With huge design flaws, the enormously expensive F-35 fighter jet is completely unsuitable for combat. Uncle Sam’s expenditure on this jet is just the latest astonishing example of out-of-control government spending. Here are some other things that could’ve been purchased with the $1.5 trillion that the F-35 cost to develop.
1. 1.7 billion M27 tactical assault rifles
1.7 billion rifles would mean each man, woman and child in the country would receive five of this firearm! It really puts things into perspective right? But no. The government had to buy one stupid jet.
2. Refurbishing 75,000 B61 nuclear bombs
While the US Government is hell bent on continuing to fund the F-35, the country’s nuclear bombs are slowly dwindling and falling into disrepair. At a refurbishment cost of just $20 million per bomb, the $1.5 trillion bumper money could have been used to resuscitate their crumbling nuclear weapons program and put the country back on top!
3. 241,935 M1 Abrams battle tanks
Who doesn’t like a macho looking tank? They would never face a shortage again!
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Or you know? You could help people with that instead of inventing new ways of killing them.
Can anyone explain to me this?
UN encourages international peace.
Its parent country, USA, keeps invading countries, killing people, has internal problems, and still doesn’t stop. See the irony?
The f-35 doesn’t even look aerodynamic, look at all of those attachments on the wing’s
Why the fuck are you posting shit like this? Since when has Anonymous EVER condoned war in any way? And now you’re saying “crumbling nuclear weapons program and put the country back on top!” SERIOUSLY? All the other shit you post about making the world better and now you’re saying “YEA! NUCLEAR WEAPONS! WOOHOO!”.
Whoever it was that posted this you are not Anonymous and I’ll never read an article here again because of it.
It’s humor, and irony. Come on…..
It’s humor, too give a bigger perspektive on how stupid it is to use money on weapons, when you can use money on the last given fact. Come on TheStranger, wakeup.
Overreaction, much?
Upon reading it again I see that it was quite satirical. Whoops, guess it’s what I get for reading long articles as soon as I wake up. My bad.
Putting aside the fact that this is an extremely short article, you saying whoever posted this isn’t anonymous is hilarious. Maybe you should just fuck off… Or stay off the computer until mid afternoon when you’re not retarded.
Hacking is clever. What on earth is hacking me though I dont know. It isnt anonymous..
This article is stupid, how about naming things that could have been done that DONT kill people.
SERIOUSLY, can anybody actually read the whole thing and understand he’s not condoning, but harshly criticizing? He is using sarcasm and ironic-remarks. I found it quite refreshing.
One of the last lines: This article is political satire.
This is really bizarre because this whole article falls within the personal remit of ‘americunt-death-culture’ (not a good thing!) that i have shone alight on from time too time around the web. How about not having 4,600 nuclear missiles & reducing that stock-pile of massive possible earth destroying total human annihilation down to 100 missiles? America could still wipe out any foe & blast many of the 196 U.N nations to smithereens if it chose too. Instead how about fostering growth in holistic methods, helping deprived nations with medical training becoming an ambassador of good instead a purveyor of evil actions & equipment around the world?!?