Syrian Rebels Hacked – 7.7GB of Data Stolen

syrian rebels hacked
Unidentified hackers hacked Syrian rebels official data with the honey trap’s an old technique which is also used by security agencies to work on the suspect

Unidentified hackers have breached Syrian rebels official data using the ‘help honey trap’ technique. It’s an old technique which is also used by security agencies when working on their targets. Here, the hackers made a fake profile of a female on Skype, then they asked the target (Syrian rebels) what devices they are using (mobile or desktop) so that they can send the appropriate malware to said target. After some conversation, the hacker using the fake profile sends a photograph, which is malicious, to the target. When the victim opens the photograph, it automatically installs the malware on the device. With this malware the hacker gains access to the device which, in this case, led to the theft of 7.7GB of data, 31,107 Skype conversations and millions of private messages. The hackers also stole battle plans, supply needs and some personal information about the Syrian rebels. After this, they also made the same fake profile on social networking websites which are linked with the Syrian opposition websites, convincing the visitors to click on links that would install malware on that device automatically.

It is not yet clear whether the hackers have passed the stolen information of the Syrian rebels to the Syrian government or not. If the stolen information is passed on to the Syrian government, it would help them in defeating the rebels. We don’t have any information regarding the hackers behind this operation.

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  1. OH NOO 🙁 …. not syrian goverment …Baschar al assad and the syrian goverment is killing millions od syrian people I was liiving in syria too i left syria since 2012 because they killed my brother for protesting ….
    F**K the syrian gov. AND ASSAD !

  2. If the US wants to help the Syrian rebels it must send them aids in the form of hookers, so they don’t blow things up because of their sex suppression.


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