Though the country’s richest sector gaining influence and control over American politicians is a development that threatens the country’s once proud democracy; and while ISIS poses a big threat to global and US’ security, we believe these are some of the most critical issues that the Americans must pay attention to before it is too late…
A former aide to President Bush has claimed the White House deliberately mounted a dishonest propaganda campaign to sell the Iraq invasion to the US public. Despite the official position that Iran had no weapons program, most of the political, military, and media elite constantly blurted statements about blocking “Iran” from obtaining “nuclear weapons”. On the war on drugs, America has spent well over a trillion dollars, imprisoned tens of thousands of nonviolent offenders, caused countless deaths in collateral damage, and wreaked havoc on the Bill of Rights – without any substance. These days huge propaganda war is going on to discredit Russian anti-terrorist efforts in Syria.
In December 2012, President Obama signed HR 4310, the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. Section 1078 of the bill authorized the use of propaganda inside the US, which had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed. In July 2013, the Broadcasting Board of Governors was allowed to make US households a target audience of US government-funded information campaigns.
Propaganda after all, kills millions, justifies wars and murders, and exonerates criminals. Why does it have to be legal? Perhaps because it helps arouse public fear against Muslims and blow the trumpets of war.
There is liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, racial bias, and corporate bias – the American people are being force-fed a media diet of stereotypes and misperceptions, irresponsible journalism, conspiracy theories, and over-criminalizing and marginalizing the minorities. Mainstream media is either insufficiently critical or overly critical with regard to America’s involvement in various wars. Only selected events and stories are reported and manipulated (some are even fake) for the sake of government and political propaganda.
The board of directors of Time Warner (which owns Time Magazine, HBO, Warner Bros, and CNN, among others) includes individuals past or presently affiliated with: the Council on Foreign Relations, the IMF, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Warburg Pincus, Phillip Morris, and AMR Corporation.
The board of directors of The New York Times includes individuals past or presently affiliated with: Schering-Plough International (pharmaceuticals), the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Chevron Corporation, Wesco Financial Corporation, Kohlberg & Company, The Charles Schwab Corporation, eBay Inc., Xerox, IBM, Ford Motor Company, and Eli Lilly & Company.
The Washington Post has on its board: Lee Bollinger, the President of Columbia University and former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and includes individuals past or presently affiliated with: the Coca-Cola Company, New York University, Conservation International, the Council on Foreign Relations, Xerox, Catalyst, Johnson & Johnson, Target Corporation, RAND Corporation, General Motors, and the Business Council.
Three of the most “esteemed” sources of news in the US have political, social, and economic affiliations. Need we say more?
As of the end of fiscal year 2012, the US defense budget was an astronomical $688 billion totaling more than the defense budget of China, Russia, UK, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, India, Germany, Italy, and Brazil. American taxpayers have shelled out roughly $1.6 trillion on war spending since 9/11, according to a new report from Congress’ nonpartisan research arm. Just imagine what we could do with this money. Shouldn’t the US end fund our own extinction?
All Muslims are terrorists – this feeling of Islamophobia – closed-minded prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims – is brewing in America. According to The Guardian, “a crude, cruel and calculated closing of minds – spearheaded by conservative politicians and public figures – is setting in across the country”.
America is hurting itself at home and abroad and what’s worse is that it has yet to wake up and uproot the new hatred in its midst. The crude, anti-Muslim demagoguery filling the stump speeches of Ben Carson and Donald Trump has been reinforced by a similarly toxic current of Islamophobia creeping into the liberal mainstream.
Demonizing and alienating Muslims is damaging America’s collective effort to combat extremism. Is someone noticing that?
According to The Washington Post, the United States has been treating evidence of racism, and not the causes, since the Civil War. It could be a reason why engineered race wars are now becoming the norm, why parents and children are being conditioned not to trust people of other races, and why racism remains alive and well in America.
In our faltering efforts to deal with race in this country, a great deal of time is devoted to responding to symptoms rather than root causes. That may help explain why racism keeps repeating itself.
Hollywood churns out war films and pro-government propaganda at a rate Josef Goebbels would applaud. The propaganda is so effective that anyone who criticizes the most recent glorification of the war machine is labeled an American-hating, Muslim-loving pussy. But this is not a new trend. Argo, Zero Dark Thirty and Homeland are just a few of the relatively recent films and television shows intent on building up America’s interventionist, militaristic foreign policy. Other shows and movies glorify the FBI and police… Rather than instilling mass opinions about government and war, Hollywood reinforces them in a relatable way. One of the reasons it is so effective at this, however, is that it has the full support of the American government. —Carey Wedler, The Anti Media.
In 1936, the US Supreme Court had recognized that an informed public is the most potent of all restraints upon misgovernment. Yet today, much of government’s business is conducted in secret. Through secret agencies, secret laws, secret courts, secret committees of Congress, CIA and the CFR, the Pentagon is secretly spying on Americans; apart from torturing and killing them secretly.
All state crimes are secret. All evidence against government is secret. All documents produced by the US government are classified and kept secret for questionable reasons. There are at least 11 documents, which cover assassinations, spying, torture, presidential directives with classified titles, and trade negotiations, that were created—and buried—by both Democratic and Republican administrations.
The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. — John F. Kennedy
Authors Eustace Mullins and Gary Kah claim that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which controls the US monetary policy, is owned by foreigners. By changing the supply of money in circulation, the Fed influences interest rates, affecting the mortgage payments of millions of families, causing the financial markets to boom or collapse, and prompting the economy to expand or to stumble into recession.
The Fed’s website insists that it is not a private corporation, is not operated for profit, and is not funded by Congress. But we know all about the private illegal creation of the Federal Reserve and we know all about their illegal banking schemes – except for coins, every dollar in circulation is now created privately as a debt to the Federal Reserve or the banking system it heads.
Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders. —Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s.
This Article (8 Most Dangerous Threats To America, Hence Humanity) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
On the topic of islam, in the koran it says to kill those who dont accept allah as God. I support anon. I love anon but islamophobia is bullshit. their are real people within that culture who wish to kill us all.