By John Vibes at trueactivist.com
Last year, the US military was running special operations in 147 countries, which represents roughly 75% of the entire planet.
Last year, the US military was running special operations in 147 countries, which represents roughly 75% of the entire planet. According to Special Operations Command spokesman Ken McGraw, the numbers are record breaking and represent a massive jump from the numbers seen during the Bush administration.
US and NATO military operations have grown exponentially over the years, as the western nations have taken it upon themselves to police the world and use that position to their benefit at every possible opportunity. The fact that military agents have been deployed to this many different areas in just a year reveals that the US empire is involved in an even deeper war than most American citizens can imagine.
At which point is it safe to assume that the US military is attempting to take over the world and put it under their control? It is also important to point out that the US military is rarely ever on “peacekeeping” missions as they claim, and they are often unwanted in the countries that they are deployed in. They are typically seen as an occupying army by citizens who just want to be left alone.
Surely, most American citizens would feel uneasy about having foreign troops conducting missions in their country, so why should it be acceptable for agents of the US military to do as they wish everywhere else?
In the string of military conflicts that the United States has been involved in since the second world war, they have always attempted to maintain the high road by claiming that they were responding to some kind of threat, and apparently helping the people that they were bombing.
This approach is largely accepted by the general public who is either too afraid or unable to suspect malicious intentions on the part of their masters. In helping themselves to rationalize the nonsensical things that are happening in their name many people are firm believers in the idea that their government is doing good “policing the world”.
If we were being honest with ourselves, we would say that they are trying to take over the world’s governments and plunder their natural resources because that’s what we can see happening around us. War is, and always has been, about conquest for plunder and power. And the many wars that we see taking place around the world today are no different.
John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter-culture and the drug war.
This article (United States Military Agents Deployed To 147 Different Countries in 2015, 75% Of The Planet) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com.
Loss for words.
Those of us knowing better understand that the statement “the US military was running Special Operations” sounds more ominous than it is, but to follow that up with “..involved in an even deeper war than most American citizens can imagine” is purposeful deception. Each of those comments is an independent truism and just because SOF are in a country doesn’t mean they must be engaged in warfare, in fact that’s unfair. SF, specifically, has very important ‘peacetime’ missions including Humanitarian Assistance and Foreign Internal Defense (which can de in either category). HA includes wonderful things like medical assistance or help with infrastructure design with engineers or actual building projects.
Just one question to you sir: how would you like if you had a few Chinese people in your country who would ‘monitor’ you and do ‘peacekeeping’ missions as you described??(Chinese was just an example ofcourse)
General Smedley Butler said it best, “War is a Racket” read it and understand this is nothing a new but a systemic government problem
I find it interesting that if other nations wanted to establish military bases on U.S. soil we would be aghast… but we do it in other countries matter-of-factly.
Loss of words.., loss of tools also for them(Italy). Anonymous has better tools.
The US has its fingers in too many places to get its story straight. Their involvement in International covert goes beyond the control of most governments typically with as well as without legal restriction. If anything at all the image of the State’s government to Defence and Security is the main priority without a step in the right direction the justification of any kind of SOF or HA intervention is intrusive and inappropriate. They do enough spying from the pentagon, must they now hustle the world’s political structure? L.D.