(PP) The “deathbed confession” audio tape in which former CIA agent and Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt admits he was approached to be part of a CIA assassination team to kill JFK was aired this weekend – an astounding development that has gone completely ignored by the establishment media.
Saint John Hunt, son of E. Howard Hunt, appeared on the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast Live radio show to discuss the revelations contained in the tape.
Hunt said that his father had mailed cassette the tape to him alone in January 2004 and asked that it be released after his death. The tape was originally 20 minutes long but was edited down to four and a half minutes for the Coast to Coast broadcast. Hunt promises that the whole tape will be uploaded soon at his website.
Watch the video below:
E. Howard Hunt names numerous individuals with both direct and indirect CIA connections as having played a role in the assassination of Kennedy, while describing himself as a “bench warmer” in the plot. Saint John Hunt agreed that the use of this term indicates that Hunt was willing to play a larger role in the murder conspiracy had he been required.
Hunt alleges on the tape that then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in the planning of the assassination and in the cover-up, stating that LBJ, “Had an almost maniacal urge to become president, he regarded JFK as an obstacle to achieving that.”
Asked if his father followed the conspiracy theories into the Kennedy assassination, Saint John said the elder Hunt did follow the work of AJ Weberman, a New York freelance writer, who in the early 70’s first accused Hunt of being one of three bums who were arrested in Dealy Plaza. The so-called bums (pictured above) were interrogated and later released by authorities shortly after the assassination. Weberman, one of the founders of the Youth International Party, the Vippies, published photographs of the tramps and found that two of them bore striking similarities to Hunt andFrank Sturgis, also named by Hunt in the tape as having been played a role in the assassination conspiracy.
Asked for his opinion as to whether his father was indeed one of the Dealy Plaza tramps, Saint John, in a stunning revelation, said one of the tramps indeed looked much like his father did in 1963 (see comparison above).
CIA operative Frank Stugis’ striking resemblance to one of the “tramps”.
Other researchers believe the “Hunt tramp” to really be Chauncey Holt, who apparently later confessed to the fact. Charles Harrelson was allegedly identified as the third tramp.
Saint John Hunt said that shortly before his death, his father had felt “deeply conflicted and deeply remorseful” that he didn’t blow the whistle on the plot at the time and prevent the assassination, but that everyone in the government hated Kennedy and wanted him gone in one way or another. Kennedy’s promise to “shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter the remnants to the wind” was being carried out and this infuriated almost everyone at the agency.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Howard_Hunt
2. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Confession_of_Howard_Hunt.html
3. http://www.nara.gov/cgi-bin/starfinder/0?path=jfkcnew.txt&id=demo&pass=&OK=OK
I can not hear the audio as the music is so loud, why include the music at all ?
This is fake.
So are your wife’s tits. But the guys at the strip club don’t complain.
Why do ppl have to turn every comment they dislike into a discussion about porn, naked girls and body parts?
I think on my deathbed I’ll confess to being the drummer on every Beatles record and release the audio with pointless music obscuring what I’m saying.
I didn’t read the whole article, I lost interest halfway through.
Do not believe any of this nonsense.
JFK was assassinated because the VP was hungry for his position?
No. Just NO.
John F. Kennedy was about to sign a contract to take down the Federal Reserve.
That’s why he was assassinated.
The “tightly knit”, elite ruling power was the one who took down JFK.
Guys I have believed anonymous long enough to know they tell the truth so “Expect us”
I have no doubt a person on pain medication and near death says just about anything. I am not a torture denier, it works. Whether the information is true or not is a different matter.
The problem here is the exact same problem all stories have about JFK being killed by someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald. There was no reason for FBI to kill him. Hoover had tapes of the only woman JFK ever loved and was monogamous with, Inga. https://www.amazon.com/Inga-Kennedys-Hitlers-Perfect-Hoovers/dp/1493017551 Now if the FBI knew she was a nazi spy, I am quite sure OSS ( the precursor to CIA) did as well. Every room of her apartment was wiretapped, so Hoover had months full of tapes of them doing everything.
When JFK and his brother Robert ( the first known America death due to Middle East terrorism, the PLO created Black September to carry out hijackings and murders to free his assassin but the American people weren’t told) discovered Hoover, head of FBI had wiretapped Martin Luther King and mailed the tape to his wife, and a copy to him with a letter demanding he commit suicide they decided to fire him.
Both went into his office but before they could say anything Hoover told JFK not to worry, the tapes he had of JFK with a nazi spy the Republicans would never know of, nor the tapes they had on RFK and Marilyn Monroe.
JFK and Bobby Kennedy were owned by the FBI.
MI5, the British version of CIA, arrived in Washington D.C. because it had been discovered JFK had orgied with Soviet spies. The exact same women who had brought down the British government with the Profumo Scandal had been with JFK. This was not during the Clinton years, when feminists made jokes about Bill being involved in rapes and silencing victims. In the early 1960’s this scandal would have ended his Presidency. Remember, in the 1980’s Gary Hart was forced out of the race because a woman in a bikini posed on his lap for a picture. You can only imagine what would have happened if the American public found out his marriage was a sham and he was reckless enough to orgy with Russian spies.
MI5 met with FBI, CIA, the heads of the Senate and Congress. Everyone knew his time was up, except maybe Jackie.
Republicans called for closed door hearing to begin January of 1964. The only person that didn’t know this, was Lee Harvey Oswald.
After JFK was murdered 3 days later the hearings were called off.
Because not one single conspiracy theory seems to know this declassified information, I dismiss all of them. So should you.
I don’t know how real this is but I can tell you that John f Kennedy was assasinated becuase he was going to dismantle the federal reserve private bank.
Instigators, enablers, players and profiteers
Clint Murcheson, a Texas business holds a party on the day before the assassination.Present were:-
J Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tollson, Lyndon B Johnson, Cliff Carter, Gov John Connally, Sen Joseph Yarborough, Joseph Sevilla (Dallas Mafia), Earl Cable (mayor of Dallas), John McCloy, Carlos Marcello (Dallas Mafia), Malcolm Mac Wallace, Curtis Laverne Crayford, Jack Allen Lawrence. Jack Ruby, Richard M Nixon, Haroldson Lafayette, Raymond G Carter these 4 were known associates of Sam Giancana.
Lyndon Baines Johnson was connected to or associated with J Edgar Hoover (friends), Harry F Bird (owner of Texas Book Depository), Bobby Baker, Sec US Senate, Billie Sol Estes, Carlos Marcello, Attorney John Kofer, Edward A Clark, Clint Murchison, a supporter of Clark.
Known to have been in Dallas on the morning of the assassination but denied their presence were Richard M Nixon and George W Bush. Both were photographed there on that day.
The sniper team/backup – Malcolm Mac Wallace, (6th floor Texas Book Depository) Frank Sturgis, (Grassy Knoll) E Howard Hunt. (Grassy Knoll) Jack Allan Lawrence (storm drain) Charles Nicoletti, (Daltek Building) Rolando Mesferrer, Rolando Otero, Ignacio San Paulo, J Weatherford, Eladio Del Valle.
Shot 1 E Howard Hunt fired from the grassy knoll entered the windshield and hits JFK just below the tie knot.
Shot 2 Fired by Frank Sturgis from the grassy knoll hits Gov John Connally
Shot 3 Fired by Malcolm Mac Wallace from 6th floor of The Texas Book Depository but from a window facing Stemmons Freeway, not Elm Street hitting JFK in the back
Shot 4 Fired by Charles Nicoletti from the DalTek Building but missed, instead hitting the chrome trim on the back seat of the car and ricocheting off towards the underpass, sending up a piece of concrete which hit James Teague in the face.
Shot 5 Fired by Jack Allan Lawrence from the storm drain hitting JFK in the head (The infamous ‘Back and to the left’ shot)
Interesting facts and connections
John Kofer was LBJ’s personal attorney and had represented Malcolm Mac Wallace when he was tried for the murder of John D Kinser in 1951. Wallace was at one time a press secretary for LBJ
Billie Sol Estes – friend/associate of LBJ
Charles Nicoletti was a hit man from Chicago under Sam Giancana
John McCloy was presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction by President Lyndon B. Johnson on December 6, 1963
Contributing factors leading to JFK’s death
1 Lyndon Baines Johnson’s hatred of Kennedy and that LBJ wanted to be President
2 JFK’s intent to dismantle the Federal Reserve Bank
3 JFK’s intent to dismantle the CIA
4 JFK’s policy on the oil depreciation bil
5 KFK’s policy on organised crime