What began as a “play on characters […] from Norwegian folklore” evolved into a collection which explores “mental landscapes.”
One is only as old as they feel, and the ‘seniors’ featured in the images below certainly appear as if they are feeling youthful and vibrant. Entitled ‘Eyes as Big as Plates,’ the whimsical collection was staged and captured by Finnish photographer Riitta Ikonen and Norwegian photographer Karoline Hjorth. Reportedly, the project began as “a play on characters and protagonists from Norwegian folklore.” Before long, however, it evolved into something else…
The artists shared that the seniors themselves captivated the lens and transformed the project into an exploration of “mental landscapes.” One is inspired to contemplate humanity’s need to re-connect with nature when glimpsing the elders wearing organic, scavenged materials.
Beautiful and light-hearted, the series shows elders in natural landscapes. Their outfits simultaneously camouflage them into their surroundings as well as make them stand out as individuals. It was a planned decision to photograph seniors, as aged beauty is found in both the subjects and their costumes.
If you’re interested in learning more, visit the project’s Kickstarter campaign which aims to raise enough funds to develop a book featuring seniors from all around the world.

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates

Credit: Eyes as Big as Plates
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