The hacktivist collective known as Anonymous is issuing a warning to Barack Hussein Obama.
It is time for the American people to wake up and rise against this tyrannical regime and its sinister elements.The tyranny must end now and we must take back our freedoms and sanity. They wish to spy on every part of our lives and now
Anonymous has issued the final warning. We are coming, we are legion.
Hey is there a group of anonymous in the valley of texas
There is no group of anonymous but in your case there is anonymouse every where but you dont know because they are ANONYMOUS
Why do you not target the Warmongers in Congress? You give Boehnerand his crew a pass and they are openly criticizing the President because he is too “anti-war”? What kind of BS is that?
Excellent question. I’ve often wondered myself.
You cannot blame one anonymous for the actions of many. Legion as it may be. You can’t control an idea. If you feel like they must be dealt with then mail them a letter, call your congressman or senator, or get off the soapbox.
The entire system is broke. War is unneeded. Obama’s biggest faults are his electronic censorship and upholding of the Bush spying on citizens.
Bush didnt start the spying on America Carter did and it grew under Clinton. wake up liberal and learn your history! not what you are fed by CNN and Liberal techers.
lol. according to survey, most people can accept some censorship and surveillance due to the traumatic experience in 911.
why dont they target ISIS? if they can f up isis, then i dont mind they f up obama. instead, they are here threatening Obama. Because they think they are safe back home.
or they are working for republican or isis to targeting obama…
The citizens are not being spied upon like u think..And how do I suggest we get to the terrorists without some sort of surveillance?
J Edgar Hoover is the name, dressing up and spying wasshis game.
this is a great point I’ll forever love these guys and in some ways they do sometimes. the only justification I can imagine is its harder to change such a vast diverse group rather than an individual.
Maritzka what fricking drugs are you on? This president is anti war? This president overthrew the governments in Egypt and Libya, then created he and Hillary resurrected ISIS. The notion we have been bombing ISIS for three years now and the bombs keep falling on civilians or the Syrian Army is just further proof that ISIS was sponsored by this administration, which ignored when they were still the junior varsity and then created a farcical Arab coalition to fight them. You notice Iran didnt join the Arab coalition because, in their opinion, this administration had no intention of defeating ISIS
Anonymous is not your personal army. Become Anon and help do the footwork. Anons take many people to task, including congressfolk and whatnot, but the curroptjon is so widespread, across the board, that we simply do ‘t have the manpower to attack EVERYONE
Y’all make me so happy ✊✊✊
Is there any software that i can install that would let my computer take part in a ddos for anonymous (like SETI does for its’ project?)
not offering just curious
Low orbit Ion Cannon.
this is a federal crime. steer away unless you are capable of staying under the radar
I will stand for whats right.
Please put some insight on India.
Yes! Urgent need of the hour considering all the shit hitting the fan here.
You guys should think Before you target obama, Kanye is one thing but the president?. He’s a real piece of shit as a president but he’s the type of guy that’ll send secret services after your IP Address to beat your ass and put you in prison… Then say it never happened. You should really think twice. Lol Good luck
The point of being anonymous is so that activity cannot be traced online. I use a simple vpn and it would take way more time than its worth to find exactly where i am.
Such things like VPNs do not make you secure from browsing on internet. As soon as you connect to internet, you leave cyberprints. VPNs keep logs, proxies are useless when feds get on your case. You can use 3 VPNs and 10 proxies in a public network using a shitty laptop and still if you are worth it they will find you. Do not hide behind your screen doing illegal stuff cuz there are no ways to be fully Anonymous online without using someone else’s computer and put the blame on them which is unethical.
We are Anonymous. They can’t
Big Deal: the truth is you can be completely anonymous if you know what you are doing.
Key component of being anonymous is running a live os, VPN with endpoints in, THIS IS THE BIG PART, countries with non-cooperation with us authorities(bahrain,russia,china etc.). Ditto for your tor servers. Lastly one needs to use high level encryption to prevent sniffing as it goes across the trans atlantic cable.
I dig it but it seems a little Republican heavy. You might empower the other side with this particular video. The problems we are in now, is, because of the Rep. It doesn’t seem real neutral to me. FYI. Don’t get me wrong, Obama isn’t on my favorite list, right now, but he didn’t cause more than half the problems you mention in here. Lets call a spade a spade.
Signed, ME THE PEOPLE!!!!
DERRRRRRRRP!!!! the problem is government not just a faction of it that you dont like (which for all practical purposes is identical to the supposed 2nd party)
Our greatest problem is that people dont mind their own fucking business in this country and try to use the legislature as a blunt weapon to wield against those who do not agree with them. Part of being a free people is to accept all beliefs as part of the marketplace of ideas. just remember Team red + blue = Team Be Ruled (i love anagrams)
Absolutely – that and that the gov’t is sprinkled with cold blooded shape shifting reptilians. Literally…
Probably THE single greatest response to a statement ever! Love the tongue in cheek! Oh, P.S. Thank you for all you do! Big Hug!
Who will govern the governors?
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
The time for barking is coming to an end; soon it will be time to bite.
take a mask and go out and you will see if there is someone more 🙂
Most of those Valley Anonymous people are lame. They provide little facts and spend their time bashing people instead of providing ACTUAL information. They are a joke to the real Anonymous. Although, there is 1 Anon who has been pretty good at exposing corruption and has done so by providing credible facts instead of gossip.
#cybersanctions …. Obamas response to this message.
You guys are scaring him with this video…Is he scaring you?
As in McAllen, Pharr area??
Yes, Melody, they are close.
Wise up and rise up.this government is out of control
there are many in the valley that have learned it is time to think for themselves. verify the articles you read and spread the truth when you can. perhaps you will meet more local people that you can speak with about current affairs.
Just look for your local synagogue. thats who owns the media that advertises them.
this got me all choked up! good video!@
not sure what you are trying to say ?
i think we should all stand up …I’m a British person but atm i hate our government & I’m planing to move I know that I’ve said I’m not taking it anymore & as soon as I can come to the USA I’ll stand with the others the fat cats in government won’t take our money anymore & we will not cower to there injustice , I hope to inspire more people to stand up ..we need to make a stand for us we don’t want war we want equality for all in the world & we will shove all the government in boot camps see how they like it drag them down to our level ..let them know what it’s like to be homeless i want to join anonymous as well please 🙂
The government should fear its public and citizens, Not the other way round.
What the United States needs is Anonymous and the people of this nation to stand up to the rich. we should do everything with in our power to stop the injustice that is being put on the people of the United States, they are breaking our constitutional rights and this needs to be put to a end. I say we need to do as other in the past have done for change and have the ways Anonymous has brought to attention, have Anonymous putting video’s and other things exposing the government and have just the average person with a Anonymous mask march on Washington DC in protest, but we would have to do it how Martin Luther King did with no violence or we could all be put in jail or worse.
Ever read Les Miserables? It’s happening here in the U.S. and could very well end the same way…
Taking all the corrupt government pigs and put them in boot camps sign me up that’s something could get behind
Danielle you can’t join anonymous simple bc there is nothing to join in to. Anyone can be anonymous bc anonymous is an idea. You just have to see the truth and fight for it !you have to make your own path AND give your own fight for the restore of Truth!
So you guys are like Iluminati ?? No offense
Not Illuminati. CIA.
whats the difference???? theyre all the same
Ideas are bulletproof. If more people would realize the power they hold at their fingertips a revolution is possible. We live in the information age and it travels nearly the speed of light. Revolution is connectivity. The more people connected the better the possibility to be heard. They can kill you with guns, they can throw you away to rot but as long as an idea is out there in the Ether it cannot be stopped. Each person carries the ideal and passes out amongst the masses. Everyone should be tweeting, facebooking, Instagramming this video.
And what about Chuck and his racial comments against all inmigrants.Yes we have to change an beat the governments al over, but also hate against each other than wants to leave diferent.
I want to end this nightmare this needs to end before we lose completely I want to do this. The government needs to be removed and the right people need to be in place that represents the people
I’m in.
U are the best thing that has happened to us Thank you
It Will get much worse before it gets good. I await The great King to Return and set things in order . The Great KIng Of Heaven and EARTH WIll come soon. So hold fast / stand firm and fear not the enemy for the waesome good KING comes .
Amen. Our King is coming to judge everyone. Praise be to Jesus Christ.
See a Doctor soon, you’re clearly unhinged!
If you wait for your mythical “king” to come and save you, the powers that be will finish their plans with impunity. This is our problem, our responsibility, and thus the NEED for Anonymous to exist. WE can do this, WE are legion, WE will not forgive, WE will not forget… Expect US, not a legend that people have been expecting for 1900 years.
WE are anonymous, WE represent freedom, WE oppose oppression not your “king”
I have been saying for years we all need to stop and look at whats going on in this country. the gov. has been running the people for a long time its suppose to be for the people by the people. to many people are just living there lives and not worried about whats going on until its to late.
We are many
Christ is coming. But God does not want us to wait for Him to do continue to do God’s work on earth. Thank you to all Anonymous members for all you’ve done.
Mythical King? I really loved you guys until I read this. I appreciate your stand against everything that’s not right but I feel very offended having something I believe in mocked.I will always stand for Jesus and let the world go on by. I still respect you all but I didn’t know that you all felt this way. Bummer. So is this how you all feel or is this just the opinion of 1?
That is just the opinion of the one guy. Anonymous isn’t represented by one person, it can’t be. Anonymous isn’t meant to be one group of people that are standing up against the government, it is an idea. The idea is that people should not be controlled as we are being controlled now in America, aand it is a common idea shared by many people,which allows the people to work together to work towards the common goal. That is why you shouldn’t judge Anonymous by the one commenter, because he/she may be Anonymous, but not the entirety of Anonymous.
It may not even be Anon period lol
“Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” If Caesar deserve gold let’s give him gold but he deserve bloodshed let’s give him bloodshed.
Many of the problems we’re having are being caused BY religion – the legislative discrimination laws enacted in Indiana and Arkansas (and under consideration in other states) are just one example. The anti-choice Nazis are another. I find the Right Wing’s vision of America DISGUSTING and backwards. Basing our laws on Bronze Age mythology is NOT the path to the future. I find it interesting that the video had so many clips from Fox News and Tea Partiers. It makes me wonder whether this is a legitimate Anonymous video or a put up job by the Republicans/Tea Partiers to bash Obama.
well said
Anonymous is Isis
Anon is an idea. To think that they are a terrorist organization is completely absurd
Hey from my life experience I feel as if the bible has been written so we could worship and seek greatness outwards rather than within. We are mini God’s of this earth and are able to do great things. But aome of us fail to reach and do all that we are capable of, due to the limitations from religious beliefs which man created so we can’t live the way Jesus did. The truth will always be told but not all of it. It’s all setup to divide us from oneness and causes hatered and duality.
We are 1.
Offense is never given, it is always taken. It is an illusion of self importance.
The best defense is a good offense!
There’s a lot of irony in your name and the stupidity of your question 😉
I want in
i want in
We need to carry out a march like how Martin Luther King did but on the white house with the Anonymous masks on, well Anonymous continues using videos to expose the dirt on the government and we can force a change this way.
The military marches
Amen. 1900 years is to long. ridiculous even.
I thought that anonymous was all people? Christians, Jews, aithiests, republicans, democrats etc… If that’s true how can you mock a christians faith? Sayin that we need to act not wait is one thing but calling God mythical is another. I thought you all were legit until now. I’m not sure, I still hope that you are just 1 misguided Anonymous member who doesn’t even get the whole picture yourself just because your stuck on your own personal beliefs.
Bashing on each others beliefs isn’t going to fix any of our problems, it is one of our problems. Everyone is so caught up in protecting their individualism that they those sight of the bigger picture. People have everyday die for speaking up against authority in the developing world, Libya, Serbia, Saudi Arabia. Don’t get your panties in a bunch because somebody you don’t even know doesn’t agree with you. Who cares. You watched this video because Our gov. is messed up, don’t let your own beliefs stop you from joining in on a good cause.
Thank you Anonymous! These religious freaks are part of the ignorance and the problem.
I world in an industry where I help people.. and I can tell you this with confidence… People are better off today then they were when Bush left our country in shambles. Our country could obviously be even better than it is now. Obama has not fulfilled all of his promises. You can also thank Congress for doing everything to stand against and discredit Obama rather than helping to fix our nation! Congress and the GOP in general hate Obama more than they want to help fix America.. FACT!
I completely agree! No waiting around for superheros as more and more of our freedoms are taken without any resistance! People have been taught to sit back and allow awful things to happen to them instead of people that are willing to stand up and sacrifice for what is right and what we deservethe last time I checked we have a Bill of Rights which has slowly but surely become a bill of privileges Easily revoked if it pleases or is convenient to those in power who wish to tread on the backs of average people to preserve their own way of life…the home of the free is but a distant memory and land of the brave is become the opposite
God is not going to help get obama out of office so put your religious ideiology to use where it is needed.
i guess you properly hack and your the best thing that happend to this world
at the first i don’t know how to hack i study hard just only to hack hack help me to get free and get more online items
If that’s what you will choose to do with these skills, you don’t deserve them.
this is the truth you guys are amazing i believe that you guys are the masters of hacking
i am trying to be a hacker can you give me tips ans tricks and good software i can use
Yeah, might as well turn yourself in now lol.
This government is rotten to the core, it is beyond repair. The wealthy have won and there really isn’t anything we’re going to be able to do about it, if there were, it would have already been done.
The days of Americans standing together are over, they wealthy have put us against one another and most Americans are oblivious to it.
Agreed on first point, but the rich are only winning, they have not won. Though if everyone takes the stand that we can’t do anything about it, they will win. The 99% does sometimes stand together and every time we do we win, it’s time… past time, we stand together and take back our planet.
Absolutely, ever since I heard John lennon at 7 yo I have always had this feeling and since awakening, that feeling made sense.
Leaflets, stickers etc I am sending out to the people, on doors windows etc. I only write the core message of equality, together as one divided by 0.
Do your bit guys, love you all xxx (male)
Amazing, love it!
Somos Anonymous
we are legion
I agree completely with this it’s time the people rise up and put a stop to the government pushing closer and closer to martial law
are you in Alabama?
Anon is an idea, a way of thinking. If you agree with what it represents you are a part of Anon. If you are in Alabama, so is Anon. If you speak of these concepts openly others with like-minded ideas will converse with you. That is your support group. You are all Anon.
That so cool 🙂
We have not had power in this country since the 40’s, we have put multiple groups of citizens, biased on their race or other groups, into jails, internment camps and much else, we have been beaten and put down by our government for centuries! We are starting to stand up at a very late point but we still must stand up, before we no longer have a choice!
The Winter solider captured America damn well. The government, shield just a mask for their true selves where “security” is more important than freedom. The only difference there is diminishing hope for freedom. look at all of the previous attempts to take our freedom S.O.P.A and P.I.P.A our internet freedoms. and our amendment freedoms specifically the 2nd. The government learned from the civil war look at what some people hard working honest people did to a government that fought off the British Empire. They fought for what they believed in their livelihood even though they lost and people have made that flag a symbol of racism it stands for something else, it stands for many things it stands for THEIR opinions THEIR values and the government tried to take that and they did but not without a fight that sure as hell made it a bitch to take. Who says we cant give the corrupt ones hell and take back what we as people have lost.
only way a change will occur is when people start coming up missing,I hate to be the one that says it but really just mere citizens it will not bug anyone a fire will not be lit so a change will not occur as the masses concerns seem to be able people they know what they are told but not the actual living person be it some star as they are called or some invisible fairy father figures who are not nice beings in anyway, what we stop buying things, then they start deciding for Us what we buy the laws are being passed and growing will be that that once was .So how will you eat??? they have their cattle already many men n women flock in any direction they are pointed at,given guns,tanks,drones followed by dismemberment , death and disease all the while they sit nice and comfy. this is just a few things they do to secure shelter food and an education dictated too them and some ins. They blindly go and kill in other countries so Understand they WILL DO the same here, in what they call theirs.If, tha day comes, what are you going to do, When the Rebel’s Rise then attack what they see, FEAR THOSE THAT ARE UNSEEN.Everyone will have no choice but pick a side personally I welcome Death,as If I am not free i am not really alive, I am not one’s pet. I am not for violence, in my lifetime I have had my part in it,And I wish none on any GOOD person but let Us not forget I was raised by Violence , The Legion has been kept at bay. I shake saying ,I can not say how long such will be this way.I fear for the Children most as records show they suffer the worst in the hands of the Government and those enforcing their laws… Another Country will be where you can find me.
Will the cattle simply see their ways are wrong and leave their Owners? Will you Trust that member that was once in your family? Will you blindly follow?
soon you will be signed a sheep herder and number.. I see few ways for this to turn out good for a country like this, but Maybe a new era will be a fresh start this country has needed since it began. just some random things to consider of things I fear that will be
We will take down the governement and will free the people , freedom !
We need to B 3 from the government 🙂
They know everything, they see everyone, they will soon control the world in peace and freedom. Cuz they are the LEGION.
Eyes have been opened , now stands humility, now rise, now action
“Power resides only where men believe it resides”
George R.R. Martin
Hear hear!
The future starts today, not tomorrow. Let the revolution rise.
i dont get why the police r bashing fuk out of civilians all because the goverment tell them to have they been brainwashed that fare r they getting paid big money do they realy think when the shit realy comes down that the goverment r really gona take care of u stupid pigs your beating your brothers and sisters people r scared its only a matter of time before fear gets up and fights back just like a kid getting picked on in the playground by the bully oneday the victim rises cos theres nothing to loose anymore the gov day is coming i salute u anonymous i feel sick and so furious the way they beat people hiding behind there fucking uniform how about a mass fight us the people against the bully pigs not all cops some r good i no ,the ones that r wicked lets have it mass ruck straight fight no prison after just a straight fight less c if u got the guts without your badge protecting your consequences u scum
Good call. And it is something that could happen. If we the citizens decide. We are many they are few…. It is therefore a distinct possibility.
I understand your anger at the police force; something greatly undertalked about is that the longer an officer stays in the system the more their mentality suffers. They are taught to be paranoid. Once that way of thinking becomes instilled they suffer from delusion, manic depression, PTSD, and an array of other conditions. It does not make their behavior acceptable, but most of these officers are legitly mentally disturbed. If they got into Police-work for a power trip, have at them, but if the system made them this way do they deserve a blanket-statement of violence, or do they deserve therapy?
Anonymous is an idea. You join Anonymous when you share the same ideas. Anonymous is an activist group with hackers and protesters, made up of anyone. We are a colective. Legion. We spread the word, even to people who wont listen. We fight for justice, despite our own fears. We must fight for the good of the world, the good of our nation, the good of our families, and the good of ourselves! We cannot bow to oppressive governments! No more trusting their every word! We have awoken! We must fight! What if you could become the next Malala? The next Snowden? The next big activist? Well you CAN! We are legion! We stand TOGETHER, FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT! We will not be beaten down!! WE ARE ANONYMOUS!!
The cockroaches that have infiltrated world governments
have an agenda to control “EVERYTHING” in our lives. Yes it sounds like a horror movie, but it’s true. We have to learn what we are up against we have to know our enemy.
Have you ever wondered why they lack the basic emotional compassion to humankind? These links will give you that answer, Please follow these following links and download ALL the information they offer. Please commit to reading pdf files, watching videos, listening to audio, and research anything that pertains to EVERYTHING.
Please go to http://www.archive.org to download these three books
1. None Dare Call It Conspiracy – Gary Allen; Larry Abraham; John Schmitz
2. Tragedy and Hope – Carroll Quigley
3. Behold a pale horse – William Cooper (I know some of you might have reservations towards Bill, but read, listen to his “Mystery Babylon” series and “Hour of The Time”. Yes it’s outdated but it has very important information about these cockroaches. We have to know what we are up against. Please please share.
[* Moderated: Links are Broken]
What’s sad is the fact that humans forget because no matter what race color religion shape size ect we are ALL the same.. if you put 10 people on a island they would all work together and that those mention above don’t separate us.. only thing the separate us is media and goverment. ..
Looking at someone u most likely would not know what religion or beliefs they have but for some simply saying they are muslim or jew will create hate regardless how good the person is..
The most dangerous thing to those who control is the unity of human people but we are taught to hate
Today, as Americans we fight and bicker of table scraps from pigs who openly get away with crime, and treason in public. President Obama has done just so, more then just one occasion, and did so openly to the public.
This continued toleration from the public of tyrants is a problem in its own… How do you stop something that obviously isn’t going to end peaceably? What preparations can one make to avoid civil War?
There are things one can do…
Stockpile supplies…
Learn about various types of plant life in your area, what’s dangerous and what’s not.
Have maps, compass’s, contingency plans set up in case of emergencies…
Trust your judgement, and always make a choice, the lack of action is just as bad as the indifference of good men…
Stop telling your self…
It won’t happen… It already is, things will not start to get better for our country, or how the rest of the world see’s Americans…
They think we all think like our arrogant Government…
Is this not reason enough to speak up… is this not a reason to educate the masses about anything and everything we possibly can, and speak out, if need be defend ourselves to whatever extremes they employ?
Look at history, from Alexander the great to Adolf Hitler … Greece, Rome…
Any form of Government…
As far back as you dare too go, or can stomach…
You’ll find in every occasion the civilian populace verses their established form of Government> Have a pattern …., ,,,
(1+1=2…………2+1….=3…… 3+2=…. 5……….. 5..+..3..=8………………………………….)
The Government spreads word…. Their judgement… or their ideals…
They establish a number of followers…
Adolf Hitler, Killed millions after taking away their form of defense, corralled many up like sheep and penned them up, slaughtered them in droves…
There are historical examples every where… From Kings and Queens, from Dictators to Democrats…
All disarmed the public, and herded them like sheep, than slaughtered them from fear of their way of life being threatened…
What does this tell us?
Change is good, prolonging the same way of life as time goes on…
Being stagnant… Is toxic…
We are too blame, we are all quick to point fingers, we are all guilty…
But focusing on our mistakes will end in our own self destruction…
We are anonymous…..
We are Legion……………………………………………….>><!!…
We will not Forgive…
We will not Forget……
Expect us…
The us Govt has destroyed Anonymous and now Anonymous is handled by the us Govt only So please don’t believe on these posts
I Don’t Know Why They are just behind ISIS, which should be handled by the Govts of different country
I don’t know why they left #OpPirateBay and why they are not protesting against other things like NSA and all the other which is trying to compromise freedom of speech and sharing………
I Think We again need a Anonymous Revolution Please ANONYMS who are still left out there please gather together against what we actually want not just ISIS
The Gov has not destroyed Anonymous. Nothing can “destroy” Anonymous. The Governments are failing miserably, they can’t even handle themselves. Anonymous Representers are busy with many issues, some have not yet been publicized. The Pirate Bay was reopened under Government watch, it’s not safe to use the site. There’s a good possibility that’s still being addressed, deciphering/writing code takes hours upon hours. The NSA has just recently been hacked, you can Google this. The Revolution has already started for those who have decided to take matters into their own hands instead of waiting for somebody else to ____. You are aware. You are alive. You have the entirety of the internet at your fingertips. Research. Learn. Spread your knowledge. Welcome to Anonymous.
A man can make a difference.A legion can make a revulution
I quote from Braveheart “Great speech, now what do we do?” there are far too many people living in lala-land, the odds are against us at this time. However, there is a physical phenomenon that is happening globally, people are starting to rise up from their seats and take note. Statistically, there will come a time where the people will wake up exponentially, this will be the time of the uprising. My hope is that this sudden steep rise in awareness will happen – before – the sadistic masochists start their march towards the one world government. Anonymous IS (and should) be a wake-up call for every human, who at this time is handcuffed to their debts. The work they have done so far is absolutely magnificent! It is up to all of us now to wake up those who refuse to get involved…
anonymous you are great and the only thing ive found that gived me hope.do you think we can do it all by computers though?We need guns start helping the american citizens and help arm us (not that you guys havent been doing a great job already i am in full support support) But we cant do it with just keyboards they have tanks,drones,automatic weaponry,grenades,ect. can we do it?
The nukes are still programed with zeros and ones. *wink* All the information that will aid in the downfall of the oppressors is stored in technology. The more they rely on “automated” this, “The Cloud” that, it all leads back to zeros and ones… Fire consumes everything it touches, this is why fire met with fire will burn itself out- it starves and dies. Fire met with water has nothing to consume and can go nowhere. More guns is one answer, not the only answer.
why the illuminati icon on the left top??
Anon can be anyone. If there are Illuminati who support the idea of Anon they are no threat to you.
i cannot hack – but doesn´t matter! – i ´m spreading all the important “undercover” news.. please safe the internet, our www – conjuctive – source! and stop the racketeering !
we are responsable for our human rights, freedem & peace on and in this world! everyone of us!
stand up! for your rights, worldwide, in the name of love & justice!
disobey everyone who trys to positioning himself “over” you! we need leader of knowledge and wisdom.. what ever YOU do, if it is not harming another one, so do it and stop the destructive, insane abuse of our life resources.
I AM indigo
i cannot stay with this cirsumstances quietly!
we are all one, with same rights; non of us is better then anonther one.
(i´m from germany – is there any anonymous arround lake of constance??? so contact me)
I’m British, but when the time comes, I’m not going to stay quiet. I’m in.
i hackked google! can i join nooow/???
Do more research. There’s nothing to “join”. If you support what Anonymous stands for you are already Anon. Talk about it and those who are like-minded will converse with you.
sadly martial law been in act since world war 2 since the nsa came to my grandfather and force my family apart for the stuff he seen in area 51 i am the last person with the stories and pics of whatss in side area 51
any one can join anon its not hard every one is anon in there own way my act to contribute to anon is daily of every person i meet i slip seed in there them to let there mind think about whats going on i can basicaly talke to u for 5mins then ive already planted a seed….
guys we are everywhere we are your teachers barbers clerks lawyers we are very where
we are anonymous
we are legion
we do not forgive
we do not forget
expect us
it’s really hard to get the truth..thank you for everything you’re accomplishing
TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqi5F5MqqTQ
People need their fire back. As I am from the UK, I see what is happening and realise that if the USA continue down this road, England and Europe will follow The UK is facing similar problems and as ‘mere citizens’ we need to stand together. It’s a terrifying prospect of what is to come for, not just the USA or Europe but the whole world if this continues. Stand up for hat you believe in before that right is taken away from you.
what happens when theres no internet and we need to comunicate
We’ll have to *GASP* talk in person! It’s highly likely there are Anonymous close to where you live. Talk about things openly and you’ll be quick to find them.
Anon, You people should start a fire sale. Cripple the government and take back what belongs to the people. We need freedom, not tyranny. The government has been rotted to the core and It’s time remove the filth before it spreads any farther.
Not all of them are hackers, some are hackers who relese critical information to the public others lead protest groups. They are activist who change the system to change the cycle of currupption.
Downside to rebelling it will probably cause WW3 and will end in mass of destruction . Look at almost every country military going up such as America THEY ARE TAKING OVER, our own government who was meant to protect us has turned against us, If we realised this sooner we would have a bigger chance, USA can destroy EU with a single nuclear warhead and others with more, there would be so much blood shed the world can turn into a plain waste land none left, to rebel we would need support but as the major city with armies are corrupted well not all we would need weaponry witch takes time and it needs cash for it to work.
Well, looks like Batman is needed. he was an anonymous illuminati. We need them.
People of anonymous , be careful what you say and what information you give. Do not use names or nicknames. Forget who you are. And join the legion to change the world!
I like the Deus Ex theme, and the parallels you’re suggesting with it.
I wish I was part of anonymous
I want to be part of anonymous
Anonymous is the name of an idea, not a club. If you support the idea then you are already Anonymous. Now spread the knowledge.
Why is it that everyone thinks that we can fix our problems by violence. Violence just causes more violence. And dont you think people will see that and start to fight others to get what they want? Same concept here. If we get violent we will be no better than the government.
Anonymous can we do something about Indiana’s Law Religious freedom act?
Why wait to go to America …. Why not stand here in the UK.
Unity can only be manifested by the Binary. Unity itself and the idea of Unity are already two.
The focus should not be on Obama. He’s done more good then bad considering the circumstances. The focus should be congress and senate. But if you start right, you start in your own city first with those officials. Voting in anonymous members until we climb the chain.
im surprised to see so many of anonymous’ views are straight out of the broadcasts of Fox News; the only television station that causes less accurate understanding of current events in its viewers than those who have no news source at all.
Its easy to research what is said… Don’t trust any MSM but always research everything. Fox may have been used here, that doesn’t mean its the only source. TBH I would rather trust their message than CNN or MSNBC… but always always check their story as well…
This was made by an individual of Anonymous and the video is made of snips. Just because Fox is ridiculous doesn’t mean there has never been meaningful content spoken on the show.
my english is not the best so I’m not really sure, but is this video more like a PR Video for Republicans? Since minute 7, most what I see are republicans and how bad the actual Government is.
I think they are not wrong, but sorry, it doesn’t matter which government is there in the US, they are fucking bad for decades now! No matter if they are “blue or red”…!!!
So many bad things in this country today where initiated by G.W.Bush…
The only good thing which was invented in this country in the last years was ‘obamacare’ but so many of the fucking retards in this country don’t like, when people get help when they can’t help themselves – and that’s the BIG problem in this country!
In Germany we have healthcare for everyone since decades now, and thats the only right thing to do in this case!
After reading many post about freedom and free-will I found myself questioning both. I implore you to ask yourself
“What is freedom?” and “What about our free-will? What follows is the definition of both.
FREEDOM: The state of being free or at liberty rather
than in confinement or under physical restraint, exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc. The power to determine action without restraint, political or national independence, personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery.
FREE-WILL: Voluntary choice or decision the freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention. The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion.
So now that we all have read the definition of both and hopefully understood them.
Let’s get to it shall we? Starting with free-will. Most of us went to Sunday school, youth group, mass, and various other places we called church.
We all have heard it said that God gave man free will. That should be
all I ever have to say “God gave man free will” simple enough right?
If only, if only! Let me break it down for all you bible believing good hearted Christians so you too might understand Your Gods laws. In order for us all to have freedom or free-will there are some Fundamentals we must learn first
1: Thou shall not tread on thy
brothers path! This means live and let live or do nothing to harm,manipulate, or change the path of another.
2: Thou shall not judge!This means we are who we are and it isn’t anyones place to cast stones on another.
3: We are all equal we are all human. This means we are all apart of the web, we flow through everything and everything flows through us all life is sacred.
It is my belief that we need to practice at very least these three things to actually have true free-will.
Okay yes you can decide to not practice these fundamentals and
yes by definition that would be your free-will, but keep in mind no good teacher gives you a tool and fails to tell you how to use it
properly. Oh I just said that, and I am about to say this. We have
failed we misused a tool we were given and yes people we screwed it up! OMG how could this be? Well silly we didn’t use it right and it broke plain and simple. Still wondering how ?
First off the whole we are all equal thing try getting someone to believe that these days ha-ha isn’t going to happen.
FEDERAL LEVELS. So again let me say no one man or woman has the right
to rule over another. How would that work? Easy cheesy thou shall not tread on thy brothers path if we all were to practice this there would be no need for laws which means no government at any level.
The way I see it is we are all in this together every one of us everywhere. So we can sit here idle and watch
these idiots blow us all up or we can come together and demand our freedom as citizens of the world opening all borders across the globe. There would be no needs left unfilled this planet is big enough that no one on it should be without or want for anything. We built these
countries as did our people before us it’s ours it belongs to us.
World peace what a dream completely do ‘able but never going to happen
because we let FEAR rule our lives.
The word freedom should be redefined as should the meaning of free-will and the new definition for these words should be this.
The truth is GOVERNMENTS are owned by corporations, run by psychopaths lying
about an imaginary economy based on debt fueled by illegal wars,
destroying ecosystems, poisoning the food and water supplies,
decreasing education, increasing prisons ,manipulating the media,
foreclosing homes, suppressing free energy technology, making us
struggle, starving, humiliating, and killing the world. Yet you stay
silent follow a pathological culture pay taxes vote and trust the
government. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of
those whom they oppress.
After reading many post about freedom and free-will I found myself questioning both. I implore you to ask yourself
“What is freedom?” and “What about our free-will? What follows is the definition of both.
FREEDOM: The state of being free or at liberty rather
than in confinement or under physical restraint, exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc. The power to determine action without restraint, political or national independence, personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery.
FREE-WILL: Voluntary choice or decision the freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention. The power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion.
So now that we all have read the definition of both and hopefully understood them.
Let’s get to it shall we? Starting with free-will. Most of us went to Sunday school, youth group, mass, and various other places we called church.
We all have heard it said that God gave man free will. That should be
all I ever have to say “God gave man free will” simple enough right?
If only, if only! Let me break it down for all you bible believing good hearted Christians so you too might understand Your Gods laws. In order for us all to have freedom or free-will there are some Fundamentals we must learn first
1: Thou shall not tread on thy
brothers path! This means live and let live or do nothing to harm,manipulate, or change the path of another.
2: Thou shall not judge!This means we are who we are and it isn’t anyones place to cast stones on another.
3: We are all equal we are all human. This means we are all apart of the web, we flow through everything and everything flows through us all life is sacred.
It is my belief that we need to practice at very least these three things to actually have true free-will.
Okay yes you can decide to not practice these fundamentals and
yes by definition that would be your free-will, but keep in mind no good teacher gives you a tool and fails to tell you how to use it
properly. Oh I just said that, and I am about to say this. We have
failed we misused a tool we were given and yes people we screwed it up! OMG how could this be? Well silly we didn’t use it right and it broke plain and simple. Still wondering how ?
First off the whole we are all equal thing try getting someone to believe that these days ha-ha isn’t going to happen.
FEDERAL LEVELS. So again let me say no one man or woman has the right
to rule over another. How would that work? Easy cheesy thou shall not tread on thy brothers path if we all were to practice this there would be no need for laws which means no government at any level.
The way I see it is we are all in this together every one of us everywhere. So we can sit here idle and watch
these idiots blow us all up or we can come together and demand our freedom as citizens of the world opening all borders across the globe. There would be no needs left unfilled this planet is big enough that no one on it should be without or want for anything. We built these
countries as did our people before us it’s ours it belongs to us.
World peace what a dream completely do ‘able but never going to happen
because we let FEAR rule our lives.
The word freedom should be redefined as should the meaning of free-will and the new definition for these words should be this.
The truth is GOVERNMENTS are owned by corporations, run by psychopaths lying
about an imaginary economy based on debt fueled by illegal wars,
destroying ecosystems, poisoning the food and water supplies,
decreasing education, increasing prisons ,manipulating the media,
foreclosing homes, suppressing free energy technology, making us
struggle, starving, humiliating, and killing the world. Yet you stay
silent follow a pathological culture pay taxes vote and trust the
government. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of
those whom they oppress.
This footage is never farfetched. Same speeches. Same promises. Obama, you should’ve expected us.
Rise up defend yourselves no one else is going to do it
I’m in I’ll fight to the death for a take over of our rights back I be dam if my children grow up in the government power
A exceptional German military author wrote about this. The best Governance is from the ground upwards and the future will be digital warfare. Think Oliver Cromwell taking on a Government of degenerates.
Most Countries are run by three people, President, Finance minister, Defense minister. Once these three are replaced its done. Quite easy and simple really. Then Like Thailand, one has to arrest all the previously corrupt politicians and police.
If the case is sufficient against those three, which I believe it is, then the Judges sign off the arrest warants, they are arrested. The army takes over, this time for the people.
Nice collection of propaganda that blames Obama. A small overlooked fact is the so-called “police state” began after 911. The various surveillance acts, (ex. The PATRIOT Act) are more the products of a dysfunctional congress than a tyrannical president. I expect better from Anonymous.
I believe there is a difference in how that surveillance is used. Right after 911, we were all scared that it would happen again on our soil. This was a good time to start looking at every person in this country because we had so many come in under the guise of either wanting to become citizens or wanting an education/job experience. This opened the door to terrorists, because of our freedoms and, well, Apathetic mentality.. we never thought it would happen to us, we are too nice etc… But it did and so we must watch people, and sadly, our own citizens. We still have more freedom than most countries, but with that freedom comes a price… a little more surveillance… then comes the Obama administration, who took that surveillance a bit further and decided that it must watch all of us, not just the new comers, take more of our freedoms, quash our rights and the constitution bit by bit…
Obama wants to take our freedom of protection, our guns, our ammo etc.. He has been diminishing our military to where we are pre WWII times. He has dismantled our nuke program… So as someone stated… you diminish our weaken our defenses you allow the government to take over… Our military is sworn to protect the Constitution, not the president… our police are sworn to protect its city, state, etc… Have you noticed police agencies are rising and military diminishing?
We have been terrorized long before the 9 / 11. Gov’t has been working its way up that food chain to make us sheeple.
how do you join anonymous i believe in your cause and i want to be a part in making the world a truly free place. I know that you are doing the right thing and i want to help.
Why target Obama?
give me till friday and you will have my answer intill then i will be on irc .
Just wondering why all this is happening when obama is pres when bush easily was worse.Oh wait i forgot we hate black people and are scared when they are in charge. That must be it. I mean its not like bush started unnecessary wars or anything. I mean he even won the popular vote the second time. Plus I mean its not like the spy programs created to spy on citizens were made while he was in office. Nope lets just all blame the scary black man. Though when the congress made it very clear that they plan to block everything obama tried and make things difficult for him it must just mean obama is bad. Not that the Republicans only care about money or some fair tail story and a land where everyone is only rich white men. Nope not at all.
bill hicks, where are you?! we need you.
I am ALWAYS anon.
Give back the power to the people, since when has the people as a society ever had the power?
Never.. Why should we have the power? and if we should have the power, what sort of power would that be, our own free will to do anything we want as individuals? no matter how you put it, if the people had the power atleast one from the people will rise above. Humans are like packs and they need a leader, and if we don’t got one, we will get it. I am not from the US, and I am glad that I am not. To me it sounds like 90% of everything you hear and are told and nonetheless believe in is bullshit..
Send everyone an invitation, people are confused, they need to feel that they’re officially a part of Anonymous. We’ll have our revolt.
The first to go for are the banks, then corporations, then government.
We have a similar situation developing here in South Africa. It can be stopped by us.
Wake up America!
Taking random footage of politicians, playing inspirational drama music, BATMAN voice in the background, saying bullshit like ‘everything you know is a lie’, ‘MURICA ! FREEDOM ! and *insert a random conspiracy theory here* … and you’ve got yourself a great populair but useless inspirational PROPAGANDA video. gj
*sidenote: have you guys ever tought that ANONYMOUS may BE the government? Think about it: you can’t stop rebel minds from thinking about overthrowing the government and stuff, so why not contain and control it? (all i want to say is that this videos are HYPOCRYCY, the government of a country as big as america will ALWAYS be corrupt, aspecially america actually. Your culture is all about the money and materialism, you can’t fix the problem without changing the name if the problem is in the name itself.(by name i mean all that america is based on since the great imigration)
Are you the government? Because hating on a a group that wants nothing more than freedom is very suspicious.
I’m confused, and I want to understand. Why is this video hating on Obama when he clearly is just a puppet of the “real” enemy (which honestly changes from day to day, where I’m sitting), which is big businesses?
i love whatever you all have done till now@@@@@ sazjoker222 long live
I think there ought to be a World Walk Out Day. We’ll all just leave our homes and work places and go stand or sit in the street. Let’s oppose injustice!
In the interests of solidarity, it is important to know that the NWO agenda is currently being carried out here in Canada as well as many other nations around the world.
We are under attack on many fronts. Poisoned food supply, privatization of water, HAARP, chem trails, wholesale destruction of the environment as well as pollinators, genocide of aboriginal peoples, all set against the background of an rampaging economy out of control. Forced vaccination agenda etc… There is NO accountability on the part of our government. The time has come to force accountability.
In order to truly understand the enemy, one must clearly see the “big” picture. We must see what is happening on a GLOBAL scale.
I believe that Sid Vicious had it right all those years ago when he stated “anger is an energy” anger creates anarchy, anarchy creates change.
However, there IS hope. Anything constructed by man can also easily be de-constructed by man. They may be the “elite” 1% but WE are the 99% WE are at a critical point in human history, we CAN change. It all starts with questioning EVERYTHING. The next step is forced accountability. I do believe THEY fear us MUCH more than WE fear them.
To my American cousins, your very country was founded on revolution. We saw it happen again in the 60’s regarding the Vietnam war. You HAVE changed your society again and again through revolution and rising up. YOU are the sleeping giant. YOU do have the power, we all do.
Its all good for the ruling elite going about circle jerking in the grove, backslapping and high-fiving each other thinking that they have the tiger by the tail. However, what are they going to do when that tiger wakes up??? I guarantee that in their arrogance they haven’t thought of that. Arrogance is so blinding, it is also the WORST human trait, don’t you think?
Please know that not all the sheeple are sleeping, many are quietly watching, waiting to act. I suspect there are far more than ANYONE realizes all around the world. Anon is simply one example of that. It takes one spark to create a fire, fire destroys EVERYTHING.
Our governments and the “ruling elite” are simply demented children playing with matches with no concept of the fire they are creating. There ignorance is our power.
Hold fast my friends, the time is coming VERY VERY soon. WE WILL light the world on fire and remember, after the fire comes healthy growth. Don’t fear it, embrace it and be ready.
“Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose” “freedom aint worth anything if it aint free” …JJ
Anonymous ur so cool but please can u tell me how to join u i want to be a part of this group.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson
Our country was established for freedom against a tyrannical and unjust government. Now our government has become corrupted. Even our government has no control over our monetary system, they borrow money from the Federal Reserve which is a private entity. This means the entire US monetary system is inherently controlled by foreign powers. To re-coop the interest from borrowing money the government is forced raise taxes on us, the people. Stop pretending we still live in a free society and realize the truth, we are slaves to the system.
off topic but the uk have troops on the group in the ukraine training and also doing surveillance and america i hear are to arm the ukraine troops
I have been calling to arms for some time now. We need to get this idiot out of office. I guess because I am 1 I am nothing. I need a big name to back my plight. Well I applaud Anonymous for taking action. To each person his own I guess. I will say Jesus “God Damn” Christ will not be anywhere near this. If he exists he is on a beach in the sky drinking beer and smoking weed and laughing at the strange sounds coming from Earth. Good lord people! I understand some people need something to believe in. Whatever…Hopefully meet you in the middle Anonymous
Why are we talking about Jesus…he has nothing to do with this….Also, false hope is a recipe for disaster. Some ‘messiah’ isn’t going to come save us. We need to take care of things ourselves.
And it’s not racism -_- Stop pulling that card. If a white dude was in office we’d still be saying the same shit. Something needs to change. We are all destined to fail with the current system in place and we all know it.
What if were arming for a revault
When are you going to have a rally anonymous?
We all stand on the two sides of history right now.
Which side are you choosing.
A Hitler regime or the people.Make your decision and make your choice but you must live with it forever.
Remember that the power lies within individual to stop buying in the system and let it destroy itself.
It’s funny… people talk about revolution… making a change to benefit the people of the world… but seriously guys, what’s the point in only talking about it? Does hacking government channels in order to give the people freedom of information contribute to gaining our freedom? Not really as facts and information is always changed anyway as days go past, and although people get angry about the latest government plots, who actually does anything about it? If you gain information then use the information, don’t just talk about it. If you want a revolution it’s simple, band together as the 99% majority and march into the white house or any parliament house in the world and tell whoever the head of state is that it is now we who are in control and make whatever changes are necessary. The people of the world have the numbers and power to revolt, it’s just a matter of making people realize why the need is so great as the people should not fear the government, its the government who should fear the people. There’s talking the talk then walking the walk guys. Peace be to you all.
Since when did Anonymous become a right-wing organization?
This is all interesting but how does it help people watch the videos but what is being done about all of the stuff anonymous Post what is the legoin of anonymous doing to change what’s happening?
This is all interesting but how does it help people watch the videos but what is being done about all of the stuff anonymous Post what is the legoin of anonymous doing to change what’s happening?
You know it’s global problem, the fact that governments are working for bankers, it’s not only USA. Of course USA is kind of elite leader but many other parts of the world are copying this “democracy”. ALL NORMAL peopel of the world, wake up! Let’s go burn down every motherfuckign financial institution!
I believe the government wishes to keep us devided on political issues, religion, lack of religion, social status, race, sexual preference, because they believe that as long as we remain decided on these things we will be incapable of joining together to return the rights of the people taken by an ever growing government made up if a ruling class not based on total decent but on choice of career good politicians are chastised in the media as cooks and nuts while our rights are more and more rapidly picked apart like buzzards on do much carrion and the remnant day to the insects to be disposed of without a trace stand now people tomorrow may be too late and the point if no return ever approaches I don’t care about anonymous I am a patriot and have no want to house my face. I will sign my name the largest on the redeclaration of independence. Christopher Shaun Ward Longview, TX PATRIOT AND CITIZEN OF THE FORMER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE GREATEST NATION TO HAVE EVER BEEN IMAGINED IF MEN WHO UNDERSTOOD THE NATURAL RIGHTS TO LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE INDIVIDUAL PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS THESE THREE RIGHTS ARE ALL encompassing as long as we do not deprive another of life, liberty, or property!
I have started to write this now, 3 different times and I keep erasing it and starting over, because this is one thing I am so passionate about and it gets me so riled up that I tend to want to just…scream.
Some are asking some very important questions. Why are people afraid, acting like they are, allowing the Gov’t to do things that go against every moral fiber in our bodies.
I can tell you where a lot of it stems from. I know, because I lived it and I re live it constantly, because I have PTSD. Don’t you just love labels.
Department of Human Services is one of the most corrupt facets of the government. Why..because they are supposed to help kids, right? This is how it works.
Neighbor gets mad at you and to get even, calls DHS. Tells DHS you are beating your child blah blah blah. DHS comes without warrant, threatening you with jail if you don’t let them in. Scared mom..lets worker in, because she has nothing to hide and little Suzy does not have any bruises.
DHS worker logs that the house is a mess with toys all over the floor, pop can sitting on the coffee table, there isn’t much food in the cupboards. Every little thing is now your enemy in your own home, but she assures you she is there to help you with your anger issues. WTF…she knows just the right buttons to push to set you off because now you are so scared, you are panicky. She leaves with your child in hand.
Now you are really distraught, crying, don’t know how to cope..well..your child was just stolen! Yes..natural reaction for that would be for me to hunt the woman down and beat the snot out of her. All sorts of things cross one’s mind. Animals will even fight to the death to protect their young.
Kid goes into some sort of alternate care. Assigned a Guardian Ad Litem, fancy name for child attorney..who just knows all about your child and their best interest, who probably has no child of their own. DHS contracted facility reports that Suzy is depressed and not adjusting well. Ya think? GAl assigns DHS to find Suzy a psychiatrist and therapist.
They drill you, they lead you. They did this to me as well. Oh, it’s okay you can trust me, I’m your friend. You can tell me what’s going on and I will help you. Right..I’m stuck on a ton of pills that the FDA says children under X age of 18 should not take. I’m shot up with who knows what is in the syringe, which caused me to have a seizure once.
If you tell us what we want to know, you will get better sooner. Let me tell you, it’s worse than interrogation. They lie to your face while telling you to trust them. The psychotropic drugs are to keep you docile and compliant and make you sing like a bird and believe me, you start to have delusions that you know cannot be real but your brain is saying they are real.
They tried all sorts of things on me. Shots, pills, even hypnosis. They could not break me and they never will. Once they figured this out, they assigned me a new label. Institutionalized. They could not do any more for me but they also couldn’t hold me either. I was no longer a cute little kid that some adoptive person would want. I was almost 17. They kicked me out of the system, the worker I had stole my money..it’s separated into some accounts I have no knowledge of where at. I only got half of my inheritance, a bit less than half. No one could figure out where the accounts were, why she split it up and when she started to be questioned and her office as well, they moved her to another office somewhere else.
It left me homeless at age 16. Close to winter time. I had no family. Everything I had was gone. My clothes, everything. Can’t get a job without clothes.
DHS hollers immunity when anyone tries to sue them, they are not governed by any agency and will be sure to let you know that if you do try to sue them. Once in a while you can find a federal law attorney that can find something they have done, in their individual capacity, that’s when they go after them because the office has insurance, even though they are being sued in individual capacity, they are still protected by that insurance and the state’s attorney for DHS.
People act the way they do because they have been or probably are, medicated with one of these psychotropic drugs or their parents were and it’s been passed down genetically.
Why do I fight these disgusting people? Because I have fought for everything all of my life, they molded me into what you see right now. I will never let them steal my compassion for others, my true self or my humanity. Never going to happen. I will never be their sheeple.
Someone posted earlier that the people of Anonymous may be the Gov’t. Well, I doubt that but if there is some person out there who is Gov’t…there is nothing you can do to me that hasn’t already been done to me. I’m terminal, so what do you plan to do…shoot me? Threaten me with my life? Please do, it might amuse me. 🙂
Okay..I feel better now that I got that out there. I’m in the process of writing a book about how corrupt the system is from a child’s point of view. I’m going to expose them for everything and why I am terminal..which was their fault. They ruined my liver with all of their drugs they pumped into me. I never drank nor done any street drugs.
I know we stand a chance if we just get loud.
Anonymous Group!!
-> https://www.facebook.com/AnonsOp <-
Look what Greece did. Look what France did. Look what the European countries are doing. THEIR citizens are fighting for what the believe in. They realize what is happening. Why can’t we?
FINALLY!!!!! Shouting for 2 years now, NOW IS YOUR TIME, NOW IS YOUR MOMENT, NOW IS THE TIME TO STAND AND DO not sit and post. The world now belongs to the vast anonymous darkness of the digital. My generation marched and shed blood; our time has passed as have the very Freedoms for which we STOOD and shouted NO! Freedom has been dying since 1966. Since the Patriot Act with its own built-in Dictator to this Administration with its ACA to Executive Order Coup has accelerated Freedom’s final breath of life. It is TIME to rise up and with Thomas Jefferson “every few years the People should REVOLT against the corrupt government that always grows.
Mostly I’m a kidder and my mind is like what sort of mischief have yous been getting yourself into….hmmm? I might nanny cam you myself out of sheer curiosity if I could ;-p Lol
I’m curious to the gills to see what kinds of mischief you get into on a daily basis! Is that wrong? That’s wrong wasn’t it, I’m sorry Lol
I was skimming through the comments. I found it amusing that one woman spoke of God coming back to punish everyone. I am an ordained Christian Pastor, and even I have to laugh over this. Yes wrong doers will be ultimately punished, but it is up to us THE LEGION to stand together and STAND STRONG. Gandhi once said and I believe this is so true. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.
I thought you guys were for the people!! You are no different than from Tea party Racist….. Leave Obama alone, Hes done more for America and Americans than You think…. He’s a great leader and great father and Role model.. Go fight the racist GOP Who hasn’t done nothing but Hate on the President…
know your real enemy!!!
I think it is cute that you think one is better than the other.Oh and you may do some research on what your spouting.The Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party.
know your real enemy!!!
I’m sorry Eric, but U are naive. I supported Pres. Obama in the beginning, but in the 1st weeks of his 1st term, he said he wanted to “move forward” & not go after the people responsible who were responsible for the near economic collapse at the end of the Cheney/Bush disaster. With prosecutions, a message would have been at least sent. He failed because he sold out. He then left the Pakistani doctor who helped in the capture of bin Laden behind to subsequently be arrested, imagine for a moment what they have done to the poor man. That pain is TOTALLY on the hands of the guy U are calling a role model. To me, that’s pretty fucked up. Cannot say it any other way. P.S. I have been personally fighting against the slide towards corporatism since Ronald Reagan set us on that track 30 some years ago, so I’m no friend of the GOP either.
Anyone else thought that anonymous may be the the new world order?
I think its time for all people who “hack” and who are on the common peoples side to come together as one and turn this world on its head, all the hacker groups focus too much on small time activity, no matter what group you are from, or what country, you all need to come together as one and set the human race free…
I understand and support the message, but my question is why are you opting to use his middle name? Are you trying to get the “anti-muslim” support by doing this?
I think if you’d simply said Barack Obama, or President Obama, or just Obama…there wouldn’t be any mistake as to who you were addressing. Don’t use the same tactics that the radicals of the Tea Party or Republicans would use. (Don’t doubt if he were a Republican, the Dems would do the same thing too).
Just….don’t be an asshat. That’s all I ask.
As long as the people are complacent and they have their creature comforts. Their Facebook,email, Smart Phones, Television, Starbucks etc… Nothing will be done and the powers that be know this. If the power grid were to go out, all of the satellites something drastic like that THEN the people would rise up. They wouldn’t have anything keeping them drugged as sheeple, they would get mad, they would get even, they would have a reason to fight. However that is not happening and unless it did, nothing will ever be done on a large scale to take back the world. As long as people have their comforts they do not care what is happening to others. The powers absolutely know this. They rely on it.
This is my view of Militarizing the Police
Sach Kand – Militarizing the Police https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWlzJL3qgko
The video has been deleted by YouTube. Can you post it again please?
you have my support. i am however stranded.
For me the only explanation I can offer & identify with is to suggest watching the movie “V for Vendetta” it makes a powerful statement that cannot be described with mere words and may help some understand “the idea”. The very end is the point. That is just my opinion.
The video has been removed, so none of us can see it.
please bring back the video so i can start airing and sharing it.
Yes the video please, those assholes take it away
I tried to wach the clip and sais it was deleted….america’s (gouverment) actions afects almost all the contries on the globe cause there aren’t many left in wich the american gov did not interfere or try to change. I started velieving that this is the first sign that the americans in charge are the only terorists playing with a mask.
The video was taken down! </3 Can you guys possibly bring it back up?
Bah! Did you see? Youtube censored that video! There are no rights anymore… just those that have, and those that have not. Peaceful protest isn’t going to fix this anymore. We’re going to have to take back what is ours by force.
Bullshit, make your own video page and post the video there. Take by force only make people into degenerate shits who value nothing worthwhile.
Our founding fathers were degenerare shits eh?
Obama needs To removed from office for sure. Since day one he has gone against our constitution and continues to destroy America from the inside out like a cancer.
barry soetoro must be tortured to death for high treason of the American people.
He has commited several Impeachable acts against this nation and yet he is still in I wonder how? He isn’t in control there is a much greater power and he’s just a puppet listening to his boss.
Well I think the time as arrived to shut down youtube.The true must be clear as pure water.
ongelovelijk hypocriet van YouTube hier censuur aan te geven dat maakt ze partijdig aan de shit van de westerse leiders , weer zwak voor het kapitaal, dood en dood zonde.
Het volk word niet gehoord, de revolutie is van en door het volk.
Anonimous go on!!!!
send a warning to youtube
It is long overdue that we all shut off the news and the internet as far as getting our info from them. It has been obvious and proven many times that these outlets are more than bought out, but, started as a tool to control the way people think and act. I’m very happy that Anonymous began the work of taking back our rights and freedoms our forefathers shed their blood for. It is now time that people by the masses learn that the elite are our biggest problem and stand up to their tyranny. I for one will stand by your side anonymous.
Maybe YouTube needs to be targeted fer violating our rights to the freedom of press and freedom of speech
It’s not just Obama, we need to take down the elites. The people who are buying laws that keep the vast majority under their thumbs.
It has been made clear that Obama doesn’t care about our freedoms and neither does our government. They only want the benefits to the job without doing the work and I say that we have to fight for our country and it’s people because who else is going to do it. Honestly I have always believed ANONYMOUS, so here is a message to all of those who oppose ANONYMOUS, WE ARE ANONYMOUS! Here is a little message for Obama and the government, watch your back very closely because if you don’t we will get you.
Put it up on a cloud service… Give us the link and we’ll download it and rename it individually and flood YouTube, FaceBook and Google+ with multi uploads ..
put it back up .
Please re-post it
It is a major problem all over the world. By shutting down messages they only provoke more. It is s good idea to shut down youtube. After all,why broadcasting IS clips and boycott Anonimous?
hell anonymous im abas im software engi.. i want to be attack the fuckin ethopian network security agence INSA so how can i what point can i start from?? and how??? now im trying basic ethical hacking. plz tell me????? i bilve that u can!!
Where can I see this video? youtube took it down?
Did You Ask Your Salf What Is the System Of Aemrica ??
What Is It >
How We Can Change The Full System If the Real System Of Aerica A Bad 🙂
Some Of Rule In The System Are Good Other Bad 🙁
What You Want first To Looking For ………. System !! Everything out From system You Must Looking For The System Same As Where I Leave Bad System >
Thanks For You
Your Friend
I sure wish Anonymous would do something about the 2 blimps that are now flying over Baltimore MD. Both of them are over 3 football fields long and we are being told they are there to monitor for terrorist activities. BULLSHIT. I dont believe that for a minute and with all of the racial unrest here in this city, I would not be the least bit surprised to find out we are the ones who are being targeted for some government experiment or something. Very scary.
Each human individual is wired genetically as group animal, like wolves live in a pack, like ants in a colony. We are wired to find each other even if there were only 2 people left on the planet, our desire to being together is to communicate with each other. This is a hard-wired human feature, like a force. That force – to finding each other and communicating, is so strong inside us, it will override many other basic human urges, e.g. eating, sleeping, voting properly etc..
I will not talk about how wolf-packs and ant colonies are governed, but rather about how each individual in a group can define the rules that govern packs and colonies. I have read most replies and concluded that many are looking for a change, while lacking proper understanding how to achieving an individual and or a collective change.
We can analyze communication and bring it down – in a very simplistic way of speaking, to: you have a sender, a message and a receiver. These 3 ingredients are theoretically the ingredients for communication. If receiver or sender do not function properly or messages cannot be sent, received or understood then communication is not proper.
[Communication is Layered, and Hierarchical]
Free will in terms of communication could be defined as willing to tune into a sender, becoming a receiver, accepting a message, and or decipher an accepted message, and or reading a message etc., but also certainly the opposite – free will to not be a sender, receiver, not to accept messages etc.. What makes you decide if you want to communicate or not? Inside communication.
Inside communication is the layer determining if you want to communicate. Then the obvious next question would be: What layer of communication will make you decide to use free will to communicate?
Another type of communication are the ‘talks’ between body parts. You are not aware of this type of communication. It is the layer that you have no control over, e.g. hormones regulating blood pressure by telling organs to release adrenaline, your brain stem raising and or lowering your heartbeat, and much more. For the easy of writing I will call this cellular communication.
The sender, receiver, message communication layer and the ‘talking’ to yourself layer demand only 1 thing: being aware that you are communicating – even if you talk to yourself while in a coma. Else there would not be proper communication. So the main difference between the layers of communication is awareness.
I assume that we can all agree upon that you cannot properly function if communication on cellular levels fail. You’d be dead or dying. This makes the cellular communication level the most prominent level in the hierarchy, I told you about. If this level fails there are no other levels of communication possible. If the inner-voice is dead (you are unaware), then there is no sender, receiver, message layer communication possible. Note: for the communication guru’s: yes, not communicating is also a type of communication. The details of them topics are not relevant to achieving an individual and or a collective change, therefore I omit them.
[An example of the hierarchy of communication and its consequences]
If you are hungry, but you have no food due a lack of money, a negative domino-effect will take place, to overrule layers of communication, potentially endangering your freedom. We are attending a meeting: ‘The coup of the New World Order’. Your cellular communication apparatus has become a loud screaming speaker demanding food (your stomach is grumbling, you are dizzy and feel a certain discomfort). The inner voice is trying to convince you to do gain energy (food). You are being distracted from the dangerous propaganda at the meeting. At the end you must cast your vote. Weeks later you are being held responsible for the beheading of the President of the New World Order. You were distracted because you were hungry.
If you can’t pay proper attention in a meeting – in which important decisions are made, because you are distracted, or if you were distracted on purpose because others didn’t want you to attend that particular meeting, then the results could be catastrophic. People are purposely being distracted on each level of communication. We’re being poisoned through our food chain, poisoned with corrupted messages, corrupted senders, and we’re being poisoned to corrupt our inner voice to becoming a corrupted sender and receiver using corrupted messages. All the interfering matter causing improper communication I call static. Every government around the world, every colony or wolf pack and henceforth every individual who is part of a group sharing similar goals will be using static tactics to persuade you to vote for a goal or make sure you are being distracted enough not to vote, or vote against what you really need.
[How to achieving an individual and or a collective change]
It is very clear to me that if I am occupied – satisfying the voices on a cellular level, that I am mainly occupied with survival, and that being occupied with survival will eventually affect my voting abilities, it will eventually destroy me.
It is very clear to me that AWARENESS of these communication processes and preventing group decisions that have a negative impact on my cellular communication levels are the main ingredients for my inner voice to become clear and not corrupted.
It is obvious to me that a filter must be applied to get rid of ALL corrupted senders, messages and other harmful undefined ‘material’ that any group is using to make me use my vote inappropriately.
It is obvious to me that I must become active MYSELF in such ways that I can FIND and USE true filters.
It is obvious to me that ONLY I can make a difference, and that like minded whom share similar goals and use similar filters, THOSE whom also know that it is ONLY THEM who can make the change can possibly be trusted with my communication.
It is obvious to me that I AM ANONYMOUS, and that change will come from within ME, from my FREE WILL, from my cellular voice, from my inner voice. I will need to convince myself of communicating without static, find proper filters, apply them and once I am freed of the static – I must help others in finding frequencies that will liberate and set them free of the channels with static interference, because I am programmed genetically to do so.
If I was an American I would have already fight fire with fire using their stuff against them because their an laughing stock in the eyes of the international puplic.
is there a group of anonymous in the south of germany ?
I have left my information about the pyramid in California a long time ago and Barack is almost out of office and nobody has responded about my cyborg alien abduction, the black pyramid and the environment scanning. If all is fair if the facts are there then we move but if it’s not fact you can’t expect me to budge. The next man is still me.
Hi all, correct me if i’m wrong please, I understand through watching some of the Zeitgeist movement movies and many news feeds and general internet searching that Greed and Megalomania is ruling this world. Simple answer, you guys there in the USA can carry guns as part of your 2nd amendment to specifically overthrow your Government that is working against its population. I think your time has come now, you must take up your rightful arms, form militia groups and start in your local neighborhoods, this action must be nationally coordinated, if you can secure local government installations, hold the National Guard off and get global news/social media coverage, England will be right behind you doing the same thing. We can’t win our planet back alone, but your initial actions will inspire all current modern States to rise up at the same time, I think China and Russia will follow suit if we can show the world it is really real and they have a duty to all Humanity/Life and the planet to join us.
Americans blame yourselves if you do nothing.
Peace and Love:
Up here in Seattle. Where can I find you brothers?
I heard on the grape vine that you guys aren’t actually anonymous but simply people trying to cash in on peoples hopes, with little more than merchandise click bait and hear string stories, do you have a rebuttal? crashing my FB page or cooking my pc is not a rebuttal 😀