It’s been revealed that the Mall of America had ‘cat fished’ activists by falsely posing as a supporter of activism while on Facebook. “Nikki Larson” was an account that deliberately misled followers, after gaining their trust, to profile potential organizers of the December protests.
The protests took place on December 20, 2014, in Bloomington, Minnesota, one of the busiest trade days of the year.
The act of profiling activists is becoming a “growing, disturbing trend,” says Jordan Kushner, an attorney representing the activists being charged by the city. “We don’t like the idea of large corporations spying on people for political activity.”[1]
It’s since been discovered that the information collected through the fake Facebook account was used to build detailed dossiers of each key activist. The Nikki Larson account had “liked” the Black Lives Matter Minneapolis Facebook account, amongst many others, including the Ferguson activist groups SumOfUs, and Communities United Against Police Brutality.
The worrying trend of profiling potential activists before a protest occurs threatens the very act of free speech, suppressing it. The Mall of America has yet to comment on this breach of privacy.
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[1] Fang, L. (2015, March 20). Mall of America Security Catfished Black Lives Matter Activists, Documents Show. Retrieved from https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/03/18/mall-americas-intelligence-analyst-catfished-black-lives-matter-activists-collect-information/
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