The recent attitude of white police officers towards the African-American community in the United States is revealing some secrets regarding the discrimination and total human rights abuses against the black community.
Not long ago in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) strongly criticized the United States over its police brutality epidemic, discrimination and brutal killings of unarmed black men. The UNHRC said it is a disturbing trend, considering how excessive force is being used against minorities by law enforcement agencies and saying that the US has, “largely failed to follow up on recommendations made in 2010 by the council.”
Now, whenever the race problem is mentioned, some people think we are ‘using a sledge hammer to kill a fly,’ or to put it another way, blowing things out of proportion. To set the record straight, and to expose the gross human rights violations plaguing the African-American community in the US beyond reasonable doubt, a group of researchers have released a video that has made an interesting revelation about how differently blacks and whites are treated by the police.
In an experimental video published by Collective-Evolution.com, the researchers allowed a young white man and a young black man to carry their legally owned AR-15 automatic rifles on the streets, to test how police will react to the two. They (researchers) then hid somewhere and started recording what happens to the two as they encounter white police officers.
First, it was the white gentleman’s turn to carry his gun publicly, and upon walking several feet he encountered a white police officer who asked him why he was carrying his gun. After a brief interrogation, the officer allowed the white gentleman to go without taking him into custody, or any further harassment.
Then, it was the black gentleman’s turn. As he began walking, carrying his gun around his neck just as the white gentleman had, he did not get far before he was abruptly stopped by shouting. A white police officer jumped from his vehicle and immediately pointed his gun on the black man, instructing him to lie down on the ground. He complied with the instructions and faced down on the ground. The officer then switched on his radio, calling for reinforcements, still pointing his gun as the poor, young black man on the ground.
He was on the ground for about two minutes as the police officer continued to talk on the radio, waiting for the reinforcement team. Then, the team finally arrived with two extra-armed vehicles and with dogs, as if they had spotted the ghost of ‘Osama Bin Laden’ in the area.
One officer then moved towards him and disarmed him, handcuffing him at his back and taking him into the police vehicle without even asking him why he was carrying the gun in public, or whether he has a license to carry the gun or not.
Independent observers who have watched the video described the attitude of the officers as showing clear discrimination based on outward appearance of the two men.
Whether you think the race issue in the US is a perception or reality, we have obtained the video. Watch it and make your own independent conclusion. To the guys who put the video together to confirm how police treat blacks in the US beyond any reasonable doubt, we congratulate them and urge them to continue to expose the rotting of society without fear or favor.
Let us join hands to tell the police to treat all citizens equally. It is only through that, that we can have the peace we all cry for. We are different colors, but we are ONE people with a common vision; to build the nation and make it habitable and fair for everyone.
WOW! This is complete bullshit. You have took two videos to show America as racist (though I am not saying it isn’t), why don’t you post many of the other hundreds of videos on YouTube of people doing the exact same thing and getting many different reactions. You are just trying to create propaganda, I am not even an American, I’m from Britain so I don’t really care what peoples opinions are on Americans and their society, but this page is so fucking stupid and even more manipulative than the BBC. Get a fucking grip.
You don’t live in America and no you do not know how racist most cops are. It’s always been like this. A person of color is treated with no respect many times by cops. So please don’t comment on things you know nothing about. After all you are a white-male!
stupid bitch. they clearly never put the cunt in handcuffs
This started way back. So many people have been bought up to believe that people of color are less than white people. As a result of this innate belief we have a problem in this society that is being exposed more and more. As long as this exists there will always be a problem. What is misunderstood by some white people is that this is all do to the greed of a few.
People are missing the entire point….This country is all but came out of the closet as communist. We have no rights….Its not just black or white or brown or yellow or wtf ever…It any of us who are not in that 1%. Dont you all see that? We will never be a “great” “free” country again. That time has passed this country by and sadly its our own fault….We the people let this 1% take control…and now they have all the military they need to keep control and then some…And we have no one to blame but ourselves because we all sit back let it happen and do nothing to stop it but bitch whine and moan that its racism…Racism is nothing compared to the oppressions that this 1% inflict on the people of this country…WAKE THE FUCK UP.. WE NEED TO TAKE IT ALL BACK….THE WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY…
I’m glad he was stopped. Why on earth would you want/need to walk down the street with a loaded AR-15? I don’t care if it’s legal, it’s ridiculous. Also, how would you endager the life of your unborn child? Even if it’s legal, it doesn’t make it logical to walk around with an assault rifle. You deserve all the harrasment you got. Freaks.
jose you are full of shit what has it got to do with you ?if its legal thats the end of it,you dont have to say why ….its not nazi germany
people are so dumb this days. stop bullshit!
policeman can be a good guy and can be a bad guy. those were completely different people. in the first video the cop was brave, and obviously a good guy. maybe he would act the same way with the black guy? so basically, this doesn’t prove anything.
you act like holding an AR-15 on the street is completely normal. why policemen are acting like this and doing bad stuff to black people? i tell you why, because 99 percent of gangsters, rapists and robbers are black people. it’s your fault that they act like this, you black people made them think and act like this. it’s completely your fault. stop being gangsters, killers and robbers and everything will be ok and they will stop behaving like this. it’s your fault.
Wtf. 99%? i mean are you retarded? are you responsible for the cinema batman movie shooting? or for the shooting sprees on your schools? most of this criminals are white!
sincerly, One normal thinking guy from Europe
The sad thing is, that many so called 2nd amendment supporters, would disregard and even deny situations like this one. This is exactly one of the reasons I have been very disillusioned recently with the organizations that claimed to represent us gun owners. The John Crawford III homicide perpetrated by police inside a Walmart for just holding a replica AR (in Ohio a state that open carry of REAL long guns is even LEGAL) and the conspicuous silence of so many was the thing that did it for me.
This is sickening! Stereotyping at its best! Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”?? Our entire justice system is in SERIOUS NEED of a complete overhaul!
I think the officers where 100% Racist at least the one that initiated everything, he didn’t ask questions he just assumed this guy was out to cause trouble, I do think the law to just carry a weapon around is stupid as shit unless it is time of war or you are someone who has a job that needs a weapon you dont need a fing gun no wonder so many people get shot in the states, I dont say take away the right to own guns. You just dont need to be walking around like all “im the man” i have a gun