This Guy Just Explained Capitalism Absolutely Perfectly


Who Knew Cows Could Be So Informative.

This meme explains how capitalism works differently in other countries using cows.




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  1. Brazil Capitalism:
    You have two cows, you see that your friend got 3, you stole 5 from him and tell him to give you 6 cows for 500$, notice that 1 cow cost 25$

  2. Indonesian Capitalism:
    You learn Capitalism from the Dutch, and you applied ‘Devide et Impera’ to ‘cow nations’ for buy 100 cows from Australia. You sell 10 cows to peoples and reported 50 cows to media, and media got 5 cows. When tax officer finished inspect you, they were carrying 5 cows in their trucks. When law officer sued you, then you gave them 5 cows at court room. At least in the prison, you counted 60 cows owned by you, it is enough for your retired. Every body happy…. what a mess….. sucks….

  3. nepalese capitalim: you have one cow,you leave it on streets for grazing and if a car bus or truck hits it and is dead, you go on strike and demand government to name her a martyr. and if it returns back home safe at night worship her!
    indian capitalism: you have one cow, you beat the cow until it starts yelling i’m a bull.
    pakistani capitalism: you have one cow you fight with india for not giving you its cow.

  4. As disturbing as this appears, the accuracy of this meme regarding the American version is bang on. The political sector is infamous for creating laws we might never understand to protect corporate interest we will never have access to. This is the reason capitalism is believed to be an evil thing. Keep it simple, barter system and fair trade.

  5. Bangladesh Capitalism: There are 2 COWS and they have totally milked the Country for every penny and resource that Bangladesh has.

  6. Indian Capitalism:
    You have two cows,
    it means you have three mothers,
    First you sell milk of two mothers to brothers,
    and if somehow they can’t produce milk, you sell those mothers to brothers.
    And if brothers ate your mothers, you call them fuckers.


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