A Thoughtless Facebook Post Gets Single Mom Sacked On First Day Of New Job


27-year-old Kaitlyn Walls was fired from her new job after she complained about her new workplace on Facebook. Before she left home to join her new job at a day care, she updated her Facebook status: “I start my new job today, but I absolutely hate working at day care. Lol, it’s all good, I just really hate being around a lot of kids.” When her new boss saw the post on the social networking website, the Texas resident was fired before she reached the Colony Child Development Daycare Center.


In an interview to CBS local she said, “I actually cried. It really hurt because I wasn’t trying to offend anybody. It really was a big mistake. I don’t hate children. I have my own… I love her. I was just venting”

Her status update infuriated her Facebook friends; one even went on to comment that she had the “Bubonic Plague”. Later that day, she took to Facebook with another post. “I’m not going to post anything like it ever. No matter how I feel. Oh man I made a big mistake. I’m so sad. I feel like a failure here looking at my daughter crying because I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able to find a job because of my own stupidity,” she wrote.


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  1. Maybe she shouldn’t post something related to her job. It’s like saying “I HATE WASHING DISHES” after applying for a dishwashing job. She just got a job working at a day care, then posted saying she hates working at a day care. What did she expect to happen?

  2. “resident was fired before she reached the Colony Child Development Daycare Center.”

    NOT LEGAL. An employer CAN NOT fire you over the phone, by email, text, letter, etc. IT MUST BE DONE IN PERSON. Also, NEVER let your job talk to you about work related stuff while you are off the clock. By this I mean if your manager ever calls you to talk about a meeting or something, or they call you in for a meeting while you are off, or even while you are working. They can’t tell you to clock out for a meeting that is business time you must be paid for.

    I only mention all of this because they are things I have experienced. Thankfully I knew the law and they didn’t get away with it.

  3. ““I’m not going to post anything like it ever. No matter how I feel. Oh man I made a big mistake. ”

    The only mistake she made was having her boss/job on her Facebook friends.
    Why do people do this? Keep your Facebook PRIVATE.

    As for her ” infuriated Facebook friends” Tell them to piss off. If they can’t support her for not liking her job, no mater if she was serious or not, then they are not friends, they are leeches.

  4. Really??? What did she expect will happen? But nothing happens without a reason.
    Now she have a chance to change her career to something that she doesn`t HATE.
    So all is good, unless she doesn`t see it.

    Even stupid mistakes, prove to be best moves of ones life. One just needs the power to see it and act upon it.

    Good luck

  5. i agree wholeheartedly with her boss’ decision. Would you want the lady who “hates kids” taking care of yours? I pay way too much for daycare to have someone who can’t stand my kid being there. And I don’t care how she tried to take it back, she said what she meant. She has no business taking care of children she doesn’t care about, that’s how kids get hurt. Maybe now she can reevaluate and find something she does like doing.


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