“The compound works by three ways essentially: it kills the tumour cells directly, it cuts off the blood supply and it also activates the body’s own immune system to clean up the mess that’s left behind.”
Already, 1 in 2 people is expected to develop cancer in their lifetimes. That’s 50% of all humans on Earth. If a potential cure was found, one would expect to see it broadcasted on every mainstream media site, correct? Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. Regardless, this recent discovery is worth knowing about and passing along to others.
According to ABC News, an eight-year-long study led by Dr. Glen Boyle, from the QIMR Berghofer medical research institute in Brisbane, has confirmed that a compound in a rare berry which grows exclusively in Australia is capable of killing tumors. The flushed berry, also known as the Hylandia dockrillii, has a unique compound called EBC-46 that kills head and neck tumors as well as melanomas. In approximately 75% of the cases, says Dr. Boyle, the cancer cells did NOT come back.
He explains:
“There’s a compound in the seed – it’s a very, very complicated process to purify this compound and why it’s there in the first place, we don’t know. The compound works by three ways essentially: it kills the tumour cells directly, it cuts off the blood supply and it also activates the body’s own immune system to clean up the mess that’s left behind.”
Scientists are astounded by how fast the compound in the flushed berry works, as well as the lack of side effects caused by the treatment. In trials, the drug took effect within five minutes and tumors disappeared within days.
“Usually when you treat a tumour it takes several weeks for it to resolve, but this is very, very rapid,” explains Dr. Boyle. “There’s a purpling of the area, of the tumour itself, and you see that within five minutes and you come back the next day and the tumour’s black and you come back a few days later and the tumour’s fallen off.”
The first trials were conducted on rats, horses, and dogs, which is why Dr. Boyle and his team are eager to continue pre-clinical trials to test its effectiveness on humans. The video above shares the incredible experience of the first woman to partake in a trial.
If the berry proves to be effective in fighting cancer in people, Dr. Boyle says it will need to be offered as an additional treatment option, rather than a replacement for chemotherapy or surgery. Specifically, he says elderly patients who can’t go through another round of chemotherapy, or who can’t go through another general anesthetic, should be offered the treatment.
For holistic physicians, such as Dr. Lodi whose specialty is combating cancer utilizing low-dose chemotherapy and plant-based diets, the berry might offer another powerful method of helping the body from cancer naturally.
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This article (Scientists Find Fruit In Australia Capable Of Killing Cancer, Mainstream Media Stays Silent) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
Watch that forest get burnt down in a “Wild” forest fire like so many other cures for cancer.
They are killing you.
You don’t care.
They don’t care what you post online, In fact they want you to post it online.
Stand up in REAL LIFE or shut the fuck up and die.
My dog has a tumor on her throat..would love to give her some
Hi Berni, try contacting Qbiotics and they may let you know which vets are still trialling the drug. It has has incredible success!
Hold the presses. Doesn’t mean shit until there are human trials.
Did you not watch the video of the woman with the tumor? That was a human trial…
My mom has brain tumours from lymphoma i would like to know how can i get the berry
If you are in a medical marijuana state get the cannabis oil They call it RSO, FECO Hashoil and a few other names. Youtube has tons of videos on how to make it at home from the plant matter. A number of friends are cancer free due to using it. Also look into DCA, eat a couple inches of raw ginger & turmeric (with black pepper) everyday, then something called, “Black Salve”, it is an herbal mixture that you apply topically & it pulls the cancer out, it’s kinda gross. Good luck it can be beaten.
My brother has stage 4 bowel cancer so I need a miracle now not in 5 to 10 years when it may be available.
If you are in a medical marijuana state get the cannabis oil They call it RSO, FECO Hashoil and a few other names. Youtube has tons of videos on how to make it at home from the plant matter. A number of friends are cancer free due to using it. Also look into DCA, eat a couple inches of raw ginger & turmeric (with black pepper) everyday, then something called, “Black Salve”, it is an herbal mixture that you apply topically & it pulls the cancer out, it’s kinda gross. Good luck it can be beaten.
You know if you’ve read the actual paper they make sure to note that they’ve only tested on skin and external tumors and not internal cancers, you people make it sound like it kills all types of cancer (however the paper did say it does work on a diverse range of cancers). also maybe include a link to the actual paper http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0108887
Stories like these appear in the daily mail once a month and they’re all sensationalist bullshit, making exaggerated claims on limited evidence, often twisting and distorting facts to create a story or fit their own agenda.
Wake up to what is really going on in the world and stop propagating these bullshit conspiracy theories which are fed to you by the powers that be to distract you all from the truth and keep you powerless.
Please keep posting on this berry and effect on the intrernal body cansers please! Regards Hannes Steenberg
My 22 year old daughter has brain cancer, when and where can I get it. . J