There is a war raging against whistleblowers. Make no mistake about it. In recent months Anonymous HQ was contacted by a source wishing to provide information about a large surveillance corporation and their misdoings in the international arena. For the moment, the company is under investigation by myself, and as such will remain unnamed until such time that further evidence is established. What I can say so far with the findings is this:
The company in question is one of the largest international suppliers of naval surveillance equipment to a multitude of governments, big business, down to the little guy – average Joe Citizen. Their website has been legally protected, to discourage Anonymous in particular, from reporting any findings. It has also been legally protected against DDoS, as stipulated by ‘them.’
The company capable of surface movement radar technology and responsible for equipment used in coastal surveillance, have made personal threats against my primary informant, who once worked for them, by stating they have “people with no business cards,” hinting to my source’s safety. They have also made it increasingly difficult for said person to live a regular life within a western country. The source has been threatened in relation to his contact with Anonymous, and remains heavily monitored.
“I was branded a ‘Hacker’ as I publicly displayed my support for anonymous, by changing my Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook profile pictures to the Anonymous logo,” the source says of their dismissal. “So again I asked for an outside investigation to be carried out and also a police investigation to be carried out…Again this was ignored and I was told that even my involvement with Anonymous could not help me now and that they worked with very high up government departments, “people with no business cards” was their exact words.”
This western country has also been harassing said informant by means of police and government invasion of privacy. My source has maintained that there is concern for their future, but feels that to ‘whistle blow’ on this internationally renown company must also be seriously considered; that to inform the international community of the illegal processes that have taken place and are still taking place must be paramount.
Countries involved are Egyptian payoffs, illegal business trade during economic sanctions with Iran, the United Kingdom, United States, Libya projects, Pakistan, and many more.
Since my initial discussions with my primary source, I have travelled to Europe in an attempt to arrange a meeting, which due to logistics and concerns on both party sides, didn’t proceed. Post this, my passport was seized at customs on the way home, with a two hour wait and no reason given why. Whether the passport situation was due to my contacts or my affiliation with Anonymous, I’m yet to discover. Said source has also had similar issues when travelling since their situation arose, after they were fired for affiliation with Anonymous on social media.
The company will go for the jugular with anyone willing to cross their path. But once my information is in place, as an author, I will do the same if the findings permit.
I feel that this article is still relevant, more as a warning to continue your Internet safety, and Anonymity, when fighting for your freedoms of speech. We are the 99 percent. We can fight these issues. We must be united.
More to follow on this investigation shortly, in the meantime, a clip on whistleblowers below.
This Article (Surveillance Whistleblower asks for Anonymous HQ’s help) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Thank you Anon’s
Why is there a stigma to the term Whistle Blower?