According to the Office of the Federal Register, world leaders abound have offered President Obama lavish gifts throughout 2014. Released twentyfour hours before Thansgiving, the U.S. Department of State has disclosed its annual list of gifts, with President Obama receiving approximately $1.35 million in gifts from Saudi king, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud. In light of condemning Saudi Arabia of human rights violations, the list sheds light on actual relations between the country and Obama.
Amongst the gifts received were:
$1.13 million in jewelry to Lady Michelle Obama
$85,240 for two gold wristwatches to President Obama
$80,000 in jewelry for Obama’s daughters.
$57,000 brass replica of the Makkah Clock Tower
In 2014 it has also been noted that a White House staff member received a silver wristwatch worth $19,628, with further watches sent to other White House members, valued at $8,170 each.
In 2013, it was reported that the Saudi king also spent over $9.8 million on U.S. lobbyists.
A list of gifts to CIA Director John Brennan has had redacted names for the purpose of ““such information could adversely affect United States intelligence sources or methods.”
This Article (Obama accepts $1.3M in gifts from Nation that Beheads Citizens) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
That’s so he/they will keep his mouth shut, about the atrocities they perform.
A quick and easy bit of research shows that, although the gifts were accepted, since returning them would be an enormous insult, none were kept and they were disposed of or stored according to law. Please report the whole story, not just the part that feels good
I agree. It took about 2 minutes to go into the doc to see that this has been common practice and is done by all countries around the world. I find this odd, as I have a few other links by AnonymousUSA. I am now wondering if this is really Anon or some other group using the name. There is far too much posting and the site more and more resembles a regular political site.
Odd piece, given the very beheaders you vilify own much of FOX and other Right Wing propaganda fronts
But you fail to list all the stuff Bush got from the same person. That is at least 20 times this, and continues to grow as he and/or his father are on so many boards of their oil companies. This is why he invaded Iraq after 9/11 instead of going after Osama.