S. supports both, rebels and ISIS and for your information, the biggest supporters of ISIS in Iraq are the U.S., Obama or the US might say that they are bombing ISIL but the truth is that the are dropping parachutes with weapons and bombing the Iraqi army by “mistake”. l have three cousins that are fighting against ISIL in Iraq so l am pretty sure of what l am saying and if you wish you guys can google it and search even more and the truth should be seen.
Thank you. Those were exactly the three things I had questioned. That, and why exactly is the world so invested in Syria as opposed to Sudan, etc. And what was Assads rule like prior 2011?
My uncle has been gone for 3 years and just 2 months ago we finally heard from him he’s in Syria fighting against ISIS defending the sacred shrines of the Shia Muslims. 🙂 I am also from Iraq and I find Anonhq.com a bad source of information at times, because they truly have no idea whats really happening.
I kept thinking isis were the U.S. created and supported group used to destabilize the region to destroy assad and they eventual decided to do largely their own thing but still recieve U.S. aid because isis is still serving their original purpose of ousting assad even though they commit atrocities at random while doing so. Was i wrong in this assumption? Also what does the us or russia get if their side wins? I never understood what the U.S would gain by ousting assasad through creating a radical group nor do i understand why russia is even there. In regards to russia is it correct to say their targets are just asassad opposition in general and not specific groups? Does turkey support isis or are they indifferent? Sorry to ask so much but the media makes this kind of info very hard to get and the internet is full of theories of the paranoid who seem to make up stuff that makes no sence like its aliens or something.
What US gains if Assad is ousted is the opportunity to install a puppet government to ultimately allow US and Saudi to build an oil pipeline to supply EU in competition with Russian ‘Gazprom’. Russia is protecting it’s own interests. Look to the demise of the petro-dollar and you will see that as with Iraq, Libya and eventually Iran it’s the demand for oil to back the dollar that’s at the core of much of the chaos in the Middle East. And don’t overlook Israel’s underlying agenda for ‘The Greater Israel.’US ‘humanitarian aid’ only seems neccessary if there’s oil in the reckoning.
Very true
@Salman AboTurab4…thank you for that information.
I am not saying that you are lying but i simply can’t undrstand why the US would ever support some group like IS, it makes no sense or does it?
I would like to agree that this is pretty accurate, the problem is that it is just an extension of the existing fiction.
As I reported here back in 2013 http://r-force.org/blog/?p=119 the real reason behind the conflict in Syria is what is contained in the Tamar and Leviathan basin Gas Fields and who holds keys to brokering the passage along the Syrian pipeline into Europe.
Since time of publication they have also admitted that there is over 50 times this amount of gas in the basins off the nearby Egyptian coast. Thus the situation over Syria is now critical. For the moment it looks like Russia are going to be brokers via their new Black Sea pipeline into Turkey.
You can’t Google war ‘facts’. Well you can, however, as I’m sure you may know, each side will publish bias information.
Googling war facts boils down to which side you lean on and which lie you want to believe.
If that were the case, then I can Google all the appropriate information to prove you wrong…as that is which side I lean on.
What is a fact though, is that the people of syria have spoken, they do not want to be ruled by dictator assad. They want democracy and the want to vote for their ruler….and they absolutely deserve that right. Which the US is trying to help them achieve, while russia wants to hold them down and allow assad to dictate their lives.
Russia doesn’t bomb ISIS because ISIS isn’t a threat to assad. It’s absolutely ignorant of you to say the US arms ISIS, as the US are the only ones bombing them (alongside our allies)!!! We arm the rebels of assad, and will continue doing so until the poor people of syria have their voices heard, and an elected president of their chosing!!!
And if you really believe that russia gives a shit about the people of syria, then I feel sorry for how brainwashed you are. Putin is in syria for his own political benefit, which is to keep assad in power, the very dictator the people don’t want.
While you are googling Syrian war facts, why don’t you Google how many refugees russia has taken in from the Syrian war??? Oh that’s right…it’s none. Why is that??? Could it be that putin doesn’t give a shit about the poor refugees of syria??? Isn’t that proof enough for you that putin doesn’t care about the people of syria and that he is there for his OWN gain?
Hey anonhq, why is that russia hasn’t taken in any refugees??? I am so curious as to how you will “spin” your answer.
Nobody can put as much’spin’ on an answer as it sounds like you have (wouldn’t expect too many competitors) think you won that one
This sounds like the US Govt versions not the whole truth.
Do people truly think that Assad would gas his own people and lets say he did gas them, you really think he would still have the support of the Syrian Armed Forces? The first shots were OBVIOUSLY fired by Al-Qaeda, this is a repeat of Libya. How stupid can people get? Do you guys truly think Qaddafi killed his own people? I was born in Libya my parents stayed there for 15years before I was born they got married there, the Gaddafi is the most anti terrorist person next to Saddam. There was not a SINGLE Al-Qaeda terrorist in Iraq before the US entered there wasn’t a single Al-Qaeda member in Libya before the US fucked everything up and there wasn’t any Al-Qaeda members in Syria before US also fucked everything up. Just look at Afghanistan, proxy proxy proxy proxy all leads to IsraHell and the US.
Agreed. We westernes are brainwashed too believe these leaders are dictators. That is what we believe when we listen to the tv, and the tv news, it shapes us, i realised that fully. I think most of us has had so much trust in our governments that we have believed whatever they have said. More and more are realising the propaganda we’ve been fed here in Europe. Ghadafi only wanted to be left alone from this imperialism. It is this un-economical/un-humane thinking that has created the worst wave of refugees since the 2nd WW. All these wars in the middle east and Africa are planned from US soil since 1991. Horrible! 🙁 The video is good, but yes, there is alot missing, and i felt it was biased against Assad Regime. When this mess is over, I hope people will come home and help resettle theire war thorne land, nobody really wants to leave theire homeland.
Russia says its there to bomb ISIS, but instead it just bombs the anti Assad rebels.
“Citation Needed”
you just totally ignore that Russia was actually bombing ISIS, there has yet to be much proof that they even bombed FSA targets, but even so, they are an ally of Syria so of course they would help against Assad’s enemies, which is the FSA and ISIS, you also neglected to mention that the majority of those trained by the US almost immediately defected to ISIS or AL NUSRA. ( you pretty obviously gloss over this ) you also do not even mention the UK and its presence in the region with the SAS…
Well put Salman. I would emphasize also that the video calls Assad a dictator outright..but still calls Obama a president. This video is biased. Saying the Syrian regime used Chemical weapons is wrong. The UN actually investigated and came to the conclusion that it was actually rebel groups using the chemical weapons. Of course the regime could also have used some at some time. I’m not saying Assad is perfect, but he’s just standing up for himself at this point. Considering what the US has done to the middle east over the last decade, I would never trust them. They just want control and to spread their empire.
not everyone is on the same side to protect all the same sets of ideologies… no to racism and ethnicism
That Video is a bit weird. Definitely US made, semms a bit misleading … But why you post that on anonhq.com??
I was expecting more accurate research from your side! this is official US comment,filled with lies!
Why didn’t you point out that the gas attack was a false flag to get the political momentum to get US boots on the ground? Please take down this video. It’s not good enough for anonhq to promote.
Pretty good video except I would add that it’s still unclear who is responsible for the Ghouta gas attack. It’s worth reading Seymour Hersh’s two feature length pieces in the London Review of Books on this topic.
Nowhere has anyone pointed out that Syria specifically requested aid from Russia which has been their ally for many years. US and NATO are in contravention of internatonal law (as if that means anything to them) when they bomb targets such as the Aleppo power station, as a means of cutting the water supply and encouraging the spread of disease thus promoting further waves of immigrants into EU. Usual ‘humanitarian aid’ scenario!