Obama is a… controversial figure to say the least. In the video below, he comes out swinging against Republicans, arguing that they are helping ISIS with their anti-Muslim rhetoric.
While I tend to agree with him, he is also ironically responsible for:
Helping ISIS via his failed drone campaign which has killed innocents 90% of the time…
Destroying 8 weddings, turning celebrations of life into macabre literal funeral pyres, turning tears of joy into tears of anguish, where Muslim participants can celebrate with a toast of “death to America” rather than “to our beloved newly weds”.
As well as the “accidental” training of and supplying of groups that would defect to Al Qaeda… OR ISIS…
As well as the “loss” of supply-drops, humvees and tanks to ISIS (I’m sorry, if you know me, I like to recycle good sources… over… and over… and over…) which had also occurred on his watch…
Did I mention the Doctors Without Borders WAR CRIME he allowed to happen when the US military bombed that Afghan hospital? I’m SURE bombing innocent Muslims in a HOSPITAL does not lend ISIS more recruits…
Indeed he’s helped ISIS in much the same ways Republicans have with their vile rhetoric… less by speaking and more by doing…
Seriously, when was the last time you heard a Muslim extremist chant “Death To The Republicans, And Only The Republicans”.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to say “The Republicans are evil slime” or “The Democrats are evil slime”…. I’m here to say they’re more or less the same amount of evil slimishness.
Alas, Americans will ever be fooled by pretty rhetoric that (sometimes, in very rare occasions) conforms to one or two of their ideals that make them identify as “left” or “right” rather than “human”.
Watching Obama dish out some dirt against the Republicans is fairly entertaining because he makes such a great point… as long as one remembers that his hands aren’t much cleaner.
Nice-sounding rhetoric only works on people who haven’t experienced your “compassion” first-hand.
Sources: Washington Times, Global Research, The Telegraph, Military
This Article (Obama: Republicans Are HELPING ISIS By Demonizing Muslims) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
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You know, Obama has some nerve. Isis was formed by Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood. All this is, is a ploy to put the heat on the only people that will expose the facts. If Obama can get the public to get riled up about anything that distracts the public, he then can continue his and the Muslim Brotherhood’s drive to overthrow our country. They have already accomplished taking the executive branch over. But they are not done. Their agenda in bringing the, so called, Syrian refugees, knowing full well, what those phoney refugees (terrorists) are doing all over Europe. Canada has made a new policy to only accept women and children “refugees” in their country. Because they are well aware that Muslim jihadists are being slipped in, under the guise of refuge. Ladies and gentlemen, Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim jihadist terrorist. He is a FRAUDULENT PRESIDENT. He has been working with the Muslim Brotherhood, planning and now orchestrating the demise and takeover of America. They have vowed this and they are working their plan day by day. This is why Obama is so intent in taking away our guns. It’s the typical move prior to overthrow. The other move is how our military has been back scaled to a very dangerous level. All generals and admirals speaking out about the danger in this action, has been forced into retirement or fired. We are at a dangerous point in our history. If the other branches of government do not act, and act very soon, we will lose our nation. The Muslim Brotherhood is calling it, “A Silent Jihad”. We must act inmediately. We MUST; have a military garrison go directly into the White House, arrest Barack Obama, also his administration, charge them all with treason, on the basis of “aiding and abetting the enemy”. Folks, this is actually happening. You can check this. Don’t take my word for it. Retired 4 star General Lyons, has been quite outspoken about all that these traitors have already done to our country and what their end game is. We are in grave danger with our borders open, as they have never been, and with Obama attempting to bring people into our country from every direction. From the Middle East alone, he has plans to bring 250,000. And from the appearance of these “refugees”, they seem to all be men, between the ages of 19 and 30. It’s an army of jihadists, if I ever saw one. Finally, he has also made our police forces around the country into ineffective by standers, while street thugs and criminals wreak havoc in cities around the country. This is, if nothing else, the worst president in the history of the United States of America! IT IS HIGH TIME WE ARREST THIS MAN, THIS TYRANT, THIS FRAUD!! We only have a very short time. Their plan is to accomplish this, before his scheduled end of his last term. WE MUST ACT NOW!!
You sir are an uneducated bigot! I say WE ARREST YOU! There are good Muslims too you know! Christians did horrible things in the past as well and there are plenty of Jewish terrorists just as bad as Jihadist groups….No religion is really peaceful! So if you denounce one religion over another, you are also anti-American! I rebuke you in the name of the All-Knowing…