I am pretty certain that most of you are aware about California’s devastating record-breaking drought that is going on right now. Other than being told that this is the worst drought in over 1,200 years we are also being told that water MUST be preserved, and those accessing it must use as little as possible. Members of the community have so far done a great job at cutting back on water! But as for large corporations?… Well you can guess… they use up most of it, and still continue doing so! And after so many warnings! In this article I will cover five of the most corrupt water-sucking companies out there.
5. Nestle
Nestle is one of the worlds biggest and most well known distributors of chocolate. However, Nestle is now becoming one of the most well known water sucking companies in the world. The way that the company gathers water for its bottled water products is nothing but outrageous. The company gathers a huge portion of its water from third world countries for both cheaper costs and greater quantities, but it isn’t just undeveloped countries that they are pumping water out of, they are also taking it straight from California. For example, one of the places where Nestle takes water from is on the Morongo Reservation within the Cabazon region of the state. Water levels have been dropping in this area of the state for years now, but they continue to pump it dry.
4. Harris Ranch
It isn’t just people that are consuming all of the water, did you know that cows drink up to 20 times as much water as we do! Harris Cattle Ranch is California’s largest producer of beef, with around 150 million pounds of beef recorded to be sold each year. It isn’t just the cows consumption of water that is ‘droughting’ California, it is also what they eat. Every single cow, of course, must eat, which in turn means that masses of crops must be grown and distributed to all of the farms. Food growth is heavily subsidized by the government, who help to supply the fields with the correct amounts of water – which is millions of gallons. It has been found that more than 90% of all water actually taken from California is used by agriculture.
3. Occidental Petroleum
Occidental Petroleum is one of California’s most used oil brands and it is also one of California’s most frequent fracker. Fracking, also known as enhanced oil recovery techniques (remember that), uses up millions of gallons of water. In case you didn’t know, fracking is a process of drilling into the ground before a high-pressure water mixture is directed down through the drill site into rocks below, which will release gas. As you can imagine, that is a great way to waste water and considering that there are hundreds of different ways to collect the resources there is absolutely no need. According to an estimate posted on sourcewatch.org, a single well could easily use up more than 5 million gallons of water. Fracking also pollutes, poisons and radiates water, also making this a very corruptive way to gather water, if for some reason you didn’t already know.
2. California Dairies, Inc.
California Dairies, Inc. is another [not so] worthy competitor for the top spot on the most corrupt water sucking corporations list. The corporation is well known in California for its dairy products, producing around 43% of California’s total milk and 9% of the milk in the entire country. The horrible thing about milk production is that it can take up to 30 gallons of water to make just 1 gallon of milk. Here is a very thought changing chart…
1. Paramount Farming
Paramount Farming is the nations largest producer of nuts such as almonds and pistachios. As much as we all love almonds, production of them are heavy on water. Almond production uses more water than residential homes and businesses across Los Angels and San Francisco combined! And most of the nuts grown there aren’t even for California, with most of them being shipped away to different countries.
This Article (5 Corrupt Corporations Still Sucking California Dry) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(FLU5CH) and AnonHQ.com.
I have heard that it takes 1 gallon of water to produce 1 almond.
If you are going to fault Nestle, you should also blame Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Starbucks, and the entire California wine industry. They all do exactly the same thing: Bottle and sell California sources beverages. At least all the Nestle water is for local consumption. It’s sold in California.