“I was filming a sketch for youtube in front of a local airport, when a racist woman stopped her vehicle on the side of the road and started calling my friend and I terrorists,” said Uhoh Nick on Facebook. “Being that I’m an inspiring filmmaker, I pulled out my camera and started recording the incident. I honestly never thought this would happen to me.”
Uhoh Nick and his friend (BOTH Brazilians) were filming a video for their YouTube comedy channel in front of an airport- and as luck would have it, they struck a disturbing bit of comedy gold… with the unwitting assistance of one (probably crazy and certainly racist) white woman.
As soon as they begin filming her, she starts hurling racist abuse at them:
“I said you were a scum bag, you’re child pedophilers [SIC], faggot bitches that turn into terrorists,” she rants, adding several other anti-gay slurs. “You’re turning terrorists now because you hate yourself so much. Now you’re taking pictures in front a plane to remind you of 9/11.”
This part of her rant seems to be based on Donald Trump’s claim that Muslims were celebrating as the towers fell- of course, his claims were proved false. It is unknown if Brazilians were cheering as the towers fell though.
“You’re American terrorists!” the woman insists after exiting her SUV. “And God told me so. God is your brain and your brain.”
Interestingly, she was wearing a T-shirt with
September 11th, Jesus and even hoverboards get thrown into the mix of verbal diarrhea.
“You want little Middle Eastern boys like you to get raped and go to hell!” she yells after she gets back in and drives away.
According to Uhoh Nick, people “like her need to be shunned out of society, because that’s the mentality that keeps us from progressing.”
This isn’t the first time Uh-Oh Monkey has filmed a possibly race-induced situation; about a year ago they had also filmed police officers who had them handcuffed for trespassing, while they were making another film on public property.
The two videos have the highest view-counts on their channel.
Sources: US Uncut, Raw Story, The Guardian
This Article (Enraged Racist Woman Verbally Attacks BRAZILLIAN Comedy Team, Calling Them “Terrorists”, “Pedophilers” ) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
I was just looking for a definition of the word “religiotard” and hey presto…
We can’t judge all people from the evidence of one lady. Peace. I pray for peace and wisdom for her.
We don’t have to. We have 400yrs of slavery and oppression to add to it.
No doubt, she gives STUPIDITY a whole new meaning . Definitely a FUBAR..
I would have started yelling “ALLAHU AKBAR!”
You made my day XD
These are the people who wotes for Trump…..
I ohly saw a rollerboard, could you give me the timestamp with the hoverboard? Didn’t know they do exist yet…
Why don’t they identify themselves? Brazilian? Who are they? Who’s “Uhoh?” “BRAZILLIAN Comedy Team.” One ‘L’, not two.