9/11 was the “great event” that paved the way for an entirely new era of warfare and totalitarianism, which will provide the foundation for an even more advanced era of warfare and totalitarian control, on the path we’re currently on.
People understandably have a hard time conjuring up the inspiration to focus on it nowadays. It’s hard for activists or people who care about the future to have much inspiration for anything lately, because we’re in a stagnant period of time for that collectively, here at the end of this 2010’s decade. For so many years in a row, it seemed that the efforts of activists were fruitless. We can explain the truth only so many times, a certain number of ways, before we realize most people will choose not to care regardless of how important or true it is.
This is the air that surrounds the still great issue of 9/11, almost 17 years later in 2018. Who is left to wake up now?
The only people left to learn some truth on this issue, or any issue that has been ongoing for years, are the very youngest people: those who have not cemented some opinion of what happened in their minds.
So if you’re young and reading this, please share it with everyone you know. Only the people coming of age now will be open minded enough to understand things like this if you don’t already know. Many people who come from all ages and walks of life understand this, but cynicism is common in people as they age with this knowledge. Spread the word.
1. Understand the strategies played out through the media. How does the mainstream media create this empirical feeling within people, that they are the bastion of factual information and everything must be cited through them? They become “the news” by simply cataloguing facts in a neat and organized way, while excluding the truth or any real opinion from it other than subtle support for the establishment. Yes, the facts are usually correct, but the lie is contained within what is committed.
The NY Times wrote an article about every single 9/11 victim. Because if you have money to pay writers to do that, you can become “the news” and have all the “facts” stripped bare without any context. Of course for seasoned researchers, facts stripped bare can be quite useful.
2. The government claimed the air was safe to breathe after the attacks, and that was a fatal lie that killed a lot of people. It took 100 days for the firefighters in New York City to even completely put out all the fires caused by the attack.
3. The mayor of San Francisco, California, Willie Brown shockingly admitted that airport security warned him not to fly on that particular Monday, the evening before.
4. In 1993, an agenda seemed to be playing out with the intent of justifying a mass surveillance, police state and also civilian disarmament. The first terror attack on the World Trade Center actually happened in 1993, when 6 people were killed in a car bombing.
5. 1.8 million tons of wreckage were produced by the collapsed World Trade Center, and some of the evidence implicating who committed the attack was sent to China. Some very strange decisions were made about what to do with the wreckage material.
6. It has been reported that $750 million and 3.1 million man hours were required to remove the wreckage from the site. More interestingly, a profit was made quietly by officials who sold the material to China, very quickly before anyone could examine whether or not the steel matched the official narrative in how it was destroyed. According to 9/11 Research:
“The bulk of the steel was apparently shipped to China and India. The Chinese firm Baosteel purchased 50,000 tons at a rate of $120 per ton, compared to an average price of $160 paid by local mills in the previous year.
Mayor Bloomberg, a former engineering major, was not concerned about the destruction of the evidence:
If you want to take a look at the construction methods and the design, that’s in this day and age what computers do. Just looking at a piece of metal generally doesn’t tell you anything.
The pace of the steel’s removal was very rapid, even in the first weeks after the attack. By September 29, 130,000 tons of debris — most of it apparently steel — had been removed.”
7. 50,000 people actually had been working at the World Trade Center, and every day 40,000 visited the building, approximately.
8. Ever heard of the 9/11 boatlift? It was when 500,000 people were transported off of Manhattan Island after the city’s transportation was shut down after 9/11.
9. This isn’t really relevant to any kind of truth, but some people lied about the attack in seemingly pointless ways. Former president of the WTC Survivors Network Tania Head faked being a victim of the attack in the south tower, but she actually wasn’t in the country when the attacks occurred apparently.
10. The cousin of president George Bush, Jim Pierce, had a meeting with Mayor Rudolph Giuliani at the WTC that very morning. What happened was, the weekly Tuesday meeting held by the Mayor on the 23rd floor was cancelled a few hours before it was scheduled, and the group held by Pierce was “too large” so his conference happened to be moved across the street.
11. A piece for the tabloid media, one American was reportedly in space on 9/11 and he took this photo from the International Space Station.
(Image credit: thebright)
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