Archaeologists working in Jordan have confirmed that they have discovered the famous biblical city of Sodom, which the Bible said was destroyed by God with fire due to the sins of the people living in it around the Middle Bronze Age.
The city was discovered at a site known as the Tall el-Hammam in the southern Jordanian River Valley, about 14 kilometers northeast of the Dead Sea.
The excavation work was led by Professor Steven Collins of Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.
Many scientists believe the story of Sodom and Gomorra found in the Bible is a mythology but the seemingly mysterious demise of all the other Jordan Disk sites toward the end of the Middle Bronze Age, followed by an occupational hiatus of at least five centuries has brought scientists to the conclusion that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah could be true and that the cities could have suffered a catastrophic destruction. The Jordan Disk is a 25-kilometer diameter circle of the Jordan Valley, north of the Dead Sea.
In the past, there have been many speculations about the locations of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 13-19) and the so-called “Cities of the Plain,” but their location and identification have remained elusive in the minds of some scholars.
According to Sky News, Tall el-Hammam dates back between 3500 and 1540 BC. When the discovery was made, the site was marked by a large mound, meaning the city may have been divided into two between the upper class and the lower class.
Things found at the site included drawings of prostitutes, both heterosexual and homosexual, defensive walls about 10m high and 5m thick, gates, towers, plazas, ramparts, and a Red Palace in the upper city.
Another fact which convinced the archaeologists to believe that they have discovered the city is that the Tall el-Hammam and other sites on the eastern half of the Jordan Disk are located precisely in the geographical area specified for the biblical “Cities of the Jordan Plain”.
According to theologians, this geographical area was documented in both the Bible and Qur’an as the place where Abraham’s nephew, Lot escaped from the destruction that ruined Sodom and Gomorra.
Professor Collins said this confirms that the site is what was described in the Bible. He was quoted as saying “The proofs that we found here confirm what the Bible says. I know many people doubt the validity of the Bible as a scientific source, but this proves it does have a lot of value’’.
The World News Daily reports that the discovery proved that the city was destroyed by some sort of violent seismic or volcanic disaster.
Professor Collins emphasized that the textual and material evidence from the site clearly point to the fact that the Bible is a reliable source for history and that it will be unfair for the book to be put aside when discussing scientific prove regarding the two cities.
“It is intellectually dishonest to dismiss the Bible as a site-selection parameter. There is no doubt that the Bible remains one of the best ancient geographical texts available to archaeologists and historians. And particular interest is generated in certain sites because of potential biblical connections. We have searched for a specific location using the texts as a base, and we have proven that it was right. This is reality”, Professor Collins said.
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Bollocks! One more bible crazed american!
Why must we all be lumped into such a category?
I for one am not Religious as are most people I know.
Show me the Proof. The evidence needs to speak for it’s self.
Like any scientific discovery Proof it send it to peer review.
I think there’s far more important issues in the world than a Damned 2000 year old books validity. Take it as it is, ancient stories meant to portray a way of life.
Now how bout we take on some serious issues say our environment, Educating people on how to act/react to one another with out resorting to violence. and so many other things.
Everyone claiming logic yet neither side has any. Atheist say God is impossible but can’t explain why, Christians claim he is but can’t give evidence. Unless you are ready for this debate. Leave
Indubitably, some people will see this as proof that the bible is true, or that “god” exists, being ignorant of how logic works and what it would require for proof. Then, also there is the question . . . . why do they bother with pursuing such conclusions, if they have so much “faith”?
Hey, shawn….which leads me to ask this question , then. Why did you even feel the need to read the article?? Oop!
I don’t understand in which way , the Bible having truth based myths is a proof of God ,you’re comment is useless . Also faith works with doubt, or it isn’t faith, but blindness. Let peoples believes what they want it isn’t your problem..
It’s nothing more than proof that some religious leader thousands of years ago blamed an earthquake or volcanic eruption on their ‘God’, to convince people that unwed sex and gays are bad.
Someone is indubitably scared of being wrong, next halloween will bring another biblical discovery, now we have “faith” and we have a “proof”, and technically you have nothing, even “if” you see god, you would say It was an enchantment, pointless!
You do know that believing that God doesn’t exist takes just as much faith as believing that he does, right? I think it’s obvious that you don’t understand the concept of faith. All of your logic and reason are nothing without faith. It’s not about having faith or not having faith. Faith is required in all things. The question is, what do you have faith in?
The reason such Bible-haters are obsessed and posting in these threads is that they fear the idea of a God Who has promulgated universal rules for good conduct.
They only want the temporary rules their evil atheistic faction makes up as it goes along, they want a Cosmos with no permanent and reliable truths. They want a genocidal State controlled by the worst among them. That’s how it works out in practice…
I do not fear ‘God’ or his rules any more than I fear the tooth fairy is coming to steal my teeth in the night. Thanks for trying, but you can’t dictate the minds of those who do not believe the same as you simply because they use the same right to say they don’t believe as you use to say you do. That would be the same as me claiming all religious people only believe in God because they fear the infinite end of their existence, and don’t want to admit that there really is nothing more to life.
See what I did there? I generalized every believer as being simple minded and basing faith on fear. Sound familiar?
Not believing in God takes no effort. All I had to do was let go of superstition. Trust me, believing in God took a shit load of effort.
You do know that believing that God doesn’t exist takes just as much faith as believing that he does, right? I think it’s obvious that you don’t understand the concept of faith. All of your logic and reason are nothing without faith. It’s not about having faith or not having faith. Faith is required in all things. The question is, what do you have faith in?
Then tell me. How does logic disprove God. C’mon, I’m itching to prove someone wrong using science and logic
The bible proves it self as a reliable historical document again.
Doubters can’t prove God doesn’t exist. I’ve experienced his intervention in my life, and still can’t prove He does. But then, I can’t prove that my own ancestor existed three hundred years ago, except by my existence. As far as I’m concerned, that pretty much proves the existence of both my ancestor, and God.
The religiots will no doubt jump all over this one as proof of fairytales
Happy Halloween but unfortunately, no more sweets for you, We don’t want you to eat fairytales 😉
Ron Wyatt did in the 1980’s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOWrPFb6w0w He has since died but on his website there is a link to photos of the area that have now been blanked out. Also Noahs Ark in Turkey which incidentally he was believed by the Turkish government and there is now a museum.
They never brought god into the picture in this article. What are you guys on about? Learn to read or go see a psych. All they said was the Bible is a good source of ancient information. It’s one of the most complete sources of what life was like back then and gives geological information. They never said anything about Faith or God. Simply this is a clue to the past.
I have an issue with what he stated in the video. He was talking about Pederasty as if it were one of the reasons the town was killed. He talks about it as if it were. The story is too fantastical, as if it were a fabricated tail after the fact. The clues tell me that a meteorite struck that area and was so powerful it took out much more than one town. The Earth’s recoil was for volcanoes the release pressure from deep inside our planet.
When one gets hit in the belly, all they ate will spurge out.Its not very hard to see, but this doctor, so called, wants to stay on track of the Bible, and not the actual events. Our Earth has a liquid center, that is surrounded with a deep crust. Take a balloon, fill it with water, then cake clay around it, then tap one side, see how much get pushed with pressure. This will show why the Volcano went off. The connection he made with Crete,Greece, and the homophobia he certainly shows in his expressions, but remember he said this was practiced throughout the known world. So, no real certain anything, its a very weak argument.
My conclusion, is that Sodom was known of for the raping practices of guests, and was thought of as the rapping city. So when happenstance a meteorite hit that area so hard it radioactively intoxicated the whole region for 700 years. The blast was so impressive it caused volcanoes. I have to say another thing the doctor left out is there was no such word for homosexuality, this came in with the turn of the 20th century. Back in this ancient times, people were as the doc said, pansexual, meaning there is no lines between sexual behavior, much broader than bisexual. This included the acceptance of cross sexual or transsexual’s.
People were NOT “pansexual” you dolt. That kind of behavior was NEVER accepted as normal. The “happenstance” you speak of, that “coincidence” is called God’s will. It’s the belief that the wicked will get what they deserve. You didn’t think people believed that God literally rained down fire with his bare hands do you? Did you think people believed that he stood on a mountain and summoned fire-balls from the sky? lol
Geez, they aren’t saying that this proves everything in the bible is real and everyone should believe everything it says! That archeologist didn’t claim that once. He was simply stating that the Bible has some historic fact and shouldn’t be dismissed as simply a “fairytale”. They have made many discoveries using ancient texts of all kinds, nobody mocks those. Everybody just chill out and appreciate that this is pretty cool. And the fact t that this place is mentioned in TWO spiritual books (funnt nobody cares or mentions the other only atta ks the bible) and has now been found using simply those as references is kind of awesome.
This isn’t about proving God is real. This is showing how awesome history and science is!
This wasn’t about proving whether God is real or not. It was showing you how cool science and history are! Not once did this guy say “hey look what we found so now everything in the Bible must be real! ” he just stated that the Bible shouldn’t be looked at as simply a “fairytale” book. It shouldn’t be dismissed. It does contain historical facts. Many many other discoveries have been made that are mentioned in the Bible, and numerous other ain’t texts. I find it funny too how you all mention the Bible, but another spiritual based book was also used, but no one ever cares about that. That one is fine.
Don’t be such bitter Debbie downers. This is cool! So just look at it as being cool! And let others take from. It and believe what they want. Bottom line. It’s history. It’s fact it’s science. Get over it
OK…so some geological areas are confirmed
Lol still don’t prove there is a God….
Are you a caveman? It’s Archaeological, not geological!
I think he meant Geographical. Are you a moron, or just trying to ridicule the atheists weighing in? Something you’re doing a pretty shitty job of, I might say.
You still think, so stop talking until you’re sure 😉
I hear the Bible will also tell us where Israel is some day. We just have to follow God’s clues.
Haha I love how often this article states “prove” without actually stating any evidence.
The bible is known to have useful geographic information, many sites in the area still have the same or similar names. Yes, agreed.
This does not then follow that the EVENTS are factual. If this site was destroyed as the result of a natural disaster it simply means it may have better preserved this “sinful” evidence. Pompeii, for example, has thousands of explicit drawings on many of its buildings. We do not know how common this practise was in standing cities as “sinful” and pagan art was often destroyed.
The fact that it appears in this city does not make it automatically Sodom.
That it dates to a similar time period, is just one of the many possible city’s to do so.
That it was destroyed by a natural disaster does not mean that God stroke it down. Look at how many natural disasters have happened in the past 10 years say (and we can date far more accurately if it was volcanic), we cannot say that this (one of many areas affected) is then Sodom because it was struck by a volcano.
There is simply not enough evidence.
The argument of whether there is a God is beside the point. That is a belief argument.
The Bible IS a source, whether because of geographic information, it’s mythogical stories or its comment on past (and current) societies and their belief systems.
The argument that this site is Sodom does not have enough evidence (at least at the current time) to support the claim.