Only if we stand together, no matter of religion, race, or political view, there can be a better world – for us, the people, the 99%.
Link: Join Us On The Million Mask March On November 5th WORLDWIDE!
Only if we stand together, no matter of religion, race, or political view, there can be a better world – for us, the people, the 99%.
Link: Join Us On The Million Mask March On November 5th WORLDWIDE!
We need to work together.
we need to work together.
I don´t feel too confortable as a keyboard warrior, I would like to be able to hack them, expose them…
I would like to as well, as I continue to develop my computer skills and higher my education those skills will be acquired, but I would not be against finding a mentor within anonymous to teach me.
I love you guys. Keep up the good work, someone has to.
Thank god there are groups in the world like Anonymous! Standing up for what is right and actually protecting the world.
Is there anything you can do to expose the world of Forced Adoption and corruption in the UK’s Social Services? I know it’s happening and I’ve tried to voice this, but I don’t get heard as a single voice.
I ask this because I’ve had my son taken by Social Services for “risks” that cannot be justified and with them not actually having hard evidence, followed by them fabricating evidence to get what they want. Us parents going through it are essentially gagged by Social Services, with threats of convictions or even prison if we speak outside of the court.
The UN and EU all know about this, but cannot or will not do anything…
We are united!
I seriously like you guys. You tell us what everybody the media doesn’t. You give us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear. Keep up the good work!
They are right if we work together and end all wars this can be a better world!!!!!
I love you guys keep doing what you do
I hear you loud and clear, I Appreciate everything you do. And I thank you. We too need to play our part. I expect us to all to remember to Not be afraid. To Not hide in the dark. Do not accept the opinions of sheep, Wolves are not cowards. The worlds moral is extremely negative. We can change that. We are the only ones that can change that. An underly lady tell me today, “the day Kennedy died was the day innocents was lost”. Considering the events that happened after. I need to express our Rights in America. With all these shootings, it has me wondering if it may be conspiracy. To manipulate people into thinking “You See What Guns Do”, It Will push the sheep into place. The people without arms, is well, easy to control. The Obama party… Just a theory. We are legion, I will play my part.