Written by Kristan T. Harris at theantimedia.org
Facebook has a new little known software that monitors your profile chat and pictures for criminal activity. The software will proceed to alert an employee at the company who will then decide whether to call authorities or not.
The software will monitor individuals who have a ‘loose’ relationship on social media networks, according to an interview with Facebook Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan.
Reuters interview with the security officer explains, Facebook’s software focuses on conversations between members who have a loose relationship on the social network. For example, if two users aren’t friends, only recently became friends, have no mutual friends, interact with each other very little, have a significant age difference, and/or are located far from each other, the tool pays particular attention.
The scanning program looks for certain phrases found in previously obtained chat records from criminals, including sexual predators (because of the Reuters story, we know of at least one alleged child predator who is being brought before the courts as a direct result of Facebook’s chat scanning). The relationship analysis and phrase material have to add up before a Facebook employee actually looks at communications and makes the final decision of whether to ping the authorities.
“We’ve never wanted to set up an environment where we have employees looking at private communications, so it’s really important that we use technology that has a very low false-positive rate,” Sullivan told Reuters.
The software has been used to help gather information on potential murder suspects as well. In just one case,62 pages of information, pictures, chat and posts where gathered and handed over to local authorities by Facebook in a recent subpoena request.
Facebook most likely wants to keep this software secret since most people do not think fondly of someone rummaging around their private messages and photos looking for criminal activities. Also how far is this system willing to go and will they soon pursue minor crimes or even thought crime?
This article (Facebook Tells the Cops When You Talk About Criminal Activity in Private Messages) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article with attribution to the author and TheRundownLive.com. Tune-in to the THERUNDOWNLIVE Monday-Friday @ 9pm
Uhh.. use PGP. Simple.
#fuckthelaw #fuckthepatroitact #fuckc51
Well clearly your an immature 18 year old who clearly knows nothing.
I’m 18 and I know that police departments don’t use their public websites to store your personal, criminal records, communications between other police departments, government bodies or social media departments.
They are all stored on a seperate server.
Shutting down the public website won’t do anything other than stop people reading the news releases.
Stay in school kid and try not getting arrested.
encrypted IRC, the only way to fly!
Flood the program and screw with it’s ability determine real-world from drill. Desensitize the eye that watches, detach yourself from identities that provide the medium for them to control, watch and manipulate you.
Sent from a remote pc on public credentials
Yeah.. Good job if you plan something “illegal” on Facebook!
Like most I’m always concerned when privacy is at stake. However if a child abuser or murderer etc. is caught via this then obviously could be beneficial (though maybe I’m naive but I can’t see many high level criminals making their plans on Facebook..).
There’s always the issue that preventing terrorism is likely a key priority and just how this is defined, especially by an algorithm, can be highly subjective and/or political.
Also if it went as far as just thwarting a couple of teenagers from arranging a 4:20 smoke or other minor stuff I’d be concerned (which I’d have thought is more common in reality).
I would be intrigued to know just what they scan for and how it is decided when to escalate, although I doubt they’re keen to reveal their processes.
Citizens of America I would highly recommend & encourage we all take a stand once and for all against police corruption/brutality.Write to your state representative and complain.Send all your videos to ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union),district attorney’s office,and FBI,youtube and bambuser.com.take a stand,let them know how fed up we all are from the corruption,brutality & coverups.Support M.A.C.C. (men against corrupted cops),back each other up nationally and help dissolve the corruption quickly within the police forces.Help pass laws for every citizen in case we feel threatened,unease and offended by a sudden attack by a cop so we can protect ourselves physically & legally.We don’t deserve it so why tolerate it? Together we stand,divided we fall.I urge all that’s had enough to stand up and help defend our god given American rights what corrupted cops are attempting to take away with nonsense procedural excuses they literally use against us.please go to the website below,sign up and become a member.Support copblock in your local neighborhood,towns and cities.Enough is enough.Together we can help stop police state and martial law from forming,growing & spreading across our country.