The mainstream media has already been caught once recycling Russian strikes against ISIS. It seems that footage of U.S. strikes against ISIS has been so hard to come by, that their allies in France have also chosen to use Russian strikes as evidence of the U.S. coalition’s efficacy against ISIS, as seen below. Fool me once…
While the mainstream media has chosen to fixate on how Russia is the sole cause of chaos in the region, it is useful to note that the Russians at least bother to film their air strikes to begin with. It is also useful to note that a few months of Russian strikes somehow led to a coalition that believed that ISIS could be eradicated within months, according to John Kerry in recent remarks, and ISIS losing territory, when a full year and a half of US coalition strikes before Russian intervention had only inexplicably led to the growth of ISIS, and projections of future growth.
Sources: Live Leak, CBC, Time, Business Insider, International Business Times
This Article (Mainstream Media Reuses Russian Strike Videos as Examples of U.S. Strikes Again) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
Yay hooray for shit media coverage, who the fuck cares it’s not like this is something done over and over all over the fucking world. But I guess as long as it helps propagate the idea that “look at you sheeps! don’t you see you’re all brainwashed? Only us, the alternative press, know the truth! The government is bad! Fluorinated water! GMOs are giving you baby cancer! Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams!”