WARNING: Do Not Pee On Hamburg’s Pee-Proof Walls, They Pee Back!


Germans can’t get funnier and nastier than this. Residents of Hamburg’s St. Pauli’s nightclub district have found an innovative way to teach drunken party-goers, who urinate and malign public buildings, a lesson. A local community group, IG St. Pauli, has applied the hydrophobic paint known as Ultra-Ever-Dry, also used in shipbuilding, on two especially frequented buildings near the port to deter ‘Wild Pinkler’. The water-repellent paint deflects any liquid that comes into contact with it – so now whoever urinates on these walls will find his own spray bouncing right back at him.

“This paint job sends a direct message back to perpetrators that their wild urinating on this wall is not welcome. The paint protects the buildings and the residents and most importantly it sends a signal this behavior is not on. We tried to analyze the problem and come up with a solution. We were especially interested in coming up with an idea that would be suitable for this quarter,” Julia Staron, who organized the group, told Reuters.

“Prohibitions and fines do scarcely anything. So we decided to solve the problem our own way. Now, St Pauli pees back,” added a member of the group.

St. Pauli welcomes some 20 million visitors each year, many of whom visit the seedy bars and strip clubs in its red light districts, the Reeperbahn. Group members covered the lower walls of some of the Reeperbahn’s most popular peeing spots with the paint. Signs (that say: “Hier nicht pinkeln! Wir pinkeln zurueck” (Do not pee here! We pee back!)) warning revelers have been posted on ‘some of the walls’ treated with pee-proof paint.


IG St. Pauli hopes that the new method would deter unruly drunkards from relieving themselves all over the neighborhood.


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  1. Ummmmm… pee on an angle. It can only bounce back if you pee straight. So, let it bounce to the side. Make a game of it. See if you can angle it to hit some object in the street. Aim true!

    • Hmmm! Encourage people to “make a game” out of exposing themselves in public! I pray that Anthony Taurus NEVER has children… You can guarantee he would teach his children that it is perfectly acceptable to urinate in public too!!! What a shame!!! 🙁

      • If your children are awake at 10 – 3am or earlier in the morning, and walking around in a red light district, you have a problem.

      • Elad Sarkozy.. don’t be such a lame!! FYI, I don’t do public pools! Chlorine isn’t good for you. But, I will let it flow in the ocean. Hope you’re not that much of a prude.

        • Now now Anthony, you know what they say, the civilised thing to do is to piss your pants and wear it with pride! Ah fuck I love sarcasm! But seriously, if there ain’t no free pisser around, I still ain’t fuckin pissin my pants!

      • urinate in public? so what are you trying to say? i should hold my piss inside until i find a toilet to piss in? which even may charge me money? come on thats just rediculus

  2. I think that if people are pissing on the walls in an area it’s a pretty big hint that public facilities should be provided. =P


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