A picture tweeted by Iraqi journalist Hala Jaber proves that ISIS is a community of cowards. Even though shaving or cutting facial hair is “haram” (forbidden) under the strict Sharia law, ‘Islamic’ State fighters in Syria are reportedly shaving their beards and dressing up as women to flee Syria, in the wake of Russia stepping up its military campaign to bulldoze the terror outfit. The reports of fleeing Islamic State jihadists comes as at least 40 members of the group were killed in an airstrike in Hama, west-central Syria.
Let’s shave… Photo apparently showing left over beards shaved off by rebels running 4m #Syria. pic.twitter.com/RJ3DVOJ8YR
— Hala Jaber (@HalaJaber) October 12, 2015
.2/ More Jihadi beards, shaved off in Reef #Aleppo, as they flee clean shaven 2 #Turkey, these Via @leithfadel pic.twitter.com/xOmMkhH8oY — Hala Jaber (@HalaJaber) October 12, 2015
Since Russia launched airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria, around 530 strikes have been conducted by its Air Force. Hundreds of terrorists and dozens of command posts, depots and other ISIS infrastructure have been destroyed. Moscow security services claim thousands of terrorists have downed their weapons and fled to Turkey from where they may try to head to Europe as refugees.
“The majority of armed gangs are demoralized. Discontent with field commanders is growing amid the fighters, and there are instances of disobeying orders,” Russian General Andrey Kartapolov told reporters adding that cases of desertion among the jihadists are no longer isolated, with them now fleeing “en masse”.
Lol!!! #Obama‘s ISIS brigades shave their beards and flee from Putin’s rage! #AusPol #EuPol https://t.co/ZruihqNwob
— WhiteJustice Warrior (@Lopez19880110) October 17, 2015
ISIS have been left humiliated after their fighters shave their beards and dress as women to flee to Syria… http://t.co/qCeTNdWKBs — TheLADbible (@TheLadBible) October 19, 2015
There are two more reasons why ISIS fighters are leaving their stronghold.
A senior commander in the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah, who leads several pro-regime military units in Syria, told International Business Times, “We’ve heard info that [ISIS fighters] are leaving. Daesh [the Arabic acronym for ISIS] wants a foothold in Africa. The order we have now is to destroy Daesh and push them to the Iraqi border to kill them there.”
ISIS leaders have been calling for additional fighters in Libya, a country that could open doors for the group across North Africa. ISIS has been in Libya, home to its largest forces outside of the Middle East, for just over a year. In August, a Saudi militant Abu Ali Jazrawi fighting with the offshoot of Islamic State in Libya used a video to call for jihadists from across the world to rally in Libya and fight for ISIS against the Libyan Army.
In September, The Guardian reported that three women, believed to be British, were using social media to reach out to western Muslims to open up new front in North Africa. In late June, according to the newspaper, one woman calling herself Umm [sister] Unknown wrote: “Come to Libya. Hijra [religious migration] is not only to Shaam [Syria] now. Libya needs you too.”
This Article (ISIS Fighters Shave Beards, Dress As Women To Escape Russian Airstrikes, Flee Syria) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
So Anonymous promotes racism? White Warrior ? Fucking Really?
I don’t know one way or the other, but why so quick to assume ‘White’ is referring to skin colour?
check out the twitter feed.. holocaust denier
Out of the entire article , that is the only thing you noticed? There is really something wrong with all of you people. What? can’t handle the fact that Russia is actually helping people while all EU and USA do is fuck the world up? And yea great arguement, just because someone is called whitewarrior doesn’t mean he is racist. he might aswell be a albino or just ffs call himself whitewarrior because he can’t come up with better names. You know what? Batman the Dark Knight Rises is racism to , because the black people will rise up and the white people will be the slaves this time arround. Great arguement right? Yea go think about this small brains. Fucking idiots everywhere on the website really…
I completely understand where you’re coming from and I agree. The Russian Military is helping, and they are succeeding in the fight against ISIS. Far more than the west is doing as far as I’m concerned. And I’m not saying Obama and his cabinet shouldn’t be called cowards and fools (Because they should be labeled as such.) But I also believe Russia and Putin most notable have much darker and more corrupt motivations behind these military actions. They are attacking the west indirectly. Honestly I believe that Putin is declaring war, and Western leaders are cowering. But they have a reputation for that these days. Which gives Putin a Hitler-like advantage over everyone.
How in the hell do you think Russia is “attacking” the west??!!!!
Assisting the Assad regime is a direct insult to United States policies. Even back in Crimea when the region was being invaded, The United States did nothing but add sanctions that ultimately did not stop their advance. There is a rising tide in the East, and the west has failed to keep it in check.
hey big foot..
check out the twitter feed in question.. let me know your thoughts
Oooooomg oomg looooool. Nice one homie! FUCK OBAMA. I knew it was him from the beginning! ISIS TALIBAN! ALL!
Idiots everywhere. I swear the population has their freaking head in a cloud, or up their ass…
Oh boy, you poor sheep
That picture is of ISIS’ all female al-Khansaa’ Brigade. This proves nothing.
Besides, Russia has been hitting mostly FSA, not Daesh, positions.
You’re really gonna put your faith in the guys who literally JUST said “Oh theeese arent Russian soldiers, these are just Crimeans who want to dress up for Halloween!”?!
Good keep talking mainstream media sheep. Russia isn’t doing anything at all, nooooo. I just spoke some syrian people which got here 3 days ago to see their family. And they were totally like ” USA Is doing everything good, helping us and totally not bombing our hospitals and fighting with ISIS, and Russia is totally doing nothing while they say they are”.. in case your tiny brain can’t understand, I’m being really sarcastic. And now the not sarcastic part : The Syrians want the USA gone there immidiatly. Furthermore they are extremely thankful that Russia is helping them, because they REALLY ARE HELPING!! and another thing, the picture is there only for coloring the article up and letting the reader know about what it is. It doesn’t exactly have to be about the ISIS terrorist which is written in the article, it’s called ” Content Marketing ” , look into it, small brains >.<
Thank you President Putin ! The United States and the world owe you a debt of gratitude.
Kills your argument when you republish a tweet by someone like “WhiteJustice Warrior” who’s propagating nonsense like Star Wars’ “war on whites.” It’s called editorial discretion. Try it.
Hence the real reason for the burka and all the other crap they wear in the desert heat
Don’t talk shit Paul you daft F I_I C K A!!!
Hahaha You’re either stupid or a little knowledge, the mujahideen of the Islamic state came to die for Allah , not to escape, because death is coming, even if you’re in the moon difference in their own way.
Putin will rip off his shirt, saddle up on his bear, and hunt them all down by himself.
Its all fake. These muslims are taught to seek
1. Sex
2. Other’s wealth(in terms of heavy tax, loot, etc)
3. Land grabbing (they bury dead bodies and grab land)
4. Threaten others to life to make them slaves.
Don’t call them muslim you mainstream media sheep. Because they aren’t.
So where does all the absurd nonsense about cosmic conspiracies and end times apocalypses (which is what primarily motivates these people)actually come from then, in your opinion? If not from the Qu’ran and various Hadith?
These “mujahadeen” are motivated by CIA money. They are NOT Muslims at all, but dirtbags, western agents.
Whaoooo your stupidity is infinite GreatHindu
Judging whole islam based on action of few idiots its kind of joining the whole hurd of idiots
for example judging whole hindu community on astrocities they use to commit
1. Kill an infant if its a girl
2. Burn wife alive if husband dies
3. Human sacrifice to kali
4. Follow a playboy god etc etc etc list can go on
and same goes for christianity in the time of crusade what christian did to non believers was cruel and wicked pillage whole village and in the time of expolorers forcing other continent race to submit to christanity by threat of death etc etc
Just coz few illiterate muslims are brainless idiot so dont go judging the whole lot based on action of few
So yeah dont go ranting bullshit things and comparing good muslims with them coz even good muslims suffer due to the action of those terrorist cunts
Is this conform with the Sharia???? I dont think so….
Unfortunately, when Russian Generals refer to “the majority of armed gangs” (in Syria) they are *not* referring to Daesh, they’re referring to groups such as the FSA, YPG and other such people.
The kind of groups the Russians have been hammering for the last few days, while actually leaving Daesh largely alone (aside from a few PR stunt airstrikes).
Which is why (if you actually check sources other than Russian propaganda ones) Daesh have been advancing into areas such as northern Aleppo, since the Russian bombing began, because the bombing campaign has not been focused on them, it’s been focused on the people they’ve been fighting for the last 2 years.
Putin’s ideal outcome would probably be the Syrian regime remaining in power and in control of the western provinces, and Daesh controlling the east. Which is almost certainly what is going to happen, sadly.
What if this is all the part of Russian plan. By trying to show up world as a BIG PLAYERS by finaly stepping in and taking controll of ISIS crysis, they make them flee to western Europe and making chaos there, making it weaker and to finnaly continue further than eastern Ukraine
Go right ahead. I live in a country bordering to Russia; we were part of the Russian empire for a hundred years and they treated us like royalty and we had some of the best glorious days in our history. The Russian Czar founded our parliament and it was in function during the whole Russian era; we had our own money and our men weren’t conscripted into the Russian army, although many went volontarily. We had freedom of speech. Some of this nation’s literary classics were written as outright anti-Russian works during the time when Russia controlled this nation! Noone around here seems to remember that now, instead mainstream media is pumping NATO-propaganda at us and Russophobia.
I’m all for strengthening ties with this new, strong, confident, expanding Russia and getting rid of all NATO/US/western corrupt corporate/bankster influence over here. A strong economic treaty with Russia is what this country needs, and, in the future, a proper political and military alliance!
Really, antiscamp??? That’s why all neighboring countries are BEGGING to join NATO. You are probably the only citizen in your country that feels that way. I have friends from all over, and every single one of them has the same sentiment. … keep putin out of our country!!! At least they’re smart enough to realize putin is trying to control the world, starting with all former Soviet nations. Putin wants them back, badly. Unfortunately for him, this is exactly the opposite and the reasons you fought wars with russia….to maintain your independence!!! You want to be ruled by a dictator, do you???
I feel sorry for you. But if that’s what you want, then you will just have to move to russia then. I don’t know from where you hail, but I can assure you this…your country will never be ruled by russia again. Sorry to burst your bubble.
HUEHUEHUE. You SUCK isis. :3
I don’t think that’s humiliating. I think we would all dress as something different to escape bombs and get killed.