There are many people who think that things come easy for intelligent people; acing exams is nothing but a piece of cake. However, according to the Quora community, there are many downsides to being intelligent.
You Think More and Feel Less
Marcus Geduld, a member of Quora, says that he knows how to describe his feelings to others, but that he doesn’t feel the weight leave his shoulders once he has expressed these feelings.
“This is a standard condition for intelligent men and women, particularly ones that are quite verbal. They use words and phrases as a smoke screen, and it is all the more effective when their words are true. Less articulate individuals tend to air out through animalism,” says Marcus Geduld, explaining his research between emotional and cognitive skills. “They scream, strike, hit, run, shout, sob, party, and jump because of happiness… I explain. And when I’m finished describing, everything I’ve mentioned is still trapped inside me, only now it has a label on it.”
According to some scientists, people with high emotional intelligence have low cognitive capabilities. This, in short, means that people who are smart may not need emotional skills to solve problems.
Expectations, Expectations… and more Expectations
If you’re intelligent, then no matter what, people automatically expect you to be the best. Furthermore, since they already have a default image set in their heads, you’re left with no one to discuss your weaknesses and emotions with. Moreover, the tension of what is going to happen if you don’t perform well, exacerbates the situation.
According to Saurabh Mehta, thoughts like these give you more stress related to a fear of failure.
Parents who pass down their ‘smart’ genes to their kids, worry less about their child’s wellbeing as compared to general parents who have smart children; and are most anxious to know about their children’s results after a test. This factor of expectation misleads the child to focus on their studies, rather than permitting them to discover themselves.
A Few Things Come Easy
According to users on Quora who were discussing the traits and downsides of being intelligent, smart individuals believe they can get through life using less effort, as compared to other people. However, others also stated that the downside to being intelligent is that many people will never feel the tenacity needed to triumph.
Kent Fung, another Quora user, stated that smart people who have discovered their trait at a young age, don’t need to work or study as much as other people, resulting in the termination of ethics required to really work hard for something.
A Habit of Correcting People
Smart people usually have a habit of correcting a person if they hear something wrong or inaccurate; in short, it is difficult for them to hear something wrong. However, they don’t intend on humiliating you in front of your friends, but this unintentional habit costs smart people dearly.
A user on Quora stated that people are likely to stop hanging around with those who have this habit.
Sit and Think About It
The most common discussion found on the Quora forum was that intelligent people tend to over think and analyse even the most normal of situations.
According to the Quora users, smart people take even the slightest of comments about them, or on any topic, very seriously, overthinking these things. Based on the experience of one user, who stated that at a certain point you comprehend that you are dying over the thought that means nothing, you’re still likely to search for a solution before it drives you nuts.
A report that was published a year ago, analysed how smart people worry a lot and constantly think about random things, keeping their minds occupied. This led scientists to argue that because of all the over-thinking smart people do, they find it difficult to make a choice.
“An understanding of the potential consequences of your choices, particularly the tendency to over-evaluate those outcomes,” says Trithankar Chakraborty, is important to consider.
The Infinite Power of Knowledge
Even though you want to know about the things that happen behind the closed doors of a Masonic Lodge, or you want to know everything about the universe, the fact is, no one can learn and understand everything.
According to Mike Farkas, intelligence is a curse. He states that the more a person learns, the more they think they know less about things. He further says that according to a study conducted by David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the less intelligent people think they know everything and overrate their cognitive abilities, while intelligent people always question and doubt everything.
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Some of what’s described in this article only apply to certain types of intelligence of wich indicate lower levels of intelligence in other types of intelligence. However alot of it is quite accurate.
I agree that intelligence in alot of ways is much more a curse than a blessing, but the reason mentioned above is only a small part of it. Being a person that is able to see the consequences of different actions in a grand scale and not having a voice that will be heard is one example. An early one is the risk of falling out of the education system or getting burned out from school because teachers lack the knowledge to challenge you is another one. Being aware that hardly any person in real power is a person have both compassion for others outside of their family and emidiate social circle and an intelligence level above sligthly over mediocre is a third. Most of all I think is the fact that one can construct a world system with none of the major problems we see in the world today, but the greed of the powerfull, the cowardness of many so called intelligent people, and how all of the propaganda we see have a severe effect on the avereage and less than average intelligent persons living amongst us, make it extremely unlikely for the world to ever be a place where peace, love and kindness is the basis for our existence.
investigate top and past… for some reason phantom time is part of the illusion which includes diverged history… and top and past are related…
the game is the same all over the globe just with different faces, so no one can help the other side with different experiences or mindsets… if they are so fixed so untouchable why do they need to update security? see phantom time in there? in the dawn of computers and internet were they so safe? share
what is the difference between from this point to have absolute power over everyone and this planet’s resources or saving the planet and making everyone free good pure and natural healhy?
why consciousness and inteligence and energy comprehension and research is growing and improving and why solutions are not being made to planet earth and humans as free and nature?
so, are there any more secret societies??? are they fighting anonymous, hackers or wikileaks. i can only see one. and russia is being controlled by the illuminati. because no one knows of any secret society there in the rest of the world or it would be already leaked… and this is happening now the planet world take over, why no one else is doing it, for example… and 8 years candaidacy usa obama and russia putin, see they both work for the illuminati + the rest are rich people and then there is no one in there linked to mysticism with power only vatican. i do not see people with the same power than the illuminati and no one sees because they are not being powned everyday for example… that’s how a world of secret societies would work. then its happening too well… and the illusionof many secret societies also gives them power… there is no war the tech and ideologies are the same… share
and the bilionaires in china appeared from the same effect of plays in the market
after 2000
let’s create a wrapper to the elite… flaws to anything… what are the next bigger things than them, humanity, nature, freedom, earthians, ecosystem and planet… end of line… limits of computation. fringe pseudo-co-science.
they are not bigger than that, why can’t no one remember. for so many years no one has aknowledged events of other secret societies other than the illuminati. even nazi-like or german-like.
the elite fearing what i have to say they blocked my macbook from me… they fear me… why messing with my computer and not calling the police military or intelligence or even kill me… because i have something to say, to save and to protect… freedom and nature is in cause… total…
the hardest part about being intelligent is you can’t appear honest on the outside if you stay honest to yourself on the inside (to your consciousness), and the result is a barely-spoken person who can’t be taken seriously because he appears to be in almost 85% self doubt. and we’re supposed to lead the world by sounding like we’re on drugs and still be taken seriously and sternly, word to word?
it’s practically impossible… unless our voice comes out only robotic, and then the young aren’t moved because they want enthusiasm that relates to their own warm blood. and the stupid/low intelligence people don’t care because they think your surrounding is what you represent because of this bullshit philosophy of evolution programmed into the masses through media…
let’s face it… Satan will rule this world until Allah decides otherwise and only those that Allah chooses are saved. Free-will is just a statement validating “you are what you are.”