A woman harmed a swan to take a selfie with it, then left it on the beach to die…
Really, is there no end to human stupidity when it comes to exploiting – and harming – animals for vain purposes?
In recent weeks, tourists in Argentina killed a baby dolphin as they passed it around on the beach so selfies could be captured. And, shortly after, a fool in Florida pulled a small shark from the water so he could pose with it before tossing it back into the ocean.
The only good news concerning humans helping animals, recently, concerns a killer whale that was stranded off the coast of Canada. Residents spent six hours tossing ocean water on the whale until the tide came back in and it was able to swim away.
This unfortunate news, however, concerns a woman from Macedonia who harmed a swan for the sole purpose of capturing a selfie with it.
Metro.co.uk reports that the woman dragged the swan from the shoreline of Lake Ohrid by its wing, then left it to die on the beach.
Since then, photos of her holding the frightened bird have gone viral.
According to Macedonia Online, the bird “remained motionless after the encounter.”

A rare tourist vulgarity in Ohrid: killing a swan to take a picture.
The website states:
“According to witnesses, the swan itself didn’t react to the Bulgarian woman’s approach, as they are very peaceful and used to no one bothering them.”

Credit: Metro.co.uk
Such barbaric behavior should not be considered acceptable; humans must evolve beyond their own selfish desires and live as stewards of the Earth – ensuring all its inhabitants are well cared for.
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Evolution is a lie. there is no proof of it ever occouring its a belief system just like a religion. In fact there is more proof of a lving god than of evolution. God bless and may Jesus be with all of you! 🙂
I don’t think you know what “proof” means. There is plenty of evidence for evolution within my own life time: there are now antibiotic-resistant strains of several species of bacteria. If you need an example you can see with your naked eye look to the black wolves of N.America.
Simen i hope you are joking, evolution has been proven haha, its a fact. And after you wrap your head around that i want you to actually read the bible, then you can see the disgusting and horrible commandments god and jesus both gave.
Hi guys,
I can admit the existance of evolution in terms of behavior. But when we talk about evolution from race to another (eg : from ape to human or from fish to human) I don’t find it verry convenient. If we consider it as a fact, why humans doesn’t get developped, totaly or partially, to any other races ?
Because humans don’t need to evolve further since we have already evolved to a point where we’re at the top of the food chain. Why would we need to evolve if there are no natural predators to us?
Because there isn’t a necessity for it. Maybe if we manage to survive for another thousand years after the idiots who destroy our Earth with pollution and waste, we’d evolve to survive on less oxygen or less pure water.
It doesn’t sound like you’ve thought very hard about this.
If you went to school and studied instead of just displaying your lack of knowledge, you would have the answer to that question. Indeed, you’d feel silly for having asked it
We are evolving. Evolution is a slow process where minute changes over generations adds up to major changes. We can see evolution with organisms that have shorter life spans such as with many plants, and insects in lab settings. The food we eat is evidence of this. We have selectively breed them to be more productive, better tasting, etc. Compare corn to its wild relatives for instance.
We’re taller on average than we were 100, 200, 500, years ago. An average medieval knight was only 5’3.
This is the kid o shit that makes me dislike humans
Uh, what? Love thy neighbour, thou shalt not kill, turn the other cheek, let he who has not sinned cast the first stone..,right bud. Maybe YOU should read the Bible dude. You know nothing about it,
There is more proof of evolution than there is for gravity. There is no reason that evolution can not be the tool of your God, evolution says nothing about the existence of your God. When you protest that evolution has not shaped life on Earth, when it clearly has, it is at this moment when the existence of God is called into question. Well done now humanity can progress. Now about the swan, having been viciously attacked by these birds in the past I can say that this bird was probably sick or injured before this idiotic woman killed it. A healthy swan would not be easily captured.
there is literally no proof of a living god. and mounds of evidence of for evolution.
when trying to be an argumentative idiot, its easier to just give god credit for evoloution, instead of trying to say its not happening.
are you so arrogant to actually think that out of BILLIONS of people that YOU are right… I THINK NOT… everybody has their own belief. If you want to believe that theres a man up their looking down rather than looking up and seeing things for your own eyes, seeing the stars….. big lumps of rock, huge masses of gas, billions of stars galaxies blah blah etc etc…evidence so common and wide globaly its slapping you in the face. Evolution what you believe to be…dont force your simple blind sighted opinions on others…..!
WTF has that got to do with this goddamned article, you moron? You just go around the internet randomly posting idiotic, non-sequitur religious bullshit?
Simon….. your a fucking idiot!!!
In fact a simpleton like you can’t understand the meaning of evolution, and to be precise there is no proof that god and jesus exist. Thought there plenty of evidence for the last 300 years that evolution is the main “engine” that drives life evolving to it’s surroundings. Bitch please, simpletons like you should not have an opinion.
who is this woman I want to spam that’ she’s a biaaatch
Science or an education too difficult for you ?
Sure try religion.
‘Such barbaric behavior should not be considered acceptable; humans must evolve beyond their own selfish desires and live as stewards of the Earth – ensuring all its inhabitants are well cared for.’
Definitely agree… But its not possible while people eat animal flesh, eggs, milk, honey and use their skin.
I think you would have an easier time promoting ethical farming and a reduction in the amount of meat eaten by each person. To completely deny a person a part of their natural diet is just wrong. P.S. please don’t get a cat or a dog which are required to eat meat to survive because you will cause it a lot of pain and suffering before it dies.
Bollocks. There’s a huge difference between killing animals for food or killing/torturing them for fun.
Militant vegan morons like you are part of the problem. Maybe instead of being high and mighty, try to change the things that really need changing.
I understand not eating flesh and use animal skin, but wat is the problem whit milk, honey, cheese and eggs
I once took a selfie with a goose, but I feed it while i took the picture… No touching it, apart that I was scared of it, but still.. I don’t think she would like it if another did to her what she did to that poor swan!
Whats the world coming to ?
“Humans must evolve beyond their own selfish desires and live as stewards of the Earth – ensuring all its inhabitants are well cared for.”
Well said. I hope the woman with the swan is in hiding and fearful for her life.
That woman is a horrible excuse for a human being. It is extremely disturbing to see such gruesome behavior. She should be locked up for animal cruelty.
This “lady” should be identified… Then prosecuted. Thst is cruelty to animals! I hope we learn her name and can see some form of justice!! Evil, heartless, ” human”. RIP fellow earthling. May you be at peace and your abuser, not! Amen
This article is conjecture and inflammatory. Cleary, this writer has never been around swans before. They are fiercely territorial and are capable of easily breaking human bone. The woman’s feet are barely wet, which means there wasn’t any struggle. The animal was dying already and would have drown before washing onto shore so the woman gave the beast a peaceful end. Really? Do some research your credibility is everything.
This^^^^ a Swan will put up in the hospital if it wanted to. Especially a woman.
The woman which killed the swan is not Macedonian, she is Bulgarian tourist in Macedonia!
She is Albanian!!! Not Bulgarian. The stupid Macedonian media named her Bulgarian.
she is a narcisist whore who scream for atention on facebook and people must see her and love her WTF
Certainly hope she’s been arrested and prosecuted for cruelty to animals and whatever other charges are appropriate. Maybe several years of court-mandated therapy to see if her condition can be cured.
How did she catch it? If it didnt get out of her way, it was already dead I’d say.
So it is okay to kill a dying bird for a selfie but not a healthy bird so its simply a matter of how injured or weak the animal is?
Who judges when an animal is sufficiently weak/ sick/ dying to be killed for selfie purposes?
See how stupid that actually looks??????
I hope someone identifies this Person then puts her Name with Photo, address, and all other pertinent information all over the internet. __ This behavior is absolutely disgusting!!
She is ALBANIAN! Not Bulgarian.
This woman is horrific. She should be locked away for life. Such a sorry excuse for a human.
It is what people are sometimes …..we give them other name …thery are less than an animal …..
What if a swan did dis to her new born child…like in the egg industry the bew born make chicks are cruched by foot….