By Carey Wedler at theantimedia.org
Disturbing though it may be, people in positions of power have been increasingly linked to pedophilia in recent years. From the ongoing Catholic priest sex abuse scandals to similar criminality among British lawmakers, it appears power and authority attract troubled individuals, at least to some degree.
This week, yet another pedophile ring was exposed, this time in Norway. Reports indicate politicians were among the members of the 51-person ring. Police investigating the potential crimes dubbed their inquiry “Operation Dark Room.”

As The Local, an English-language Norwegian outlet reported:
“Police seized 150 terabytes of data material in the form of photos, movies and chat transcripts between members of various paedophile networks.”
According to Hilde Reikrås, the head of Operation Dark Room, “The material shows the abuse of children of all ages, including infants.”
She discussed details of the findings at a press conference on Sunday:
“The material shows, among other things, the penetration of toddlers, children being tied up, children having sex with animals and children having sex with other children.”
Police said they uncovered more than one pedophile network on the dark web, where they believe members communicated. Reikrås said they believe “like-minded individuals met with each other in the so-called dark net, where they could talk with one another and cultivate their interest in children in peace.” The culprits reportedly used encryption to conceal their activities.
The Local summarized:
“Twenty of the 51 people involved in the cases were arrested by the Western Police District. The other 31 people are from other police districts across Norway, and those cases are still under investigation. An additional individual is also under investigation abroad.”
Deputy Police Chief Gunnar Floystad said on Sunday that “many of the suspects were highly educated and include lawyers and politicians,” Deutsche Welle, a German newspaper reported.
Police refrained from commenting further, citing the ongoing investigation.
Over the last few years, reports of pedophilia among the world’s power brokers have consistently emerged. The United Kingdom has struggled with pedophilia among its lawmakers for decades. In fact, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s administration has been accused of ignoring — and even covering up — these crimes. Further, recent national police investigation revealed over 1,400 members of a child pedophilia ring, 76 of whom were British politicians at both the local and national level.
Similar echoes have emerged from Hollywood, where former child actors have claimed adults in the industry prey on vulnerable children and teens.
Even Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, two of the most influential men in the United States, have been linked to known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, who operated a jet dubbed the ‘Lolita Express’ where members of the elite are alleged to have had sex with underage girls.
Pedophilia is certainly not limited to people in commanding positions, but as ongoing revelations continue to expose politicians and other high-ranking members of society, it is worth asking why some are drawn to such power in the first place.
This article (Another Pedophile Ring Involving Politicians Was Just Busted) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Carey Wedler and theAntiMedia.org.
It is also never too late to start re-investigating the Franklin scandal as both abusers and most of the victims are still alive. It is time to bring down that lurid bush family.
34 new names have come up in the investigation – and the total og over 5000 usernames (but some users had several usernames…) and there is some 30 links to foreign countries… so more will role out in this case. This is just the start!
They are all sick twisted and perverted. The whole NATO alliance.
The report implicated the pope s brother for looking away and failing to intervene. It s not far fetched to believe that he was actually involved, and perhaps this mounting pressure was the reason for Benedict s early retirement, and shifted attention away from them and onto Pope Francis.
Pope Benedict was about to release information in 2013 that Jesus is back on the Earth. My email to Gabriel in Rome: Hi Gabriel,
Saw your response to Halifax newspaper. Re woman leaving the church.
I have some questions:
What does Jan 11 1944 represent ?
How are you and Benedict so sure that Brian Leonard Golichtly Marshall is in fact who he says he is?
Where is he from?
Why is he silent?
Does he claim to be the son of God or the son of man?
Mark10:45 son of man
Gabriel has not responded and according to his site, Francis put Benedict under house arrest and killed 3 of his close confidants. One was a priest, one a nun and one other who knew about Benedict’s planned release. There is only one creator God , not three. Rome made Jesus a god and Benedict was planning the same scam again