“The world is currently focused on the humanitarian tragedy in Syria, where years of civil war have forced millions to flee to other countries to escape the bloodshed. The world must not forget about some 60 million people who have been displaced around the globe,” said Obama during a visit to a Malaysian learning center that serves Muslim refugee children, a few days ago.
“Anybody who had a chance to see those kids, hopefully you understood the degree to which they’re just like our kids. They deserve love and stability and protection.“
President Barack Obama vowed Saturday that his country will be a welcoming place for millions fleeing violence around the world ;”as long as I’m president we are going to keep stepping up.”
I couldn’t agree more with what he has said here, it is wrong on every level to conflate every Muslim with terrorism; I just wish his actions reflected this, and it wasn’t all political rhetoric. You see, Obama talks a great game about accepting refugees, but it is his drone program that has caused many to flee to begin with; it is his drone program which kills 9 in 10 innocents, flagrantly disregarding the humanity that he claims to protect; it is also his drone program and his actions in destabilizing Libya which has caused the rise of ISIS.
With that in mind, cue the photo op as he “interviews” kids between the ages of seven and nine as he tours the Dignity for Children Foundation.
At the same time, while all this is just propaganda, one wonders if a President who is at least willing to pretend to be humane would not be a better than the alternative: one who uses his image as a heinous human being as a campaign tool.
On the one hand, Americans view the actions of their government as being falsely generous. On the other, Americans view the world in an “us VS them” prism which might lead to worse human rights violations, but at least know that their actions are honestly heinous.
Sources: Huffington Post
This Article (Obama Vows To Keep Borders Open As He Visits Child Muslim Refugees) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
I know your saying Obama is pretending and shit and yea ofc he is. But don’t promote BS like this on social media “Obama Vows to keep Borders open as he visits child muslim refugees” Yea fucking great seeing that on your social media. As a consequence, most people won’t click to read this article and be like” yea obama is great and shit”. SO THIS RESULTS IN HAVING MORE PEOPLE BRAINWASHED!!!! USE UR FUCKING IDIOTING FUCKING STUPID BRAINS ANONYMOUS IM GETTING REALLY TIRED OF YOU TRYING TO HELP BUT INSTEAD YOU KEEP MESSING IT UP AS THE MOST TRUSTWORTHY SOURCE OF THE INTERNET. ITS FUCKING TIRING AND FRUSTRATING BECAUSE EVERYDAY IM WORKING MY ASS OFF TRYING TO CHANGE THE WORLD AND YOU KEEP THROWING BS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. SO EITHER DISSAPEAR FROM THE WEB OR START DOIING SOMETHING USEFULL FOR THIS WORLD THAT YOU “oh so wanna help” .. BS!!!!!!
That guy who left the previous message seems to be a solid psycho!