Written by: Cadence
It has been confirmed that next year’s Bilderberg meeting will be held in Austria. The five star Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol will be hosting the conference, along with the senior politicians, Heads of corporations and banking bosses who will be attending.
This spot is ideal for the notoriously elusive meetings. The hotel is isolated deep within the forests of the Tirolean Alps, near the Seefeld ski resort and conveniently close to Innsbruck airport. It is part of the Liebherr Group, owned by German billionaires the Liebherr family.
It appears the organisers have learnt from this year’s event in Copenhagen, Denmark. The five star Marriott Hotel is in the centre of the city, and gave protestors and journalists a view of the high profile delegates. Photographs were published of the politicians and CEOs entering and leaving the building, despite the double ring of 3 m high security fencing.
Info Wars has reported that the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol is fully booked on the first two weekends of June, suggesting 2015’s meet-up will follow their usual early June schedule. It may, however, be a decoy designed to throw journalists off from the truth.
According to the Bilderberg website, this will be the 60th annual meeting. The Bilderberg Group claims to provide a “forum for discussion on a range of topics, from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment and from ecological challenges to the task of promoting international security”, although its true purpose is widely contested.
It is believed that the group has a high degree of influence over international politics. Although the minutes are confidential, they have been leaked to the public on a number of occasions, revealing plans which have later become reality. The 1955 documents outlined a strategy for a single EU currency, decades before the Euro was introduced. Some say the Bilderberg Group also created the conditions for the US housing market crash, and postponed the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq.
Fuck Anonymous, what have you done to help us? YOU’RE NOBODY
To put us knowledge of the reality!
Were trying dude maybe you should join and try to help the best you can, and see how easy it is to sway the minds tyrants and thieves.
Complaining isnt going to solve anything. If you think you could do a better job then you do it.
Promote this idea that fixes the whole entirety of the system, and mankind’s mission here? An inheritance CAP realigns everything! See it debated, and be haunted by the simplicity of this one simple rule tweak we can demand!
…come in Heavy from the air,+ 1 minute ground assault begins. Take none alive..
Drive them underground as they once were…
Whos`s “us” ?