A Silicon Valley insider has gone on the record and admitted that the world’s elite are buying up huge amounts of land and building underground bunkers in order to hide away from the general public.
According to former Facebook product manager Antonio Garcia Martínez, the wealthy elite have set-up private groups on the social media giant in order to discuss the “pressing needs of the super rich,” including where to buy private planes and “how to buy a bunch of land then put it in a trust so people don’t realize you’re amassing a compound and you can maintain your privacy.”
Iw reports:
Martínez, author of an upcoming book about Silicon Valley, says that the higher ups at Facebook “have no sense of right or wrong” and act like ‘gangsters’.
“These companies are temples to the founders’ egos. You don’t even have that level of self worship on Wall Street,” he added.
It was recently revealed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a 6 foot wall around his $100 million property located on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.
“The feeling of it is really oppressive. It’s immense,” Kauai resident Gy Hall told Time.
Elitists elsewhere have also been busy buying airstrips and land in remote areas of countries like New Zealand as an insurance policy against the chance of mass civil unrest and economic catastrophe.
Economist Robert Johnson said the rich were making such purchases “because they think they need a getaway” from Ferguson-style riots that will erupt as a result of widening wealth inequality, which it at its worse in virtually all developed countries since the 1980s.
As we reported back in April, a company called Vivos that builds luxury bomb-proof underground shelters said they were receiving a lot of interest from “high net worth individuals” who were looking to be protected from “the general public”.
“This is for wealthy people who are concerned about various disaster scenarios, but a common theme among them is a fear of civil unrest, a fear of an uprising from the 99%,” said journalist Lynn Parramore after visiting one of the facilities in Indiana.
Millionaires have also been fleeing from major cities like Chicago due to concerns over racial tensions and rising crime rates, while the wealthy are alsoinstalling panic rooms in their big city apartments for the same reason.
Via yournewswire
Hell if I had that kind of money I would be doing the same thing. In fact once I had made my magic number I would simply move to that place and live happily ever after. I know what you are thinking , what is my or anyone’s magic number right. Well once you fill your bunker with all the stuff you want to do or play with and you can keep your self fed and happy then that is the number. Problem is peoples numbers change or greed kicks in or even family troubles but everyone one should have a number that once they reach it then they can just retire and enjoy life .
The rich rat bastards can run but they can’t hide from our righteous indignation. A storm is coming!
If true, the message is clear.
You can keep yourself inside
But you know you cannot lie
When the Devil’s your only friend.
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