Comedian Lee Camp from RT’s Redacted Tonight had quite a number of things to say about everybody’s favorite billionaire dynamic duo, the Koch Brothers.
With a hundred billion bucks in the bank, according to Lee Camp anyway, these guys could have funded clean water purification for the entire world 10 times… or solved world hunger thrice.
Hilariously, while we’re on the subject of questionable statistics, apparently they could have sent all 16.5 million poor kids in ‘Murica to Disney Land for a week… under the very adult supervision of their own high-end escorts. Where do I sign up for the Hookers-Disneyland XXXtra fun program for the underprivileged?
The Koch bros have an extensive influence on think-tanks, judges, media outlets and politicians; more so than the entire Republican party- in fact, side note, their political spending budget for the 2016 presidential campaign is 889 million bucks- more so than BOTH parties COMBINED.
While they are ever ready to hire thousands of goons to speak FOR them. They gave MSNBC a rare interview which explained exactly why they were so camera-shy. Charles G. Koch went first.
The Koch brother claimed to have provided ZERO dollars to Scott Walker, which was a bold-faced lie because they had provided millions to his campaign for years- via organisations such as Americans for Prosperity.
To say that they did not give him a cent is akin to me saying that I do not chew with my food- only because my teeth and mouth muscles spontaneously do all the work for me.
Lee Camp then points out how these men trumpet their donations to more noble causes, while avoiding associating themselves with dirtier ones. For example (yes, this one is a real example) they had donated a ton of cash to a cancer-research hospital… and had it renamed to The David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research… or the Koch Institute for short. It was built to replace the MIT Center for Cancer Research, which was founded in 1969 by Nobel Laureate Salvador Luria… a true benefactor who did not require that his name be placed in neon lights atop the building.
When asked about how he felt about 150 families being in total control of American politics, he more or less admitted that he thought it was a great idea… that Americans shouldn’t spend time”controlling part of government”… who cares about such trivial things like “democracy”? Us plebs would never understand such complicated matters, better to let Koch run the show…
Then, one of the presenters accidentally asked a REAL question:
“Aren’t you still getting caught in the same cycle, of buying influence?”
To which the Charles stammered that they were failures at it- admitting that they were at least TRYING to buy influence.
The second brother later joined in the fun, perhaps to save his flailing brother, and the paid-propagandists revealed just how great a farce the entire “interview” was when propagandist number 2 said:
“it’s hard to find people in New York, liberals or conservatives alike who have not been touched by your graciousness“.
Lee Camp rightly states that these “interviews” are specifically geared towards making evil men look relatable, so that we don’t notice their vice-grip choking the life out of Democracy until it’s too late. Thankfully, evil men like them are really bad at pretending to be relatable.
Sources: Redacted Tonight, The NYT
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