Approximately 39.6 percent of men and women in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes. Every day, families around the world are devastated by the life-threatening disease.
When a patient is diagnosed with cancer, treatment options are explored and discussed with loved-ones and an oncologist. Chemotherapy, which works by killing cells that are in the process of splitting into 2 new cells, is one of the more common forms of cancer treatment. However, the risks and severe side effects associated with chemotherapy often discourage patients from pursuing this form of treatment.
As a result, more and more cancer patients are seeking information and advice on alternative cancer treatments. Unfortunately, because many oncologists advise against seeking treatments that are not Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approved, many patients are left to seek out, and even fight for, access to alternative treatments.
Once such case is Kelly and Jeff Witzeman, a couple who were advised that surgery was their only option when it was discovered that Kelly had a golf ball-sized tumor in her bladder. According to Collective Evolution, the couple were told that “the cancer has spread into the muscle wall and the only course of action is to remove the bladder.”
The couple later recalled that her sister and nephew had both been in remission for the last 3-4 years, and had not received chemotherapy or surgery as part of their treatment. Instead, Kerry’s sister had received treatment at a clinic in Germany that treats cancer naturopathically.
“It turns out cancer cannot survive in certain environments, if you starve it, it has nothing to feed on and killing it becomes relatively easy.”
Despite consulting her oncologist about the success of her sister’s treatment after a month-long stay, the couple were advised against pursuing it. According to the urologist, Kelly’s cancer was far too aggressive to be treated naturopathically.
Skeptical about the oncologist’s warnings, Kelly and Jeff started to carry out their own in-depth research into alternative methods to treat cancer. Cancertutor.com and Thetruthaboutcancer.com were cited as two invaluable sources, reports Collective Evolution.
With their research in hand, Kelly and Jeff made the informed decision to attend the Infusio clinic in Frankfurt, Germany. At the clinic, physicians issued Kelly with a treatment plan that consisted of a diet change, temperature therapy, and oxygen and immune boosting minerals via a drip.

Many cancer patients, even those who receive chemo and radiotherapy, adopt a natural diet. Evidence suggests that cancer cells survive on sugar, so eliminating refined sugar from a patient’s diet is believed to aid treatment.
“They used heat and oxygen to kill it, and then vitamins, minerals and amino acids to strengthen the immune system, which kills the cancer as well.”
Temperature therapy, a process that involves using a hyperthermia machine to direct heat to the area of the body harboring cancer cells, is used to kill cancer cells. According to research, cancer cells cannot survive in temperatures exceeding 105 degrees Fahrenheit.
Lastly, Kerry was put on a daily drip of oxygen for 5 days of the week, for a month. This treatment, which comprised filling drained blood with oxygen, helps to boost the immune system. In addition, Dioxychlor, GC-MAF, Vitamin B-17, Selenium, DMSO, and the ground up thymus of an organically fed cow, were also given to Kelly to boost her immune system.
Today, after completing her treatment plan in Germany, Kerry is in remission. Kerry’s treatment cost the couple roughly $28,000.00. Although this may be perceived as a large sum of money, Jeff considers the treatment to be a bargain, especially once you consider the alternative running costs of chemotherapy, drugs, surgery and treatment for infections.
In the United States alone, chemotherapy generates well over $125 billion dollars a year, a figure which is expected to rise to $156 billion in 2020. Because of this, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve alternative cancer treatments. As highlighted in Cut Poison Burn, a documentary that follows a family battling with the FDA to find a treatment solution for their young son, “the FDA holds a vise-like grip on treatment options.”
Cases such as these highlight the need for medical reform in the United States. The profits associated with harmful treatments and medication – not just for cancer patients – go into the pockets of large pharmaceutical companies, many of which are suspected to have long-term relationships with the FDA. As alternative treatments threaten the future of chemo drugs, they make every effort to prevent a patient’s access to them, which often has devastating effects on cancer patients and their families.
Image: Flickr user, Phil and Pam Gradwell (to be) (CC BY 2.0)
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