Written by: Anon.Dos
How do blind people read? – was the question that popped in Banjeree’s brain. From small blocks of Lego and other cheap materials Banjeree built an affordable printer for the blind. Commonly known as Braille printer; which can cost up to two thousand dollars (United States Dollar) was created by Banjeree just under three hundred and fifty dollars (United States Dollar).
To provide for people the thirteen year old has formed a company called Braigo (Brai – lle & Le – go) Labs Inc. This printer (version 1.0) is made up of Lego’s Mindstoms EV3 kit which consists of a micro processor, electronic motor, infrared sensors and actuators and other hardware. He is currently developing more commercially available printer.
However, Banjeree gave away the design and software for free to the people. He said that what he is doing is great and could actually help people. By creating the printer for $350 he has already dropped the price for about seventy five percent. However, he has uploaded the building instructions on YouTube and has also uploaded the software file on Lego Mindstorms EV3 community page.