Who’s Killing Who? A Viewer’s Guide:
A short animated film satirizing and abbreviating the history of divine claims to Palestine. Don’t miss the viewers guide, below the video, that will tell who is who.
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Hey , stop showing this fuking video ,
Allah is great ,
Who cares if everyone stuck to there own and deal with the cards that wer delt there would be no problems no just you every one
The video is excellent. Have you no tolerance?
I bet this idiot is not even muslim, they just show and drop comments like these to start an argument. Poor guy.
Ahmed yeas. he probably an north american troll from usa. religions has nothing to do with whats going on. its all about the control and creating hate using religions(and distort them)and also media like bbc , cnn ,fox, etc
ReligionS bring hate
Nationalisms bring war
Poor education level bring workforce for both of them
Youre kidding right?
dont think so, seems Ahmed thinks so…. hey guy, missed you, since 1960. You dont call, you dont write, you dont lead a revolution and u expect me to say hi… well, hi…
Yes he is, just as much as god and all they others… but human sucks 100% and no god can exist without human, so therefore no god exist!
palestinian fight for freedom
This video spreads propaganda on Hamas using grenades and rockets while Israelis only used regular guns… they should have showed Israelis USING AIRSTRIKES against innocent people living in regular homes.
The point of this is weapons escalation. The author is saying that as the conflict goes on we are bringing bigger and bigger weapons. I think this video clearly blames ALL parties involved in the conflict who would participate in this turf war.
You have entirely missed the point of the video. Over thousands of years humans have fought over this strip of land now known as Palestine. It’s not one group vs another group. It’s humans killing humans, humans are the problem. Every time you spew hate at one side you are part of the problem. Don’t be part of the problem. Aim for peace in non-violent methods, end thousands of years of conflict by being the better person. Put down your guns, tell them you fight anymore and draw up a treaty that establishes state lines that are fair, if they aren’t fair, then negotiate a fair treaty and don’t resort to violence.
Thank you. I want to hug you. I am going to share this comment across my pages and blogs.
Now if only there was
a religion that offers peace-makers a place in Paradise with 72 houris to entertain them …
This will soon come to an end, with the Realization that we all belong to the Earth.
This land is for us ALL to enjoy it while evolving… Mother Earth belongs to the ONE OMNIPRESENCE; along with all that crawls upon Her.
It continues…
hey, this is a nice video, the singer did a great job screating this…on other the hand the message being transfered is that there is always war in the middle east, no matter which century we live in, its melanchollic and especially the last scene gave me shivers, watching the angel of death taking the lives of many man with the atomic bomb
Great Video, should be shared many times to rise awareness of the danger
greeks and macedonians were different tribes,Alexander the Great is macedonian…
Macedonians were Greeks like the Athenians, the Spartans and so on …..
Educate your self before you start spreading wrong information !!
i think you are the one that needs to be educated @DM, macedonians and greeks were 2 different peoples. macedonians were ruled by Alexander the Great of macedonia and the greeks had their own shitty fucks to rule them. never were they 1. on the other hand, nowadays greeks want to spread incorrect information saying “macedonia was greek” and all the nonsense bullshit because they dont have the ability to say “our country conquered the world”. stop your bullshit and learn the real history.
Macedonians were Greeks like the Athenians, the Spartans and so on …..
Educate your self before you start spreading wrong information !!
Fuck the artificial state, fuck the ones who were given Gaza as a sign of good peace, fuck the ones who used it something more sinister, fuck the one that swear death to the chosen people, fuck Islam. Let hell rain down. Deus vult.
Wow, Talk about missing the point of the video. Enjoy the “Two Minutes of Hate” there buddy.
Fuck lying mooslims they need to be exterminated they are a pledge that needs to be wiped from the planet!
Enjoy your so-called holy land while it lasts. God was never in the real estate business.
what is this fucking resume
Absolutely brilliant. Really, really brilliant.
And God said, Let there be crackpots. And there were crackpots.
Of course it’s only funny when your watching the violence from a-far!