Written by: Cadence
For the first time ever, a mainstream TV show has given a scholar the chance to discuss inaccuracies in the official version of events on 9/11.
C-SPAN’s Washington Journal morning program aired a 45-minute interview with Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
It is extremely rare for a mainstream media platform to give such an opportunity to anybody questioning the U.S. Congress-funded report by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). What makes this even more remarkable is that a qualified representative was able to speak at length, without interruption, about an alleged cover-up.
Within the interview, Gage explained that he believed there was “evidence of controlled demolition” of 7 World Trade Center. He discussed the uniformity of the symmetrical collapse, and the possibility of thermite being used to carry out such an attack. Reports of molten steel contradict the official cause given. Office fires would be unable to reach such temperatures, he said.
Gage went on to say once it is widely accepted that “the official story cannot be true”, we can move on to answering “very serious questions” about the twin towers too. Such issues, Gage lists, include independent scientists’ finding of Nanothermite in the Twin Towers’ dust. Combined with embedded nanoparticles of aluminum, he alleges this substance must have been made in a defense laboratory.
As a member of the American Institute of Architects, Gage has been a San Francisco Bay area architect for 25 years. He has worked on projects including numerous steel-framed, fire-proofed buildings.
Gage did not comment on why such a tragedy would be planned and carried out, and would only discuss the scientific inaccuracies in the official report. His non-profit organization Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth has 2,200 members in 32 countries, including many experts in high-rise engineering. The group is calling for an open and independent investigation into the events of 13 years ago.
Gage said every viewer should be calling their congressmen and senators and finding out why they are not adequately investigating “the worst mass murder in U.S. history, and the third worst structural failure in modern history”.
He points out the 9-11 Commission cannot be trusted, after claims from former members like Max Cleland that the investigation was set up to fail by the Bush administration, and intended deceive the U.S. public.
The interview host said The Washington Journal often received phone calls from viewers concerned about whether we were being given the truth or a narrative about the September 11 events.
Until now, such questioning of 9/11 has been omitted from mainstream media, and often completely maligned. A full, independent investigation would be a step forward for anyone, sceptic or not, who wants to know the truth behind the tragedy. Watch the interview at True Activist below.
I have seen this Doc and those experts behind it.Mass media and Govt would have us forget but until this Govt is held accountable for what THEY did..this will never end. I would like to be alive to see justice and the Bush clan shot for what they did to this country and the world.
what they did to the muslims …we are still paying …for nothing …but no buddy cares …
Stay strong brothers and sisters… People start more and more thinking. The time will come when every real human goes out on the streets… For Peace, Love, Unity. Just Spread the Knowledge and everyone cares
I really hope that things will go that way too. But i also hope it will not be too late for mankind
I love you for this comment!
I hope so much that you are right, and that people start questioning everything, not believing in this mass propaganda shit…
Thank you!
Greetings from Germany to the world!
I care. Proof right here in this above interview that not all believe in what they try to feed us. I can not stand the fact that other countries hate Americans based on the actions of our government when many of us have completely opposite views from them.
Well that is kind of a problem, kind of THE problem. It is not a government. A government operates within the laws of the state. This countries law is common law which is enforced through our highest legal document, the constitution. This “government” is not a government at all but a corporation that is used to manipulate you into believing that there is some legitimacy to it. This corporation doesn’t care what is good for the people, what the law is or what your rights are. It is designed to provide income to the clients. The investors. Until the Republic is restored, this country has no government.
Well said.
This possibly is the case with most governments ..sad
Amen to that
Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld should be handcuffed and taken to the Hague and tried for war crimes
I would like that too. Unfortunetely regarding destrinination against Muslims is likely to continue for many more years to come. Like 9/11, the media has brainwashed the majority to have an enemy image. Just like children needing someone to blame so they don’t get in trouble. Personally I’d like to see more aired information about their culture and traditions. Because I believe very strongly if people can be informed, the idea spun to us that Muslims are “evil terrorists” would be flushed away with the rest of the political trash
Ok, some of you need to watch CNN.. SOME Muslims ARE terrorists. Take a long look at ISIS. I’m NOT saying our Govt didn’t do this, and I’m not saying they DID. It needs to be investigated, because there are always going to be conspiracy theorists out there. Don’t believe everything that you read, and put the FU@&ING race and religion cards in your pocket, PLEASE! I’m REALLY tired of seeing and hearing it.
Mainstream media is all delusions to make you believe what they want you to and to make you question what they air when they air it. It is simply a control tactic to keep most people engaged in what those in control want them to be engaged in. It’s no more than the blanket being pulled over your eyes. But the sad truth is a good majority of people don’t want or care to know the truth, because it would shatter the little dream world they and their families live in. I would say “wake up”, but most people don’t really care. They Will continue to follow and obey a corrupt government.
This is so true.
What Muslims are you talking about? ISIS has destroyed many mosques, killed many Muslims — and has even threatened to attack Mecca and destroy the Kaaba!
Search up on google “Zionists plan for Middle East”. They are using Hamas as an excuse to occupy Palestine, used Al Qaeda to get into Afghanistan and now ISIS for Iraq, Syria, Jordan etc.
Did you know that Israel has already occupied Palestine in the past? They were attacked and fought back. They took palestine during the battle, and then in the name of peace…they gave it back. Why would they need hamas to do it again? Just to give it back?
Yes, some Muslims are terrorists. SO ARE some non-Muslims.
I love that this comes from a past member of the US Armed Forces. I wish your attitude was shared by many. Thank you for your service and your words.
A fan of CNN huh?
SPEAK UP! TELL THEM! i can´t believe how dumb and blind some people are!
Almost nobody watches C-SPAN, do they? I don’t think the Bush clan has much to fear, any more than those who murdered JFK need to worry about facing consequences for that, over fifty years later. Perhaps one day a revolt will occur, perhaps an attempt at another revolution. Ironically, it will be needed to counteract ‘taxation without representation’ just like 250 years ago.
World Trade Center Demolition http://wtcdemolition.blogspot.com/
The question is where did the buildings go ! It’s more sinister than explosives alone. How is it that the highest buildings surrounding aren’t riddled with projectile damage from explosive forces. The dust cloud was cooler than ambient air temp. Even with explosives the buildings wouldn’t have been breaking apart out and away from blast zones. You need to ask about building 4 where did it go. The people came out from stairwell that saved them and there wasn’t a hundred floors of rubble like in a demolish ion job. There’s technology out there the us has been working on for decades that will shatter materials at level that are hard to believe. The explosive demolition theory movement in part of the coverup too. Stop thinking we live in the stone ages people. That’s old old technology thats just a money train for the corporations that run things.
Personally, I’m just worried that a majority of citezens will be too uninclined to actually care. If the govornment came out saying that it was their responsability, then what happens next? Would there be enough people to actually start some sort of change, or would we brush it off with the usual “Oh, thats the U.S. govornment, what’s next”?
There are more than enough people to make a difference if we all just stood for what we know is right and Unified against these types of complete atrocities against humanity we would prevail!
From about a week after the collapse I said to my husband the building came straight down how if the steel beams melted with weight on top the building should have lent to one side and gone down on top of other buildings.I said it looks like a building that had charges to demolish that come straight down.Then I thought maybe charges had been put in the building when being built just in case it could be demolished with out causing damage to other buildings close by if the need arose.It always worried me that it came down the way it did.If this was the case and the go ahead was given to set the charges off due to the high risk of it falling on and killing many more people fair enough but if this is the case why not say so.It will always be a mystery and why did no one on the 2nd plane that hit make any calls.You hear contact from the other two planes but I never heard any thing from the 2nd plane.
Agree with you.
Everything Is Permitted We Are Not Free, We Will Never Be Free, Unless We The People Unite As One, As one family Of Brothers And Sisters And as one unity, one creed and as one global economy. Are kind treat each other like the way we treat are world the only way to change what has come is to change are selves in the process.. I say no more law’s restricting the free will we was born with, no more orders claiming they own a piece of land that was here long before are civilisation was born. the world created us the world provides everything we need for survival yet we still smash and destroy beutiful landscapes and forests to produce materials we do not need mankind needs food, water , warmth and brotherly love to survive not technology or the latest device apple made. Open Your Eyes The Truth Is Right In Front Of You All Just Look Closer..
This could not be more true!
We have known that something was “fishy” about 9/11 for years.. People just don’t want to believe it. Also, the Ironic thing is that the US government was looking for an excuse to invade iraq right as 9/11 happened.. seems like too good of a coincidence.
Will we ever know the truth just like Diana and Doddi
Actually, those who do not want to see the truth may never know the truth! How much more spelled out do we really need things to be? The actuality of this is that our government has terrorized it’s own country and killed it’s own people. I cringe every time I hear an uninformed citizen call a middle eastern person “the terrorists”… Please!!!
THANK YOU ALL! It’s the first time I am so touched to see open-minded, open-hearted comments on the issues and that make me believe there are still many out there who look for truth rather than becoming victims of mass propaganda or even actively playing agents of propaganda for the death merchants, the corporation. All these engineering of conflicts and hates are so sickening!
Jesus Christ who cares that this so called thing we title as Main Stream Media (MSM) said something about the towers. MSM is years behind the internet. Who Cares we all know the truth and have known the truth for a long time. People have tried to get a reinvestigation only thing is, is that, the investigators will be paid by the a-holes and nothing will happen to the a-holes. That’s the way it is, and that’s the way it’s been for years and years and years.
Thank Goth we finally are getting more truths out there at long last… we are the revolution the world’s been waiting for. Once my new album is released with Post Traumatic Empathy… let’s just say we’ll be joining forces with Anonymous for life… until we’re all free. Welcome to the end of corruption. And thanks to the scholar for bravely coming out to reveal the truth about 9/11. Namaste and stay strong, brothers and sisters… our time is coming. REVOLUTION IS HERE. We are the lyrical vendettas loaded with unbridled honesty, fists of true justice and compassionate empathy for those who’s been wronged. That’s why my band is Post Traumatic Empathy. We were traumatized for far too long by the corruption, the deceitful lies and the broken systems they’ve created to try to shield us from the truth. I join Anonymous to fight for our right to exist, to be free and to break the walls down to make the world a better place to live. As DJ Happy Harry Hard-On/Mark Hunter, played by the ever so brilliant Christian Slater, said in the film “Pump Up The Volume” – TALK HARD!