On October 16-17 a March Against Monsanto took place, protesting their stronghold on livelihoods. But this isn’t what this article is about. We all know about the news and scientific evidence surrounding Monsanto’s use of cancer causing Glyphosate – an active ingredient of Roundup – on our food sources, but what about other health products?
Many people over the course of evidence presented have chosen to swap to organic foods as a measure of self-preservation. Unfortunately, a new study has exposed more damning evidence of Glyphosate presence in other essential products; this time, in tampons.
According to a recent study, the University of La Plata has documented up to 85 percent of all samples of tampons tested, as containing glyphosate. The “probably carcinogenic” substance, according to the World Health Organization last year, is present in the cotton gauze used in tampons and other considered sterilized health products.
“The result of this research is very serious. When you use cotton or gauze to heal wounds or personal hygienic use, thinking they are sterilized products, these results [show] that [they] are contaminated with a carcinogenic substance,” said pediatrician Vazquez Medardo Avila, Network Peoples Medical fumigated, Argentina, in the article. He continued to explain that “…most of the cotton production in the country is resistant transgenic glyphosate [that] is sprayed when the cocoon is open. Glyphosate is then condensed and passes directly to the product.”
The latest report created a stir when presented to the National Congress of Peoples. With most tampon brands imported into Argentina from the United States, including American brands like Kotex and OB. The findings are worrying at the least.
Organic tampons are an option though not as commonplace as the popular brands filling the shelves in United States stores. But given the risk to women’s health, it could be very beneficial to find them.
This Article (Tampons found to contain Monsanto’s carcinogenic glyphosate) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
As a female, this makes me sick to my stomach. I am adamantly against GMOs for this very reason–it’s not innovation or science that “scares” me, it’s the carcinogens and unknown substances that taint every single thing we come in contact with.
However, my question on this is the number of lawsuit that could arise. Couldn’t literally ANYONE who has has surgery or been treated in a hospital/doctor’s office/etc. with gauze or any cotton material sue said establishment if they ended up having cancer later on? Couldn’t they contend that due to the proven carcinogenic link in 85% of sanitary cotton products, that this could be the cause of their cancer? I am not a doctor, so I could totally be exaggerating the effects, but I imagine this could be a solid case in court, no? Maybe this could result in better labelling/standards through the government on GMOs.
In the meantime, I am switching to a Diva Cup and using washcloths to remove makeup. Being a healthy human shouldn’t be this difficult.
“Being a healthy human shouldn’t be this difficult.” Amen!
Try this on for size:
REAL period panties. I’m currently saving up to get my own set, but customers are swearing up and down that they work amazingly. 🙂
Tampons have never been sterile. Pads aren’t sterile either. People just assume that they are, but both are considered “cosmetic” devices and therefore aren’t required to be sterilized before being sold.
Which is bullshit!!!!
Doubtful that sterilizing would help. I used sea sponges in the 70s and beyond. A cervical cup works, too. Both from ‘My Body, My Self’. You should know that both of these methods makes you aware of yourself. Very intimate, highly liberating.
You are all crazy. Seriously! This story has more holes in it then swiss cheese. Get the facts people. In life question everything, even this question and get educated. So you drink coffee, alcohol, maybe an occasional french fry. Read up. Thanks.
What holes? Be specific.
We got a brainwashed fool here
Or we got someone who works for Monsanto…
I’m tossing all my O.B. now! I’m switching to Thinx. I’m starting to think leaving cotton up there just isn’t good in general.
Disgusting, those scum-bucket douche-bag’s should be prosecuted!
Why wasn’t this scrutinized further when the dioxin scare was all over the news? Anonymous, I want you to expose the emails that corporates knew all about this. Release the hounds!!! Personally, I can’t wait until the science comes in and women sue those misguided corporates – right into oblivion!
Disgusting, those scum-bucket douche-bag’s should be prosecuted ! Anonymous , I want you to expose the emails that corporate knew about this. Release the hounds !!! I can’t wait until the science comes in and women sue them into oblivion !
This is not credible people. There is no link to the actual study. It doesn’t mention until the fourth paragraph that the supposed research was only conducted in Argentina. The in-article links all direct back to this article. Contradictions in the article itself, eg. organic brands being better – there was no reference to the study noting that organic brands tested better or worse than non-organic.
At the least, misdirection. At the most, false.