Women in the Nigerian State of Kaduna has held a big protest march against their husbands for failing to satisfy their sexual desire on bed for some time now.
The women-from the Mararaba Rido community chanted and sung songs publicly to complain about their grievances against their husbands’ sexual weakness, demanding that their husbands start performing their matrimonial duties well or face mass divorce in the coming days. Some dressed half naked and were extremely angry with their husbands.
The women action has been the topical issue on Social Media across Africa. Matters relating to sex are sensitive in many African countries including Nigeria where traditional conservative values are held in high esteem.
Speaking to reporters after the protest, some of the women who have married for more than 10 years said their husbands suffer weak erection whenever they are having sex with them.
Some of the women are said to have fed up with the situation and are said to be allowing young boys to have sex with them to satisfy their sexual pleasures.
One of the affected-Jummai Isaac said she has not enjoyed sexual pleasure since she got married, preventing her from becoming pregnant.
‘I haven’t conceived since I got married in the last fourteen years, and doctors have, on several occasions, confirmed to me absence of any known cause of inability to get pregnant. Initially, doctors thought I had fibroid in my womb, but after several scans and some medical tests, they dispelled that notion’, she was quoted by the Trendonline as saying.
However, some of the women were of the opinion that the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company (KRPC) is responsible for their husbands’ inability to satisfy them on bed due to the chemical waste and fume from the company into their environment.
Others also said the toxic waste by KRPC has also contributed to majority of them having miscarriage and other acute health complications.
Community leader-Mohammed Bashar explained that most of the women protesting have children and it is unclear why they are attributing their unhappiness on their beds to the petrochemical company.
“Most of the complaints could be associated with secondary infertility, because victims have, in the past, given birth to children before they suddenly stopped’’, he said.
He therefore dismissed their allegations and called for proper medical investigations into the matter before conclusions can be drawn.
‘There was widespread belief that smoke and poisonous gases emitted from the refinery have reproductive health effect on people living in the area, but no medical report has confirmed the allegation due to inability of villagers to seek comprehensive medical tests, perhaps owing to lack of awareness and poverty’, he added
There was no immediate reaction from the public relation office of KRPC but the women have vowed to continue their street protest until they get the sexual satisfaction they want from their husbands during sexual intercourse.
Source: www.thetrentonline.com/satisfy-us-bed-face-mass-divorce-kaduna-women-protest-husbands/
when are poeple going to learn that you cant demand things from other poeple, especially sex. if a person demands any kind of satisfaction of another person that will be rape, if the these women refer to sex that is, i highly doubt they do not.