Researchers at Harvard and the University of Washington are building tiny robotic insects with the intention of replacing endangered bee populations. The police and military have also planned to use them for “data gathering”.
Following the news that the honeybee is now officially an endangered species as “colony collapse disorder” accelerates, it seems that a Harvard research team has the solution – robotic honeybees. Instead of attempting to save the bees by reducing the use of pesticides or revising safety standards for cell phone radiation, the focus has shifted to replacing the bees altogether. Harvard University researchers, led byengineering professor Robert Wood have been tweaking “RoboBees” since their initial introduction in 2009. The bee-sized robots made of titanium and plastic represent a breakthrough in the field of micro-aerial vehicles. The size of the components needed to create flying robots were previously too heavy to make a such a small structure lightweight enough to achieve flight. Current models weigh only 80 mg and have been fitted with sensors that detect light and wind velocity.
Researchers claim that the bees could artificially pollinate entire fields of crops and will soon be able to be programmed to live in an artificial hive, coordinate algorithms and communicate among themselves about methods of pollination and the locations of particular crops. In addition, RoboBees have been suggested for other uses including searching disaster sites for survivors, monitoring traffic, and “military and police applications.” These applications could include using RoboBees to “scout for insurgents” on battlefields abroad or allowing police and SWAT teams to use the micro-robots to gather footage inside buildings.
The RoboBees project originally began at the University of California at Berkeley in 1998 when neurobiologist Michael Dickinson, electrical engineer Ron Fearing, and then-grad student Rob Wood received a $2.5 million grant from DARPA to create an insect drone. Dickinson now continues his work at the University of Washington while Wood heads the principal RoboBee micro-robotics lab at Harvard. DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US military, is best known for its role in helping create the internet, but a vast majority of their taxpayer-funded projects paint a decidedly dystopian picture of humanity’s future. Most of DARPA’s projects involve transhumanism, the merging of humans and machines to create a technologically governed populace.
One of the most well-known DARPA projects is the creation of “super soldiers” that are cybernetically-enhanced both physically and mentally, including brain implants that could allow the super-soldiers to “communicate by thought alone.” Some defense scientists have warned it could lead to the “remote guidance or control of a human being.”
Other dystopian DARPA projects include robots that can run as fast as cheetahs, grasp objects, and kill targets. It should come as no surprise, then, that DARPA also seeks to create robotic wildlife that will fulfill essential roles to planetary function as well as other uses in maintaining a surveillance state. However, there is no way DARPA or technology can fill the void of highly complex natural organisms and natural systems with machines, no matter how many millions of dollars of taxpayer money they spend. The war against nature and their planned technological replacements may suggest that the decline of bees and biodiversity may actually be a means to an end for those who seek to create a transhumanist future.
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This article (Project Originally Funded By DARPA Seeks To Replace Bees With Tiny, Winged Robots) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
What about the leeves won’t they turn green or coper please send a helicoter you wouldn’t want one of these to sing when I was three I seen a rainbow will iit still snow I don’t know isnt good enough will I grow old or boots grow mold that means 3*3 man I hate bees but I love the money and the bunny so will it snow if I don’t go go green satellite detective agency’s one of these some don’t deserve one or see this meteor shower Frank flowers uncke todd siad Marino says he can have one fI nd some one to marry one Hal hickupt skipped a beat drum box how you know about attempted escape convicts getting out Mike smith at service halo down there at halo aa gonna eat chew all up dies anyone like anything about this project or we wing it take those bees bubble bee wings off now it’s birds I don’t like birds now it’s wiennabagos now I don’t like wing insects try to am that at me asshole just one where’s 3by 4 I don’t need know Moore were those pictures made up of to the left up to the left right left shhh its not up or running in tthis country so well catch up or give up fukashima nuclear we’d be caught up with fukashima nu free and clear mirror mirror menage do I make myself clear three cheers ritchard geers coming to get me you wont want an angel to get one of these three machine shell go halo itll end up in mexico sayinv shes 0.3tsb5678# what’s all these num for case someone changes my coordinates like yours moves to ct or Canada on my mark three two one don’t smell it out all eighty 390 wasn’t mine for tony ex to work there’s places we need to be to be all you can be in the John Casey’s marine corp. Not the real one surprised time after time people don’t listen to me I’m not as stupid as you think not to ambitious over actions so you see over seas reconfigure e everything investment bankers wanted one of these guess you gotta give em one cause they know about my nephew wants to know why you let haroshima blow up i would have flew up there to have check it but three miles was not good enough ttytom siad three out of three not enough democracy stargate sg1 movie I can’t see anything don’t see it the wrong way next time the one who feels it you want to find try to get to see eye to eye all seeing eye I thought I saw we the people together we stand came later after your scared movie theatre go for the real todd goleeno sits there wondering Iif anyone’s gonna get here can’t leave lost his id no security there or just here I’m not in Alaska little Pete siad the same thing huh got a go I’ll run out of paper
Wonder what they say if it was working right with no harmful oders baby why don’t we go play bingo what next back to people being abused or taking advantage of poor people lately civial litigator Jerry says Garcia said it huh guess that’s all we to do let Steve Tony go ok that’s it Saxon tony went were dome then got my num ? Ask president in college he called a cop last year because I told tony in herkimer don’t let those prisoners out with out a name tag on
Those penny’s for a thought I got an idea of an idea when I got looked up in god we trust you got the wrong one i got
does anybody ever read this shit or stuff its a must this guy trust rumes with:#!.
bees cant be replaced, they are natural and they are parts of the habitat and what will these robots do, deal with natural flowers??? nonsensical
there shouldn’t be chemtrails because of the small insects and air beings birds their own instinct. – autumn… pigment red
hope from the elite found… nature replacement to rob you freedom and nature. understand that. they have no more no better than that ideology of playing. oh david found out. so they dont have nothing to win now they injected this unique vectors of robots robbing nature and freedom?
nature is here for much long… it will help you, it has mystical infinite purity forces… it has to be protected at high costs… florus meta rela energy life force field baby birth gift to live forests abundance prosperity life.
words dont explain pure energy, life path presence connection w/ nature habitat does… root of life force forces of nature
Pretty dumb idea.