Sonya Romero, a Kindergarten teacher at Lew Wallace Elementary in Albuquerque, New Mexico, was sitting in the audience when she got shocked to hear Ellen calling her out during The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Ellen wanted to reward the selfless woman — who spends her own money to make sure all her kids have everything they need — and so to share her incredible story with her audience, Ellen and her team secretly filmed a video at her school to show the nation how amazing she is. By the end of the heartwarming video of her students and fellow teachers thanking her for all the good she’s done, Sonya and Ellen were in tears, as was her son.
Mother to her son and two foster children, Sonya told Ellen that every morning, she asks her students if they need anything to eat, clothes to wear, brush their teeth or comb their hair, and spends an hour making sure her kids have clean clothes, breakfast, brushed teeth, and tidy hair before she begins teaching. “I feel like, as educators, we’re sort of the first responders,” she said.
Her awesomeness doesn’t end here. When Child Protective Services showed up at her school last year for two children, Sonya offered to take them in for the weekend. She’s been their foster mother ever since. She is also spending a lot of her own money to take care of her students and needy. When a Good Samaritan donated $100 to her, she turned around and gave it to a woman she saw crying on a bench.
75% of her students live in poverty and Sonya is trying her best to help them in her capacity as an educator. In a goodwill gesture, Target gave Sonya a $10,000 donation and $10,000 in a separate check for the school.
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